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Resident Evil Unleashed

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How's this, this is what I have so far for Flynn's storyline for REU, not much but it'll do:
He wiped up hell-spawn in DOOM. He's back, this time with a vengeance.
After hooking up with an ex-sniper Albert Gallatin, the trio are befriended by Klesk, an alien that was 'cleansed' by Arlene's preaching of good will.
They were given an assignment by none other than the President of the Council of Twelve, a Mormon society, one of the last willful human outposts left on Earth. They were to infiltrate a train heading for Raccoon City to steal a major medical break through. They accepted, although, strict orders from their Liutenant Weems told them to be careful, as they aren't.
Along the way, they heard un-earthly moans coming from the dark areas of the suburbs. They kept their nerve and kept walking.
They came upon a truck, which allowed them to drive. They came across some humans. They stopped the truck.
As Flynn closed the door, he motioned for Albert to follow him. Klesk and Arlene stayed behind.
As they came closer, Flynn noticed something. Something odd.
It was a couple, obviously drunk, and staggered towards them, and they were joined by a third, a beefy-looking guy with--
--with blood all over his shirt. And his hands. And dripping out of his mouth, a rubbery red mouth set into his pasty, rotting face like an open sore. The other man, the big man with the work boots and suspenders, looked much the same--and the vee of the blonde woman's pink blouse revealed cleavage that was spotted with darkness, with what appeared to be mold.
The trio stumbled towards Flynn and Albert, past their Jeep, raising pale hands as the emmited moaning, hungry wails. Some dark fluid gurgled out of the beefy man's nose and ran across his moving lips, and Flynn was overwhelmed by the understanding that the terrible, shifty smell was decayed flesh, and it was coming from them--
--and there was another one, stepping out from a door step to a Grill and Diner, a young woman in a stained T-shirt, hair tied back from a slack and mindless face.
A groan from behind him. Albert shot a look over his shoulder and saw a youth with dark hair and rotting arms shamble out from the sidewalk darkness of an awning's shadow.
Flynn raised his Magnum, saw Albert do the same--
--and the man with suspenders brushed against his shoulder. He snapped out of it and jabbed the butt of his magnum into the side of his face, rotting, decaying flesh spraying everywhere. The man fell to the ground.
Albert aimed at the closest, the woman, while his instincts screamed at him to run. He was terrified, but his trained logic continued to that there was an explanation for what he was seeing, that he was not looking at the walking dead.
God-damnit! Shoot them!
"Stop right there asshole!"
His voice was strong, commanding and authoritative. His weapon was raised, and God, why wouldn't they stop? The man with the suspenders moaned, blind to the dent in his head that Flynn gave him.
"Don't move! I will shoot!" Albert said, and the sound of his own panic made him back up a step, darting his gaze to Flynn, which noticed that his face was also spread with terror, seeing that there was still more of the wailing, lurching people coming out of the shadows.
Something grabbed Albert's ankle, sending him toppling to the ground.
"NO!" he shouted, whipped the gun around--
--and saw that the corpse of the man with suspenders was scrabbling at his boot with one blood-crusted hand, working to drag his crippled body closer. His gasping cry of frantic hunger rose to join those of the others as he tried to bite into his foot, bloody smears of saliva drooling off his abraded chin, dripping onto the leather. He heard Arlene scream, heard gunshots discharging off to his left.
Albert fired into her upper back, the sharp, explosive crack of the massive weapon loosening his grip--and at such close range, probably obliterating his heart. Spasming, he dropped dead--
--and he turned around on his heels and saw that the others were less than five feet away, and he fired twice more, the rounds splattering red flowers into the chest of the closest. The entry wounds spouted scarlet.
He darted his head to Flynn. He was backing up, shouting something, and--
--Albert turned to see the girl that came out of the Diner was hardly fazed by the twin gaping holes in her torso, her staggering faltering for only a second. She opened her bloody mouth and gasped out a hissing mewl of hunger, hands raised again as if to direct him to the source of relief.
Shit! Firepower like that could drop an elephant--
Stumbling backwards, Albert fired again. And again. And again. And then the empty clattered to the pavement.
That was his last clip. He turned around--
--and saw that five more of those things were advancing fast. He stood up and whizzed left. He saw Flynn running back to the Jeep, back to the safe haven, heard him shout and Arlene scream something, and--
--he felt a tremendous pain in his leg. A decaying man was biting him. Thick blood coursed out of the wound, his only intention was to get back to the Jeep.
And another dug into his wrist. He socked its face as hard as he could, heard and felt the break of cartlidge give away. His mind wavered, everything spun--
--and another knocked him to the ground. More were eating him. His vision was filled with a red haze, two more joined them. He emmited a scream. He thought about so many things. Another gorged his neck. Then his thoughts became screams, and then he thought no more.
"Damit! I'll rip your arms apart!"
Flynn was screaming, his rage filling his mind. He felt Arlene trying to hold him back. He removed his pistol.
She was screaming at him. Flynn heard or felt nothing. All he wanted to do was to go over there and tear their brains out with his hands, swim in their blood, rip their intestines out.
Arlene started to get hysterical. She pounded at his head, and his rage spilled over, uncontrollable anger filling and clouding his mind.
Kill kill kill I want their Blood!!
He rose his fist and clocked Arlene, heard her wail as he continued the punishment. Blood poured out, and he liked it. She was crying and shouting something. Suddenly,
He felt his arms dislocating, felt his bones pop. Klesk loomed over him, and was ripping his arms off. Red glowed in his soft eyes. More decaying things shambled over to the Jeep.
Flynn was then stunned when Klesk started speaking.
"Stop thissss hate or I will cleanse your ssssoul and I will deliver punishment extremely!"
Klesk said it with a slur, a slur that made Flynn feel uneasy. But his red haze was clearing, and he suddenly remembered where he was, who he was. Klesk continued the pain. Flynn then emmited a scream louder than Albert's ever was.
Klesk, startled, mis-stepped and stumbled backwards onto the pavement in front of the vehicle. He saw decaying things walk over to him.
Don't like, musssst rid of ugly impostersssss...
He flipped towards them and snapped their necks before the decaying even knew. Flynn heard it eight feet away.
Klesk re-gathered himself and prepared for the next attack. Two rotting decayed things were advancing slowly off to his left. To his right was a man in the later stages of decomposition. In front of him was some more.
He felt his muscles tense. His ear flickered, waiting for the moment. The man to his right was less than 10 yards away, and man was he ugly. Klesk felt a great hatred for these particular humans.
Then the moment came. As graceful as an angel, Klesk did a whirlwind frontside, back-flipping into the uglies. He felt their rotting flesh on his feet. The two decomposed fell to the ground, spasming.
The man to the right nearly bit Klesk, as he saw the two off to his left. As smooth as possible, he did a roundhouse kick, sending his body in a 360 degree motion. All of them fell to the ground, not moving.
He darted his eyes forward. He could hear more of them out there. Without thinking, he back flipped onto the hood of the Jeep. Klesk then hurried in.
"Mmoore comming! Mussst drive away! Uglies stink like poop!"
Flynn quickly started the Jeep. He checked Arlene's pulse once more, and drove off into the night, leaving the dead and the sick behind, wishing Albert had found peace.

Ok, not what you'd expect, but I'm getting there. And yes, it is based off of the DOOM novels, which KICKED ASS!

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Uhg, the stench of the Doom books is upon thee. I don't mind Flynn, but the other characters need to all be slain by something extra specially evil in the next chapter. What does this have to do with Resident Evil again? Are some baby faced cutesey STARS cops gonna start showing up and demanding the surrender of the umbrella corporation? RE is RE, and Doom is Doom, they are not the same.

Oh yeah, get ready for some fun when others read your opinion of those wretched Doom books.

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Mentions of DooM books = BBG shoving a holiday special candycane (those really big ones, like for giants) up your arse + possible (probably definite) post-helling + a real bad bitching from everyone else too.

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Ok, you have made the story well-descriptive, but that's about the only posittive thing I have to say.

Number one: NEVER EVER use the character names from those dreaded Doom novels - the most of us Doomworlders absolutely abhor these novels, partially because of those sucky names.

Number two: You start off this story very suddenly, giving no decent introduction - suddenly you just descripe that Flynn is together with his buddies and then those zombies stagger towards them.

Number three: If this story takes place after the Doom invasion, then it makes next to no sense at all that those human characters are so frightened that they can't shoot at those zombies, because they have already experienced this shit once before - especially Flynn Faggot, since he was among the first soldiers to face the monsters. Btw, this story just displays how Flynn Faggot couldn't possibly be the doomguy because the doomguy is a badass who wouldn't lose control of himself like that - especially not because he's been up against these fuckers before.

Number four: You have made a shitload of spelling mistakes and forgotten several words in various sentences. The least thing you could do would be to check your spelling and grammar before posting your stories.

Onto the novels and why they suck:

1. Badly written - the descriptions are often so fucking childish that it makes me wonder how those novels could possibly have been written by adult writers.

2. While the first novel follows track of the game semi-decently, the second novel already goes off track and the last two novels are totally weird. Them novel authors must've been on crack when they wrote the last novels.

3. The novels descripe the demons as "aliens", completely ignoring possibly one of the most important elements of Doom - the hellish occult element, thus ruining it completely. Those novel authors are quite likely some religious Christians in which case they should never ever have touched the Doom franchise.

4. The names are ill devised and just plain suck. Weems, PAH!

5. The Doomguy's sidekick is a female marine descriped as "sexy", die!

I'm sure that our friend BBG could list many more reasons than I can - just wait for him to lay his evil eyes on this story. As of now the only advise I can give you is this: Read some other fan fics in this forums - most of them can BURY the DOOM novels ten feet under.

I'm not going to post hell this thing unless it turns into a really retarded flame fest.

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OOOOOOH A DOOM NOVELS POST! Lets see....the novels are gay for many reasons, some which I will now list here.

Flynn Taggart - gay fucking name, I hate the name, everyone that has this name must die, the person(s) that thought up this name should get cancer and if you know anyone with this name, point at them and throw very sharp stones at them.

Arlene Sanders - ok, wtf, there's a Doom chick now? Whatever. The book describes her as muscular yet sexy, but you know what? She's a fucking nerd too. She sucks.

Jill Lovelace - a 14 year old computer hacker that is described also as "sexy". Ok, now the Doomguy is a fucking pedophile too? God...

Albert Gallatin - a fucking Mormon sniper that lives in Salt Lake City, Utah. He's a fat fuck and I hate him.

Salt Lake City - yeah, right, the Mormons really have super underground tunnels and shit under the fucking town. Fuck you die.

Sears and Roebuck - wtf, aliens are friends. Let's see here. They cannot be not paired, they cannot see individuals (they'll see a phantom clone of another you if they're looking at you or some shit). They speak retard English and they're fucking pussies.

The "Freds" - yeah, ok, so the "demons" are really aliens called "Freds". The authors of the novels must have been doing more drugs than Orion when they thought that up.

The "Newbies" - a "hive" culture (each individual is actually connected mentally or something) that evolves really fast and shit. They eventually infect future humans. Wtf kind of bullshit name is that?

Future Humans - fucking weirdos. They don't believe in other people, so basically if they see another person get shot they're like "whatever" and go on with their own lives. They're also afraid of death so much that even a little prick on their skin scares the shit out of them. They're fucking pussies.

In the first novel there is a fucking talking Imp. Yeah right, fuck you.

In the second novel an Imp is smart enough to be carrying a satchel charge. BULLSHIT.

Names of demons :

Imps - spineys
Demons - pinkeys
Spectres - ghosts
Lost Souls - flying skulls
Cacodemons - pumpkins
Baron of Hell - Hell Prince
Hell Knight - Hell Prince
Mancubus - fatty
Archvile - fireeater
Chaingunners - Clydes (fucking die)
Cyberdemon - Steam Demon
Spiderdemon - Spidermind
Zombies - Zombies
Revenant - Boney (oh and they supposedly wear boxer shorts too)
Arachnatrons - Spider Baby
Pain Elemental - Superpumpkins

In the second novel the pressure dome on Deimos is cracked so they are losing oxygen. They get this genius idea of BUILDING A FUCKING ROCKET SHIP TO TAKE THEM TO EARTH. Eventually, they start going slightly nuts but yeah, they do it and crash AND SURVIVE near Salt Lake City. Whatever, yeah right, eat my ballhairs.

Yeah, the forth novel, ok, Arlene is crying because Albert is still on Earth. Why does this matter? Well, her and Fly (Flynn's equally gay nickname) are traveling the speed of light, so 2 weeks in their time is like 5 decades or whatever. Then they get trapped by the "Newbies" and get put into a computer simulation where Flynn "converts" the demons to follow him. Fucking stupid shit. Then they capture a "Newbie" soul and shit and they are stuck in the simulation, which is good because it is based on their memory which is lame as well.

In any respect, the Doom Novels are fucking ultra gay. I have read all 4 novels and am pissed that I wasted the money on them. I couldn't enjoy this if I had brain damage.

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Ok, take it down a notch, BBG.

The first novel of DOOM was to follow the story directly. Understand, it was a game adaption, and BASED off of DOOM, it doesn't mean it's gonna be DOOM the 'game'.
The second novel of DOOM was to open people's minds a bit -- not to totally mirror the first book (come on, people, 4 books about killing?)
The third novel was to open the author's imaginations a bit -- meaning that it was off of a literary standpoint. It was to open your mind to a new set of novels.
The fourth novel is hard to understand, I had to read it 5 times. It is the type of book that doesn't have anything to do with DOOM, you really have to open your mind. If you weren't a fan of the first three, WHY READ THE 4TH BOOK!!!!!!
Albert was not a fat ass. Flynn Taggart is an original name. I mean, would you rather preffer only ONE character throughout all 4 NOVELS? Open your minds -- you wouldn't like 4 repetetive books talking about killing and finding keys, would you?
And stop judging the books off of DOOM. It was based off of DOOM, meaning that you can do whatever you want with it -- take it to new heights. And the 4 books flow really well-- you can't be so judgemental just because the books you wanted them to turn out to be turn out to be something different. You guys have to understand that if it was a book totally on killing, what fun would that be? And REMEMBER, DOOM virtually had NO storyline -- and don't blame them for Flynn Taggart's name - blame i-d software ( which you probably won't).
And please, I'm trying not to turn this into a flame -- i'm acting reasonable-remember what I used to do? If you guys thought the books were lame, why did you read past the 1st book?
And yes, RE does have a tie in with DOOM, same as it has a tie in to Duke Nukem 3d.
If you guys want the complete backround of how this all fits in, ask me, but just please don't flame me. Thanks for your opinions- I just got used to Doomworld again :).

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Oh, yeah. One more question: if the Doom novels sucked so bad (first read my above post), does my REU story put up a better fight than the DOOM novels did?

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Chu said:

Oh, yeah. One more question: if the Doom novels sucked so bad (first read my above post), does my REU story put up a better fight than the DOOM novels did?

Nope, sorry.

The first novel of DOOM was to follow the story directly. Understand, it was a game adaption, and BASED off of DOOM, it doesn't mean it's gonna be DOOM the 'game'.

Maybe not, but the direction the authors took was downright crazy - there are a shitload of other directions they could have taken this story and made it far, far better. And then again, if an author wants to write a couple books based on the DOOM game he has to keep them at least remotely true to the spirit of the game (which those novels sure as Hell didn't) otherwise it is certain that hardcore fans will get pissed.

The second novel of DOOM was to open people's minds a bit -- not to totally mirror the first book (come on, people, 4 books about killing?)

They only needed to write two books based off of Doom and they could very well have followed the Doom 2 story without just making it another kill fest.

The third novel was to open the author's imaginations a bit -- meaning that it was off of a literary standpoint. It was to open your mind to a new set of novels.

Oh please, there are plenty of ways to use your imagination on the Doom universe and keep it more true to the spirit of Doom - just look at some of the fan fics here dammit! I for one think that the direction that the authors took with the two other books was too fantastical and too retarded. Newbies and Freds, gimme a break!

If you weren't a fan of the first three, WHY READ THE 4TH BOOK!!!!!!

Maybe because people hope that the fourth book would save the mess the second and the third book made - alas it didn't, it only made it more retarded.

Albert was not a fat ass. Flynn Taggart is an original name. I mean, would you rather preffer only ONE character throughout all 4 NOVELS? Open your minds -- you wouldn't like 4 repetetive books talking about killing and finding keys, would you?

Now you're sounding downright stupid you know that? Firstly, yes, some people may not mind the names, but I can tell that most of the long time doomers on these forums absolutely hate those names (especially Flynn Taggert), because we have discussed those Doom novels countless times before and on every occassion it was barely anything but a slagging off of the Doom novels because people DO hate them.
And again, the books wouldn't have to be about ONE person running around looking for keys and killing killing killing to be better and still a shitload more true to the games. Read some of the better fan fics here and you'll see how writing DOOM stories is supposed to be done.

And stop judging the books off of DOOM. It was based off of DOOM, meaning that you can do whatever you want with it -- take it to new heights. And the 4 books flow really well-- you can't be so judgemental just because the books you wanted them to turn out to be turn out to be something different. You guys have to understand that if it was a book totally on killing, what fun would that be?

Read all of my above comments again, memorize them until you know them by heart :-P

And REMEMBER, DOOM virtually had NO storyline -- and don't blame them for Flynn Taggart's name - blame i-d software ( which you probably won't).

Doom had plenty of storyline - you just had to use your imagination a bit and look deeper. And yes, Flynn Taggert is a gay name. The name Flynn on its own sounds like some wuss boy's name and Taggart on its own my be a decent name, but together with Flynn it sounds like a disaster. Why the fuck should we blame id? Oh, oh, because they didn't give the Doom guy a name??? Well then you've missed the point completely: The doomguy is supposed to be YOU, not some cheesy action hero. It's a tool to effectively pull you into the game and make you think that you are this stranded marine who's all alone and surrounded by hellish demons, so blaming id for some nutcase Novel book authors who think up gayass names is completely retarded.

And please, I'm trying not to turn this into a flame -- i'm acting reasonable-remember what I used to do? If you guys thought the books were lame, why did you read past the 1st book?

The first book could admittedly have been worse still (but not if it were written by someone professional), so people would read on hoping that the story could get even better and of course because it's supposed to be Doom right? Ok, so after the second Doom novel has shattered the reader's mind, (s)he reads on desperately hoping that it gets better, *BAM!*, the third novel blows the reader's mind to pieces for it has NOTHING to do with the game, neither conceptually nor storywise. The reader, now totally confused tries to read the last book desperately hoping that the last book will put some sense into the third book, but no and the reader's IQ has just dropped to something close to zero.

If you guys want the complete backround of how this all fits in, ask me, but just please don't flame me.

Yes, please.

Thanks for your opinions- I just got used to Doomworld again :).

Wait! Have you been registered here before? If so, who were you?

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Me not read Doom novels but me read Doom comic. Me IQ used to be 180. Now, IQ same as shoe size. Me glad me have big feet.

(Sorry. I'll leave now.)

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Wildman said:

Me not read Doom novels but me read Doom comic. Me IQ used to be 180. Now, IQ same as shoe size. Me glad me have big feet.

(Sorry. I'll leave now.)

I read the first DOOM novel and my IQ dropped to the negatives.

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Chu said:

And yes, RE does have a tie in with DOOM, same as it has a tie in to Duke Nukem 3d.

maybe in your little world but this is reality, and three developers over a course of many years didn't sit down and tie all these games together, you did.

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Huh? Who was I? I was the complete ambysal awhile back here. I was Corbachu. Still am, but I can't re-register under the same name.
Basically, the REU plot follows more of Duke Nukem 1 and 2 than 3d. The Duke that was in 3d is in it (personality wise), but it's more of like a continuation of 1 and 2. Dr.Proton and William Birkin (monster from RE2) develop the T-virus. Of course, Dr.Proton hated it, because it made humans turn into zombies. Birkin loved it, therefore, he used it to gain widespread attention from Umbrella. Proton was forgotten, and turns up crazy--again. Heh, Duke is only in it because of Proton, but much more is revealed. Now, if you've been following the plot of the Resident Evil novels (which I assume you don't), Umbrella is the one corporation, but in the novels they develop secret labs and stuff--on Earth. Determined to continue their experiments, the UAC takes it up to the moons, Phobos and Deimos. While back on Earth, the STARS just finish going through the mansion in the first RE. They get back, find out the news, and attempt to wipe out the STARS. Except Albert Wesker was such a badass -- we decided him to be a good/guy (more of a neutral wildcard) in the series (yes, there will be more, but under different developers -might not be using the DOOM engine-). And then, of course, is the tie in with the DOOM novels. Everyone on the team(s) read them: like you said, it was a 50/50 chance they would've liked them. Listen, I'm actually writing psuedo-novels for the REU series in a different context--if you want them, e-mail me (corbachu@yahoo.com). Oh, and the mod still needs help to be completed. ANyone interested, mail me.
I agree about the DOOM novels being absud past 2--but still fun to read. And didn't I-D software create the name 'Flynn Taggart'?
Any other questions? I LOVE answering questions, so just post em and drop them like it's hot. Please. Thanks!

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Chu said:

And didn't I-D software create the name 'Flynn Taggart'?

Did id make up the name 'Flynn Taggart'??? Hell no, they hate the Novels just about as much as BBG and I and they sure as Hell didn't make up that gawdawful name. Rtfm, do you see the name "Flynn Taggart" anywhere in the manual? I don't.

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Dude, I showed my novels to my friend's father, who has a Doctorate in English Literature. He has read the Resident Evil books and enjoyed them, but he despised the Doom novels. He actually enjoyed Resident Evil books, ok? And he reads classics, like timeless fucking treasures and made a career out of books and enjoys the RE books and hates the Doom novels. Ok? What does that tell you?

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ok, I get your point :) Some people have different tastes than others.
Now, back on subject! Read what I posted earlier and tell me if it fits in.

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