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**New Clippy map** "Shut up LSA" - a unique challenge I hope

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Get it here http://www.levelgame.net/doom/shaddup.wad


Did you ever see that movie "A Quite place?", neither did I















Arqueto made this cool banner


It's a speedmap I made it in 3-4 hours or whatever an afternoon is. An idea I had for a while


GZDOOM or something more than vanilla should work fine


I can beat in 10 minutes and yes UV MAX cause I know what I'm doing


All difficulty and silly multiplayer stuff supported


Jumping and crouching turned off but feel free to free look


All feedback good or bad and vids of playthrough welcome :)


Good times ... I hope. This is a weird one as usual


Get it here http://www.levelgame.net/doom/shaddup.wad

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I really liked this one!  Another clever take on a fun concept.  I'm going to put most of my comments under a tag since this map has some important spoilers.


Stuff about the map:


I felt like what you were supposed to do was intuitive and enjoyable to figure out.  I saved/reloaded a lot on this one if I took too much splash damage or got some unfortunate RNG, but I don't mind that with an infighting-focused map.  Plus I'm bad at dodging rockets.


I was so surprised by the second cyberdemon!  It took me a few seconds to realize it was a different one.  I was assuming I would get a BFG or plasma gun at the end to kill them but the crusher was a decent option.  Killing the weakened cybderdemon wasn't bad but it took forever to get the other one.  Of course, not like I had to kill it, I just wanted 100%.  I did like that you can use that (fake?) switch in the center of the map to trap the cyberdemons under the crusher.


This is maybe the first map of yours where I found all the secrets?  Either they were easier or I'm getting better at it, haha.  I liked them, though.


UV max took me 14 minutes, a lot of it waiting for that second cyberdemon to get crushed.


Really fun map, especially for just an afternoon's work.

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@Salmon thank you for playing! 



Glad my map wasn't confusing. I was going for a unique experience here to only give out the pistol, even at the end I didn't want to give weapons because I wanted this map to be beatable without them. I save a lot when playing this map too haha


When you say it took forever to kill the other cyberdemon did you still have bullets to weaken it? 


Truthfully I really phoned in the secrets this time, I usually focus really hard on secrets but for this one it was all about game play so I stuck a secret in each quadrant anyway, mostly useless stuff like a few bullets etc, with the main secret at the end




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Hey Clippy, such a nice speed map buddy, dont you ever stop surprising me with your maps! Not that an infighting map is anything new, but always hard to keep the player entertained for a long time in these kind of maps. The symmetrical layout fits really well for the concept, it almost feels like a final episode map, in a funny/clippy approach of course.



I couldnt get UV-max this time, shame on me. In my vid you can see how confused I was at the end, I wanted to kill them, but no clue how (didnt know about any crushers). I had the not so brilliant idea of letting them get close to the exit corridor, thinking I would be able somehow to block them and punch them, but it was a dead end since the dont fit inside.



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@Soulless thank you so much for playing I always love your videos


lately I haven't been feeling like endeavoring into a huge map like I usually do so I've been just doing short sweet ones



I haven't had time to test my map without saves. So you may be the first person to have done so. It takes me 10 minutes or so to utilize The Crushers to get the job done on UV Max. There's a crusher right at the start that you can utilize all you want to keep crushing monsters and when you walk in the exit room another crusher in the center activates


Good Times


You even picked up the secrets which for this map was kind of not useful secrets. I mean I couldn't give too much to the player without ruining the flow of the map and the secrets are more of a hinderance anyway because you can die trying to get them haha. 


Very impressive how you captivating near death


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Shut up LSA


Ultra-Violence || GZDoom || Vanilla



*Deaths: 1

*Saves: 1






Well, here we are, with a new Clippy map to enjoy, or suffer? Anyway, I have to say that the map was really interesting, although it is not that I had much fun here, since it has so many things to do. Which feels very uncomfortable to play, but at the same time it shows a challenge that makes you think more than necessary, and in a way, I suppose that makes this map special. With the structure it has, I must admit that I really liked everything implemented here, from its initial form, which can be seen from the start of the game, until reaching the part of the red key where, when the switch, even more traps are activated with an interesting and very good decoration, perhaps there is not so much variety of textures around here, but with what we have already achieved, it is more than enough.


Although I will be honest, and it is that who steals the whole show is, without a doubt, the difficulty, not only because of the fact that it presents you with a Cyberdemon at the beginning of the map, but also that you are not equipped with more weapons than They are not only the Gun, and finally the Chainsaw (although I did not really end up seeing it as something very necessary to add if one takes into account that with the Cyberdemons, hanging around there, it is impossible to kill them with that weapon), and speaking of enemies, here we have mostly only demons, because apparently there is no Hitscanner in the whole place, oh wait, it turns out that there is, only one zombieman, and other demons, there are only Imps, Pinkys, Cacodemons, Barons of Hell, Hell Knights, 1 Mancubus, 2 Revenants, and 1 Archvile. But despite all these difficulties, the reality is that I had a lot of fun playing the map, seeing how I survived the fighting, and escaping to the exit when I realized that the Crusher where it served to crush the demons was not entirely effective. with a Cyberdemon, but well, thanks for the new map Clippy, and let's hope in the future some Random surprise that you get to bring with your content, partner.

Edited by ElPadrecitoCholo

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@ElPadrecitoCholo thanks for playing


somebody pointed out that each one of my maps has had a chainsaw on it so now I have a mandate to always include a chance at some point another even if it is useless haha


Hope you had fun I was trying to do something extraordinary here. 


Someday I might try to make a traditional map



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7 minutes ago, Clippy said:

@ElPadrecitoCholo thanks for playing


somebody pointed out that each one of my maps has had a chainsaw on it so now I have a mandate to always include a chance at some point another even if it is useless haha


Hope you had fun I was trying to do something extraordinary here. 


Someday I might try to make a traditional map




I guess this clears up a few things for me, but hey, now I know about including the Chainsaw in your maps, and hopefully I hope to see that traditional map that you will mate.



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12 minutes ago, ElPadrecitoCholo said:

@Clippy Finally I achieved 100% of everything thanks to the help of a set of weapons for this map.


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Cool. I also provided a crusher and lots of infighting to achieve this purpose without doing anything fancy

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44 minutes ago, Clippy said:


Cool. I also provided a crusher and lots of infighting to achieve this purpose without doing anything fancy


In this I also realized that the Crusher existed to kill the Cyberdemons, but in truth that in the gameplay they had cornered me and well, I must have used a better weapon to kill those big men, although now that I am aware of it, I'll see if I give it another turn later, mate.

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Uhh, you know, I didn't actually shoot at it.  No idea why I didn't.  In this game where you shoot stuff.  Seems really obvious now!  TBH I've never shot a cyberdemon with a pistol, I guess I assumed it would not do much damage?  Napkin math shows I could have pretty easily taken off 1/4 of its health that way, though.


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7 minutes ago, Salmon said:



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Uhh, you know, I didn't actually shoot at it.  No idea why I didn't.  In this game where you shoot stuff.  Seems really obvious now!  TBH I've never shot a cyberdemon with a pistol, I guess I assumed it would not do much damage?  Napkin math shows I could have pretty easily taken off 1/4 of its health that way, though.



You can UV max this one without firing a single shot, I hope to demonstrate this in a demo soon, but yes shooting would make things go faster haha

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Maybe this is not the way you intended for it to be played, but this is the way I like it and you can't stop me !



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@Delisk lol play how you want. It's funny tho cause I wanted this to be a level you sneak around in and don't make noise and you appear to be attacking monsters with a microphone or somethin

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I tried to make a playthrough vid, did a few times in the middle otherwise here it is, thanks for playing ppl



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7 hours ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

Here is my play through if anyone is interested in checking out.


I really enjoyed this video. I have been trying to pull this off myself and haven't been able to do it lol. That is I haven't beaten it without using saves. Something goes wrong every time I try 🥴

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