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Retro Dino

New members of Doom World, what brought you here?

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I needed something to do while I was in between jobs. During that free time, I made a map in Ultimate Doom Build and needed a place to post it, so I registered my account here to share it :)



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Well, after almost four years I'm not exactly "new" anymore but -


I was simply looking for a new gaming forum to frequent at the time, as my original community shut down and the NFS forum before that became a desert after most activity moved to Discord, which I refused to use anymore back then.


That, combined with the fact that I was just getting into older/retro games at the time, DW seemed like the obvious choice. Some of its issues aside it was the least worst option in my mind. So I stayed, after a few adventures :p.


I don't feel like frequenting other places - except for one other -, and when it comes to people IRL, well, I've got basically no common ground with most of them about... anything anymore, so seeking most of them out is just a wasted effort.

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Well, I joined in October I think 🤔 so I may be a bit noobie


I am here to interact with the community and practice my English. I'm Mexican, so it's a good way to improve the language. And let me say, it's working. 


Doomworld is a wonderful website. I love being here. It's a wonderful community (that's another reason why I am here BTW) 


I still wonder @seed, why don't you have a custom title by now?

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3 minutes ago, Lol 6 said:

I still wonder @seed, why don't you have a custom title by now?


Why would I?


Users used to get one here if they either did seriously cool shit, or made fool of themselves repeatedly as a general rule, and I think I fall under neither banner - admittedly, I would have fallen into the latter eventually if I wouldn't have gotten over my years-long depression, though. Of that, I am sure.


Don't even have ideas what it could be about.

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17 minutes ago, seed said:

or made fool of themselves repeatedly


The trick here is not getting banned or loser'd in the process.  It's a fine line and probably not one the mods encourage us to walk deliberately.


It was great to come back after my years-long absence and see so many new folks mapping and playing with such enthusiasm.  There's no gaming community quite like this one.

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2 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:

The trick here is not getting banned or loser'd in the process.  It's a fine line and probably not one the mods encourage us to walk deliberately.


It was great to come back after my years-long absence and see so many new folks mapping and playing with such enthusiasm.  There's no gaming community quite like this one.


Yeah, not wrong about that.


I think Quake's still fairly active, same for HL, but when you take the content coming out on a regular basis into consideration, I think Doom eclipses most if not everything out there.

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Known about this placement for a long time, but only recently starting to get deeper in case of PWAD's and mods / found time for them especially. As result registered.

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I originally joined around 10-12 years back when I discovered Doom wads (Eternal, Dwango) then I kinda drifted away from the whole Doom thing due to shitty life things.

Started lurking here a year back (lunchtime reading) so decided to start a new account as the original email address had gone into the void. 

Best forum on the net. 

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I had a forum account in the 90s, but that's lost to the mists of time and I hardly made any posts.

I made a bunch of WADs back then in DEU2 and WINDEU but never released anything.

Played a few WADs in the early 2000s. I had an unfinished version of Hell Revealed 2 and I remember the 10 Sectors project.

Then I hardly played Doom for a very long time. Occasionally I'd decide to blast through one of the IWADs, but hardly looked at the modding scene. It was always a pleasure to see DoomWorld was still there, although I didn't notice when it dropped the website and went all-out forums.

It was SIGIL's announcemnet that brought me back for another look. That's when I registered my current account to post in the forums again.

And while I was waiting around for that, I discovered Eviternity.

And realised that 25 years of accumulated level design experience have turned the Doom modding community into something incredible.

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2 hours ago, Retro Dino said:

I'm just curious to see what's drawing new members into Doom World! If you are new, welcome! 

i don't know, I just sign up in to this site. It's cool i guess

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I played Doom back in the 90s but haven't played in a long time. About a month ago I was looking to play a game and just veg out. So Doom popped back into my brain and I was thrilled there was a forum still going and new wads being created. So I'm hooked again. I play about every evening now. I am really enjoying playing all the new wads, such awesome maps being created.

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10 hours ago, LVENdead said:

I needed something to do while I was in between jobs. During that free time, I made a map in Ultimate Doom Build and needed a place to post it, so I registered my account here to share it :)



We're in the same boat. I made my account a few years ago, I don't remember why though.

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I started making my first Doom map this week after picking up map making again. Been watching a lot of Decino's vids of wad playthrough's and decided to give it another go. Hoping to get some feed back on it soon after I polish it up a bit.

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15 hours ago, Retro Dino said:

New members of Doom World, what brought you here?

I heard that the BDSM here was excellent. And then I realized this wasn't domworld. By which time my tiny attention span had kicked in and I didn't remember why I had stumbled into this place to start with.


Uh, remind me again ..... what's the question?

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21 minutes ago, BuddhistPunk said:

I started making my first Doom map this week after picking up map making again. Been watching a lot of Decino's vids of wad playthrough's and decided to give it another go. Hoping to get some feed back on it soon after I polish it up a bit.

I see you just joined like 30 mins ago lol! Welcome! Also send me that WAD! 

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17 minutes ago, Retro Dino said:

I see you just joined like 30 mins ago lol! Welcome! Also send me that WAD! 

Thanks! Yeah I've been wondering where to show my map off recently and found my way here. I'll be making a thread on the forum for it as soon as I come up with a name...

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I was starting to get into all kinds of Doom WADs, and this seemed to be the place where all of the cool things within the Doom community happened. I also thought that I might be able to add something to the community as a musician.


Also, as soon as I saw the 2010: Odyssey Two reference in the description of the Console Ports forum, I knew this would be my kind of community.

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3 minutes ago, LudicrousFPS said:

Went onto Doomworld for a wad, and I saw a thread that I wanted to reply to. So, here we are.

Was it my threaddddddd? :o 

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The title of this thread brings up a good question to me. The amount of excellent doom WADS I've played: Like Hell Revealed, Deus Vult 1 and 2, Alien Vendetta and even the Community Chest series got me into making Doom maps. I started in 2011, but there were a lot of delays on the project; mainly due to college (computer programming course), other things I do like Concept art and Illustrations, and a lot of life issues (I don't even want to think about them anymore). Then I started making maps for the second MegaWAD, it was 2015? I don't know the date exactly. Anyway, now we are in a much more comfortable state than before, thank God who's been with us :)


Now I made a forum account because of the sheer kindness here, so I thought this would be a good place to show a demo of the first wad I made. In earlier times, I watched Doom wad reviews as well, and wow did I enjoy them.

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5 minutes ago, Omniplex said:

Now I made a forum account because of the sheer kindness here,

It's funny you say that, most people I know had to deal with Assholes when first entering the Doom community. I'm not sure what it is, but if you leave Doom World, almost every Doom fan on other sites seems to be an Asshole. Especially on Facebook also.

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Oh believe me, there are a lot of them unfortunately. On social media platforms, a vast majority I tell you. On the first topic I made in this forum, I had a warm welcome.

I also remember when I used to be in another forum (now dead), which was about a Korean robot game that came in 2006, there were quite a few really mean ones (sorry If I mentioned another game in this thread).

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