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Are there any maps from the IWADs you happen to enjoy, but other people probably don't?

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For example, Mount Pain and Last Call (MAP27 and MAP30 of TNT: Evilution) are well-known maps and hated amongst a lot of people I know. But I personally love both of them. They both consist of nonstop push-forward combat, with very little puzzle-solving and backtracking as opposed to the rest of the WAD. They remain a challenge, but not too tough or unfair, with plenty of ammo, plenty of room, and plenty of monsters to kill. Mount Pain is the kind of Doom I like to play. Even if a map is not aesthetically pleasing, I'll take gameplay over that any day.

Similarly with Ultimate Doom's E2M9: Fortress of Mystery. A simple but fun concept level. Nothing too fancy, but to me it's still fun to play. Kinda why I like Sandy Petersen's levels more, focusing mostly on gameplay and gimmicks.


What are some levels that you guys personally enjoy, but others may not like?

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I don't know if it's that unpopular but my #1 IWAD level is Plutonia 11 for sure. I also like map 28 which doesn't seem to be very popular.


Here's all the IWAD levels I really like:

Plutonia 06, 11, 31, 32, 28

Doom 2 07, 08, 32, 26, 27, 28, 29

Edited by DOEL

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From DooM II:

MAP 23 - Barrels O' Fun. Hard to say what the community overall thinks of this map but I personally love goofing around in it, plus if I get bored of listening to a custom song in a megawad I'll usually type "IDMUS 23" just to rock out to D_AMPIE.


This is probably blasphemy but... MAP24 isn't the worst map in DooM II. Sure, Chasm's walkways are far too small I can't argue against that, but I like the fact it's one of the very first semi-non linear levels that's somewhat open in design. For a map made in 1994 it's got its merits.



Again, probably blasphemy but I think MAP08 ,Metal, isn't the absolute worst level (that goes to 27). Sure it's bland and ugly but people need to chill out... it's not like the map is designed to offend anyone either through high difficulty or painful textures... it's just a little ugly.


People think the brown water texture used for the roof of the tunnels in Habitat make no sense but think about it for a second: The rest of the pipe is brown. There's water at the bottom. If you think about it, it looks like light is bouncing off the water and reflecting onto the ceiling. (I think the animation is synchronised as well).

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MAP21: Nirvana seems to be forgotten, It's simple sure, but I kinda find it fun.

MAP23: Nobody talks about Barrels O' Fun, I think that the level premise is silly and kind of creative for Doom,

MAP24: The Chasm is really overhated, I think it's pretty fun and it brings a new challenge to the table, and the story that Sandy Petersen based off of one of his nightmares is interesting.

E3M2: I don't know why this one gets hated, It's a great map with a fun maze-like challenge to it, And sweet music to go along with it.  

Edited by DownloadTheseSweetViruses

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Evilution MAP08: Metal. It has great, refined aesthetic, the gameplay is fun and nowhere near as hard as others make it out to be, and the music is one of the best in Doom history. 

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I constantly see people bad mouthing e4m1, e4m2 and map23 so often these days and for the life of me I have no idea why. I swear this is a semi-modern phenomenon, like some time within the last 10 years everyone just agreed the maps sucked and I simply missed the memo. They’re very fun maps imo, some of the best.


I also love the Icon of Sin since it’s 99x more fun and challenging than the Doom1 bosses, but hatred for the IoS is a long established thing unlike the 3 maps I mentioned above.

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13 minutes ago, Doomkid said:



I also love the Icon of Sin since it’s 99x more fun and challenging than the Doom1 bosses, but hatred for the IoS is a long established thing unlike the 3 maps I mentioned above.

Eh I disagree personally. Sure it spawns monsters infinitely, but as long as you can hit the skull switch and kill or avoid the monsters, it's pretty easy to shoot 3 rockets into the Icon. While sure, you could take out the Spider Mastermind with two BFG shots, and you can rocket duel the Cyberdemon, they could actually damage you directly. 

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10 hours ago, Dunn & Dunn said:

Mount Pain and Last Call (MAP27 and MAP30 of TNT: Evilution) are well-known maps and hated amongst a lot of people I know. But I personally love both of them.

I quite like Mt. Pain, and Last Call is my favorite of the iwad Icon maps. In general, I give TNT way more love than it seems many are willing to, but that does not extend to Habitat, although I don't consider it the definitive worst thing ever either.


Probably nothing from Plutonia. 


In Doom 2 Map 24 The Chasm is easily in my top 10, maybe top 5. I also like Map 09 The Pit, but both of these are more polarizing, I think, than just universally disliked.


In Doom 1 I like E3M2 Slough of Despair and E4M3 Sever the Wicked


35 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

I constantly see people bad mouthing e4m1, e4m2

Hmmm, I've not really noticed this.

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Oh yeah, a lot of them:

Fortress of Mystery: I know it may look entirely pointless nowadays, but the map was fine as a puzzle at the time (with visual clues on each room to show that the two factions hate each other). I love it for what it is.
Slough of Despair: My favorite map in E3

Unholy Cathedral: Great atmosphere, I like the teleport trap.

Downtown: An expansion to the Mt. Erebus sandbox layout, I like it for the non-linearity alone

Nirvana: The map definitely have it's problems - it's too simple and kinda ugly. But I enjoy the weird, surreal-like sequence that you get by traveling from one teleport to another. Seems to share the same idea from Unholy Cathedral (map with a central area where you can find all your goodies)

The Chasm: Beautiful in any possible way

Edited by Noiser

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Just putting this out there, most people seem to hate sunlust map32 but I find it really enjoyable. It's not that unfair with enough practice. 


My list (IWADs):

1. Map19 of TNT Evilution (Shipping/respawning)

2. Map16 of TNT Evilution (Deepest Reaches)

3. Map24 of Doom 2 (The Chasm)

4. Map21 of Doom 2 (Nirvana)

5. E2M9 of Ultimate Doom (Fortress of Mystery)

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Barrels O' Fun! It's gimmicky but I kinda like it for that. Also I'm a fan of the kind of weird/unorthodox architecture in that map, as well as in general.

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Unholy Cathedral, Tricks and Traps. Come on, a cursed cathedral, at night, in hell. This is great.

I don't hate Fortress of Mystery, Slough of Despair, Chasm, even Hell Keep.


Mostly Sandy is my favorite IWAD mapper because of how atmospheric his work is, even if underdeveloped according to current standards.

Edited by Sunnyfruit

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E3M7 is my shit, but I get the feeling that it's generally kind of unpopular. For years I thought it was a Romero map because it's got that super clean visual style.

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1 hour ago, HAK3180 said:

In Doom 1 I like E3M2 Slough of Despair

Wow, I didn't know that E3M2 is underrated. I just can't believe it.

It has cool map layout (glove!) and the music fits it very well imo



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I agree with a lot of these responses. Nirvana might be pretty hideous and thrown together in minutes, but it's still fun and a bit of a challenge in terms of gameplay.


MAP22: Habitat of TNT was truly trying to go for something. Some of the aesthetics are nice, trying to resemble a water treatment plant. I think if they replaced or removed the sewer section it wouldn't be as bad as people take it today.

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I've always liked E2M3 in Doom 1, and don't understand the hate for it. The worst part about the level is traversing through some nukage to grab a shotgun if you're pistol starting it, but otherwise, I found it to be a fun level, and the dark room at the end still spooks me every time I play through Refinery.

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