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even more maps

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So I released a level a while ago called base of traps, and I felt like adding more maps to it would be a good idea, so..

4 maps

Doom 2 IWAD

Tested with GZDoom

And please give feedback.

(This probably sucks)







Edited by Castr_Tricks2

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I played through these on UV.  I figured you intended pistol starts since there was a death exit after map01, so I did that as well.  I think you have some good ideas and just need more practice to work on developing them.


Overall, my main complaint would be the general flatness of the maps.  There's not a lot of height variation and that's something people typically expect from Doom maps.  You don't have to go overboard with it but a little goes a long way.


Generally, map 01 and map 04 are the strongest.  You have the best traps here and the most interesting enemy compositions.  You know in map01 how you have the chaingunner teleport in at one height while the other enemies teleport in at another?  You should do more stuff like that.  Have some enemies on one surface, but maybe have another up in a turret or some more on a raised walkway nearby, that kinda thing.  Playing around with light levels can also help with this effect.  E1M1 is always a good example of a flat-ish map that places enemies at different heights/distances.


All of this is meant kindly.  I think you have some good instincts when it comes to encounter design and hope you keep mapping!

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Ultra-Violence || GZDoom || Vanilla++



*Map 01: Deaths - 1 (killed by a Cacodemon's energy ball); Saves - none

*Maps 02 to 04: Deaths - 0; Saves - none


MAP 01:






An especially short map, but with tough enemies, the structure it has is really simple, but at the same time beautiful, I mean, it fits the map, despite being only 3 rooms, and with the enemies, we only have Hitscanners, Imps, 1 Pinky, 1 Hell Knight and u1 Cacodemon, nothing to write home about, although there is still a challenge for closed spaces. By the way, was the instant death of the exit really necessary?...


MAP 02:






A light, simple and short map again, but with a decent combat, at least for me, despite not having anything new in textures or decoration, I suppose it is not a big problem since I have to assume that the objective here is only to find the enemy and kill him mercilessly as usual. Here the enemies are practically a great majority weak, and the other consists of pinkys, nothing more.


MAP 03:







This time the map has now become more extensive, but in the linear sense of the word, so not that there is much to highlight here, except for the initial room with that giant column of bones and meat that goes around all over the place, but then everything ends up being rocky, like being inside a cave, with a strange structure and curves, but that nevertheless, does not add much variety to the map, although it was good to make a map of that style. Enemies again pose no problem, just Hitscanners, Imps, and pinkys, although the secrets were really interesting. 


MAP 04:






Now this last map I really liked a lot, because it brings back memories of plutonia, and no, I'm not a masochist, but the textures that are used in plutonia really catch my attention, along with the difficulty that it brings, at least in this map feels as if it were a small room of some map of that expansion, however, I liked certain details put here, for example, the design of that stand was really good, and I really think it is incredible how you should manage to get all of that compressed into that shape, I'm really impressed. With the difficulty, here there is a little more challenge, as with the first map, here we have, apart from the common enemies, a built-in Revenant, which, that is already something, but making the Weak monsters in the center while the others attack you from the side, it really gives a little air to intense combat, and that is quite appreciated. Anyway, I liked everything I tried, and what I ended up enjoying is really a good set of maps to entertain, although you can also expect something more than what is already present and shown in that Wad.

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Thanks for playing! Guess I have grown in mapping skill. :/ And don't worry, there will be more maps, and they will be much better.


And well, map 03 is a mine after all, so you would expect it to be rocky


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6 minutes ago, Castr_Tricks2 said:

Thanks for playing! Guess I have grown in mapping skill. :/ And don't worry, there will be more maps, and they will be much better.


@Castr_Tricks2 You're welcome, it was a pleasure to have played your Wad, and that's very good news.


7 minutes ago, Castr_Tricks2 said:

And well, map 03 is a mine after all, so you would expect it to be rocky


Huh, that makes a lot of sense to me.

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@Biodegradable Sorry, the end of map 01 is supposed to be that way, so it removes your weapons for the next maps.

Wasn't obvious

And the yellow "door" in map02 is a leftover from when there was a door there, but I couldn't get it to work, so I just removed it.

Map03's health is because of the ridiculous amount of hitscan.

Yeah, now that I think about it, there's way too much health. I'll work on that.


Edited by Castr_Tricks2

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These are all pretty primitive maps. Map 2 in particular was honestly pretty bad. I couldn't figure out how to finish map 1 without dying, so I just loaded into map 2 and played from there. They were all pretty easy, and I honestly don't have much to say.

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Sorry, it's a death exit, it kills you, but you still go to the next level.

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