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The return of JohnSuitepee’s request list extravaganza 2021! (REQUESTS CLOSED, FINAL LIST POSTED)

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So I know I'm going with Aetherius w/ Heretic's vanilla five episodes, but I'll have to edit this post over time with other details [besides the fact I want to be sure you play it on SKILL 5 this time :Kappa: ]


Reason: Heretic gamemode is IMO a fair to good amount different in terms of play than Doom gamemode, for reasons I don't want to spoil. There is a Hexen and Strife gamemode too, but Suite refuses to do Strife requests for now, and Hexen gamemode is still very barebones vs the other ones, and Heretic is also the most thematically fitting overall aesthetically for Flora, based on her backstory in the mod, more so than Doom gamemode despite it being the default.

Reason 2: There are [currently] no videos/playthroughs of Aetherius being used with any non-Doom game mode besides the ones on SeriousCacodemon's Twitch channel, and I wanted THOSE game modes to get a little more streamer and/or Youtube love (and I might try to ask a couple more people to try non-Doom modes too), but as I mentioned above, Hexen mode isn't updated enough from the normal Doom mode to be worth it at the moment, and Strife mode is out of the question since Suite doesn't want to take Strife request this time, so Heretic [which's game mode is debatably the most changed from Doom's, with Strife being 2nd most changed] is the choice by default. :P


- Flora is the ONLY playable character in non-Doom game modes for Aetherius, so you'll have no choice there. Sorry, no Corvus class yet. >.>

- Heretics weapon's [besides the Gauntlets & Staff] will appear and are usable by Flora, due to them being more medieval and magically inclined weapons as Flora prefers, over Doom's firearms and more "complex" mechanical weapons. A couple of exclusive weapons to Heretic mode outside of the game's default weapons also will appear... eventually. >.>

- Jumping/Crouch should be forced on, again more for maneuverability and combat dodging purposes, not so much as sequence breaking. :P

- Tomes of Power, Torches and Wings of Wrath don't spawn [other things spawn in their place, which I will not spoil], due to flight and light spells being available, and as for the tome, you'll learn quickly why that's not necessary when you play. :V

- Many Heretic monsters, like in Doom-mode, do have "evolution" versions [aka species based monster-randomization], even your dearly beloved Iron Liches. >:3

- Timebombs are now Rockbomb Shards

- Quartz Flasks/Mystic Urns are still around, and the latter can recover mostly beyond 100% health/stamina, Flasks can also recover to 112.5% max health.


As for gameplay options: 

- Aetherius Options > Cheat-Like Options > Level EXP Gained [%] > 34

- Aetherius Options > Cheat-Like Options > Sceptre EXP Gained [%] > 34

- Aetherius Options > Flora Armor Drop Kill-Points Factor [x] > 2.0

- Aetherius Options > Monster Stat Calculation Options > Level Difficulty Inflate [#] > 25

- Aetherius Options > Monster Stat Calculation Options > Level Difficulty Inflate [%] > 10%

- Aetherius Options > Monster Stat Calculation Options > Level Stats Factor [x] > 1.25

- Aetherius Options > Flora-Specific Options > Thrown Needle Type > Auto-Replenish on Impact [Costs MP]

- Aetherius Options > Flora-Specific Options > Heretic > Phoenix Rod Flamethrower Mode > Auto-Reload when Flames Deplete

- Aetherius Options > Perks/AeonPts Options > Kills Needed to get an AeonPt > 768 [Hard] 

- Aetherius Options > Perks/AeonPts Options > Secrets Needed to get an AeonPt > 16 [Hard] 

- Aetherius Options > Perks/AeonPts Options > Items Needed to get an AeonPt > 512 [Hard] 

- Aetherius Options > Perks/AeonPts Options > Perk Cost Ratio [%] > 175 

- Aetherius Options > General Difficulty Modifier > 0

- Aetherius Options > Night Vision Mode > On

- Aetherius Options > Allow Jump > On

- Aetherius Options > Allow Crouch > On

- Aetherius Options > Allow Freelook > On

- Aetherius Options > Display Nametags > Both

- Aetherius Options > Nametag Color > (whatever color you feel fits and is easy to see)

- Aetherius Options > Enable Textured Display > On

- Aetherius Options > Show Things as Sprites > Rotated


Also wanted to add a slight extra for music: Xeotroid's Heretic music pack, found at https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php?t=48937 under "Game Covers", specifically the version of Heretic's music for [G]ZDoom/Zandronum.




Alternatively, if for some reason, Suite considers it still to be "too similar" to previous plays of the mod, I suppose I'd have to recommend ArgonianLord's "Sitnalta" mapset for Heretic as an alternative request.


Reason: promoting a Heretic mapset that's less known of [in these current years], and something one of my friends made earlier in his Heretic/Hexen mapping career. I'd consider one of his later and more polished mapsets, but most of those are HEXEN mapsets, and while they also have bits and pieces of lore scattered throughout them, there's a certain order to his series lore, and Sitnalta is considered one of the gaiden parts which focuses on Corvus instead of the three classes of Hexen, so it can be played separately from the others in any order. :V


That said, though it is only a one episode mapset, the levels are all fairly lengthy, and this is one of his earlier mapsets, so some "where the hell do I go" syndrome will be possible, since there is no ACS scripting for things like cameras to indicate what some switches in certain maps do, but there IS a custom final boss and some interesting map architecture here. :V

Edited by Lord Misfit

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Kama Sutra!


Ultra Violence, Continuous.


Why? Because it's the last of the early 2000's HR inspired Megawads & IMO better than the other 2, those being Hell Revealed 2 & Alien Vendetta.

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Can I request my own map set?

Uv and pistol starts I guess. But that's not necessary.

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I would request this:


Its my first finished Doom 2 wad with new weapons and a mapset (read the spoiler about the weapons and how they work). I  didnt had much feedback on it so it would be nice to see someone reviewing it :)


I would request to play it on UV (there is one additional map after beating it on UV). There is an brutal doom monsters addon which is optional and the hitscanners in the first few maps can hit pretty hard. But the extra gore can be pretty nice :D



-On UV

-with Brutal Doom Monsters addon (comes with the wad) but turn on vanilla monsters (BDMonsters Options - BD Level Options - Vanilla Monsters Yes)




Edited by DerTimmy

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I'd request SPECTRUM, but you already played some of it for IronEagle 23.  It's not on your list though so maybe it's still an option?  And my reason is the selfish one that I'm very proud of it and want people to see it :) 


Difficulty setting is up to you.  Maps were designed for pistol start as primary focus, but continuous is certainly an option if you prefer a more relaxed time. 

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26 minutes ago, Forli said:

Can I request my own map set?


Just to re-iterate from the OP, people are free to request their own mapsets or mods if they so wish.

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Requesting a playthrough of 1000 Lines 2. It's a decently short and (mostly) breezy set, taking me just a few hours to run through it, so I think you'd get some enjoyment out of it. Additionally, I'm pretty satisfied with both my mapping and musical contributions to it, heh.


UV is more than manageable I think. Pistol start vs continuous is up to whichever you'd prefer, as I think it works well enough either way.

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ABANDON all hope Suitepee.

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7 minutes ago, Scotty said:

ABANDON all hope Suitepee.


As the OP states, provide a link, a desired difficulty option and a short reason for your choice. :)


21 minutes ago, Capellan said:

I'd request SPECTRUM, but you already played some of it for IronEagle 23.  It's not on your list though so maybe it's still an option?  And my reason is the selfish one that I'm very proud of it and want people to see it :) 


Difficulty setting is up to you.  Maps were designed for pistol start as primary focus, but continuous is certainly an option if you prefer a more relaxed time. 


I'd be happy to consider SPECTRUM if you provide a link.

Edited by Suitepee

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Struggle: Antaresian Legacy pls? Continuous run preferably on UV. It's a real adventure from what I've heard, and may or may not be very difficult. I haven't completed it myself, but I think it would make a great playthrough. Really cool maps and custom enemies. Also, try the secret levels too. Probably works best with PRBoom+ or ZDoom on Boom Strict, not sure about GZDoom though.

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29 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Struggle: Antaresian Legacy pls? Continuous run preferably on UV. It's a real adventure from what I've heard, and may or may not be very difficult. I haven't completed it myself, but I think it would make a great playthrough. Really cool maps and custom enemies. Also, try the secret levels too. Probably works best with PRBoom+ or ZDoom on Boom Strict, not sure about GZDoom though.


I've already played through Struggle a few years ago, as the link in the OP of Doom wads I've already played showed.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSd7urv5zNLJbzardV1uqm7NFWZwd27TFlOj9jf78TsfZ-m2eqcLR5EHTitauEkPWQvQUWbFjo1gfMm/pubhtml = here it is again.


https://www.twitch.tv/johnsuitepee/video/451918032 = and here's a link to part 1 of my Struggle playthrough.


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Just now, Suitepee said:


I've already played through Struggle a few years ago, as the link in the OP of Doom wads I've already played showed.


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSd7urv5zNLJbzardV1uqm7NFWZwd27TFlOj9jf78TsfZ-m2eqcLR5EHTitauEkPWQvQUWbFjo1gfMm/pubhtml = here it is again.

Oh, really? Well, have you tried Revolution? I'd recommend the same settings, but I will say that Revolution is much easier. I also recommend the MIDI pack, and using PRBoom+/ZDoom. It's also got a cool story that the DeHackEd entries describe when you have the MIDI pack.

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8 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Oh, really? Well, have you tried Revolution? I'd recommend the same settings, but I will say that Revolution is much easier. I also recommend the MIDI pack, and using PRBoom+/ZDoom. It's also got a cool story that the DeHackEd entries describe when you have the MIDI pack.


If you mean Thomas van der Velden's Revolution! (aka TVR!), then I've also played that in the past as well.




If you mean something else, please provide a link. Or else look through the provided list to check I haven't already played it. :)

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5 minutes ago, Suitepee said:


If you mean Thomas van der Velden's Revolution! (aka TVR!), then I've also played that in the past as well.




If you mean something else, please provide a link. Or else look through the provided list to check I haven't already played it. :)

Damn. Here's one, Entropy. It's a really hard but really cool golden and orange single map and I don't remember where the download link is, but it already has a Doomwiki article. Use ZDoom/PRBoom+, since it's a Boom map. It also may or may not lag your computer too. I never finished it, only played it for a minute and forgot about it, so I don't know much about it.

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15 minutes ago, AtticTelephone said:

Damn. Here's one, Entropy. It's a really hard but really cool golden and orange single map and I don't remember where the download link is, but it already has a Doomwiki article. Use ZDoom/PRBoom+, since it's a Boom map. It also may or may not lag your computer too. I never finished it, only played it for a minute and forgot about it, so I don't know much about it.


Lol can't even be bothered to look up what you want the guy to play 



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Happy new year! Here's a neat map I made c:



GZDOOM, UV, And make sure you've got those fancy dynamic lights on!

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Dimensions map02. HNTR.  It is my favourite map and also my first ever doom demo. There is some platforming so if that's a no go then feel free to skip it. 

Map 02 on HNTR for an average player will take about 45-60 minutes.


The whole wad is great but map 31 doesn't have difficulty implemented and map32 is a bit scary so I'd suggest skipping those even if you play maps 1-3.


MrZzul has made some impressive maps but people are generally too scared to play them, even when HNTR is implemented and a lot of fun imo.

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Decisions, Decisions....

Alrighty, 2 choices either fcff Map07 on HNTR or Nefertiti

I leave it up to you :)


Ok, just noticed your request for an explanation in the OP, so here's my reasoning. fcff07 is, in my humble opinion, one if not the most striking maps Ribbiks has ever made. Something that tosses a lot of the standard doom conventions, we are familiar with, away and provides such a bizzare/different experience, that everyone should witness at least once. Nefertiti is just a backup in case you reject. It's a cool not very challenging set with a lot of fancy zzzv music.


11 hours ago, Lord Misfit said:

So I know I'm going with Aetherius w/ Heretic's vanilla five episodes


Come on, how a bout a bit more creativity. Picking Aetherius for a third time is one thing but just as with Hellbound it's boring to watch the same stuff over and over again. What about playing it with Faithless, The Wayfarer anything that isn't Vanilla Heretic again, he just finished playing it.

Edited by tourniquet

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8 hours ago, Alfredo said:

Sunder Map32. Any difficulty is fine. :)


I should perhaps have mentioned in the OP that Sunder is my "2000 Twitch follower" special where I will revisit Sunder from map 15 to beat at least one map, so therefore nobody should pick Sunder.


Feel free to choose something else while I update the OP.

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