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So... Am I allowed to make a WAD with Wolfenstein 3D Textures?

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3 minutes ago, FabulousDoom said:


this 2.PNG


It seems to me that everything is going well, I don't think you need to add more things, I feel that with the textures of the Wolfenstein it is doing very well

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Just now, ElPadrecitoCholo said:


It seems to me that everything is going well, I don't think you need to add more things, I feel that with the textures of the Wolfenstein it is doing very well

I asked if I'm allowed to use them in a legal way. But thanks lol

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If they're part of the original IWAD, they're totally fine to use.


If you're ripping textures from the original game and putting them into a WAD, technically illegal but in practice probably a blind eye would be turned to it. I mean, Laz Rojas made TONS of Wolf-inspired stuff back in the day and those certainly didn't get ganked from the internet.

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Oh, yea.  People use textures from Heretic, Duke Nukem 3D, and other games all the time.  The only legal issue would be if Bethesda wanted to put the WAD on their new official port, then they would have to change those textures.  With Wolfenstein, though, it's a game they own the rights to, so it wouldn't be an issue even then.

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What baffles me is that nobody attempted to ''Doomified'' Wolf3D levels. Thats it with height variations and sector lightning.

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1 hour ago, FabulousDoom said:

I asked if I'm allowed to use them in a legal way. But thanks lol


Oops!, haha, excuse me then partner, I think I had misunderstood the post, anyway I hope I have helped you with something xD

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19 minutes ago, P41R47 said:

What baffles me is that nobody attempted to ''Doomified'' Wolf3D levels. Thats it with height variations and sector lightning.

Brutal Wolfenstein does this a bit, but it also has over the top gore and carnage I don't care for.  If you could strip just the levels out of it I'd be quite interested in playing it.

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15 minutes ago, guitardz said:

Brutal Wolfenstein does this a bit, but it also has over the top gore and carnage I don't care for.  If you could strip just the levels out of it I'd be quite interested in playing it.

Yeah, it doesn't change much, but gives a good idea of what can be do.

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On 10/30/2020 at 9:47 AM, P41R47 said:

What baffles me is that nobody attempted to ''Doomified'' Wolf3D levels. Thats it with height variations and sector lightning.


Maybe not what your looking for, but PSX Doom TC's Lost Levels reinterpret Wolfenstein and Grosse as proper Doom levels with height variations and stuff. 


I too have wondered though about reimagining classic wolf3D levels in Doom's curvier levels with height and non 90 degree angles

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Fun fact: one reason why Doom has PWADs is because Wolf3d didn't, and so the vast majority of old Wolf3d mods are essentially IWAD edits. And they all remain hosted without much issue, so despite the legal grayness, putting a few Wolf3d graphics in your mod nowadays is about as uncontroversial as it gets.


Speaking of which, if you're gonna use the 128x128 wolf textures from Doom 2, you might as well use a fitting hi-res cell door sprite to go with them - available in the ECWolf Unofficial Remaster among others, which in turn has it from the Mac port of Wolf3d.

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