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Little things that lightly annoy you in Doom?

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You walk happily on lava with a radsuit and suddenly.......a leak happens and you die because you had less than 10% health.


Does that annoy some of you as well or it's just me?

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9 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

You walk happily on lava with a radsuit and suddenly.......a leak happens and you die because you had less than 10% health.


Does that annoy some of you as well or it's just me?


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Catch-22 situations. Like, I have no ammo at all (and no chainsaw and no berserk-powered fist, just to make things worse), but... the only available ammo pick-ups are heavily guarded by dozens of hitscanners, some revenants, perhaps a pair of arch-viles...

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1 hour ago, leodoom85 said:

You walk happily on lava with a radsuit and suddenly.......a leak happens and you die because you had less than 10% health.


Does that annoy some of you as well or it's just me?

Mount Erebus

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To be as petty as possible:  The fact that the three zombies use the same vocal sounds. Come on, I want to know from sound cues if it's a zombieman or a chaingunner.  There's already three enemies and three alert noises, they don't need to share them randomly!

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- Gimmick levels in Doom 2
- Pain Elementals (well, that's not a little thing)

- That big arrow in Downtown

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Slightly misjudging an arch-vile hitscan dodge. God it's frustrating when you jump behind a small or awkward obstacle and get blasted.


Killing a shotgunner and getting shot simultaneously.


Accidentally picking up berserk or switching weapons while killing an attacking chaingunner.


Getting blocked by weaker, smaller enemies when trying to battle more dangerous ones.

and many others.

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G1 switches that are slightly off the vertical center of the screen.


...I'm totally innocent of that. 100%.

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14 hours ago, dannebubinga said:

Bouncing when hitting a wall.


Oh my god yes. I was playing Suspended in Dusk, which really likes to starve you of health. Do not get me wrong, I like it how it makes me afraid of Zombiemen, as you crawl forward hoping to God to find a Stimpack.


And then you catch a glimpse of a Shotgunner leveling his gun at you, but you are quick to dash behind a wall only to get bounced back into his view and dying like a chump.


Or those maps where you need to hug a spire and climb upward only to get bounced back down every time you get halfway up it.

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Automatically switching weapons when you pick up a new one. Especially when it happens right as you're trying to shoot something.

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On 12/22/2020 at 8:47 PM, Salmon said:

To be as petty as possible:  The fact that the three zombies use the same vocal sounds. Come on, I want to know from sound cues if it's a zombieman or a chaingunner.  There's already three enemies and three alert noises, they don't need to share them randomly!


How does the Chaingunner cry out when it dies, despite it's head being blown off?

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Removing elastic collisions is one of the greatest gifts ZDoom and many of its derivatives gave to Doomers

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Of those not mentioned yet:


If you ever place a normal armor in a way so that it can't be walked around, I will hate you eternally. Nothing makes me want to rage-quit more than having to swap 97% of blue arnor for the shitty one with only 33% reduction with no way around it.

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11 minutes ago, Doomkid said:

Removing elastic collisions is one of the greatest gifts ZDoom and many of its derivatives gave to Doomers

Funnily enough, elastic collisions happens only when I search for secrets. Never had issues other than that situation...BUT...


I can add another annoyance that can happens rarely and it's mancubi clipping projectiles.

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34 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

I can add another annoyance that can happens rarely and it's mancubi clipping projectiles.


*laughs in Eternity*


That's where I experience it most often.

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When a monster dies on the edge of something and most of its corpse is dumbly levitating above the ground as a result, blocking your sight. Even more when it's a cacodemon corpse, what with it being ten thousand pixel tall.

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gzdoom suddenly being laggy on my pc. and speaker-saturating plasmaball/arachnotronball sound.



ah and weapons that dissapear when the door closes.

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