-------------------------------- DOWNLOAD: ELEVATED.zip (updated: v 1.01) --------------------------------   Greetings everyone! I'm here to release another finished map of mine, so come on over and get lifted! That is to say, come play my map ELEVATED RESPONSE.    Originally intended as the REAL map 01 of my initial project (which also contained Malleable Intent and A Stygian Anguish), I'm releasing this as a standalone fun little adventure map because that project is dead!   Play ELEVATED RESPONSE if you want to: Experience a beautiful GZDoom map that uses dynamic and sector lighting in a careful, reserved way, with a nice mix of indoor/outdoor, and artificial/natural environments. Blast a bunch of losers with the shotgun while exploring a non-linear area in search of some keys. Engage in combat that feels like it spans across the whole map. Feel like a badass because the difficulty isn't cranked. Play the first LVENdead map with fewer than 150 monsters!   Do NOT play ELEVATED RESPONSE if you: Want to run it in PRBoom or some other source port that is not GZDoom. It won't work. Need a map that will make you prove your mettle. I guess don't want to, or whatever.   Fun fact - I actually started this map back in September, got like 80% done with it, and then distracted and eventually bored of it. When I began Aspect of Daedalus, I didn't actually intent to return to this map. But then I did anyway! This one is designed as a Map 01, so the combat is relatively simple compared to some of my other submissions, but shouldn't be any less interesting.    And listen, sorry about the whole "GZDoom only" thing. I experimented with dynamic and sector lighting while making this one, but otherwise it's entirely vanilla-style gameplay. If you're a purist, it's okay if you give it a try. I won't tell anyone, and it will only take about 20 minutes.                  PERTINENT INFO:   FORMAT: GZDoom, UDMF SOURCE PORTS TESTED: GZDoom IWAD: DOOM2.WAD REPLACES: MAP01 GAMEPLAY: Vanilla Doom 2 - Run and gun, exploration, adventure.   ESTIMATED PLAY TIME: 15-20 minutes ADVANCED MOVEMENT: Crouching and jumping is disabled, but freelook is not. DIFFICULTY: All difficulties are implemented.  CREATION TIME: About a month-ish starting in September and then finishing up after restarting a few days ago. ASSETS INCLUDED: A few OTEX textures, "Torque" by Jimmy, from Plutonia 2.   I'd love to hear what you think!   UPDATES: 1.01 - Waterfalls have been unstuck from time and now animate properly. A softlock has been fixed with impassible lines.