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Remake your first map(s) thread

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I want to see how your first maps looked and how your style of mapping has evolved. Try to remake your very first map or very first few maps and see how much better you've gotten at mapping. I've participated by remaking my first 3 maps.








Oh, and if you're wondering, the originals were from this megawad.

beginning of hell.zip

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Heh I've always kind of wanted to throw together a remake of my first map, even though it's pretty unsalvageably bad.  Might try making a speedmapping venture of it, it's a short map so shouldn't take too long (I could also do my first published map but it's extremely long and not worth the effort tbh)

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4 minutes ago, Reelvonic said:

i would love to see it, 


after all, anything doom i like


lol sure, in fact I'll do you one better and share a set of my first maps, all of which are terrible




They occupy MAP01-03, MAP09-10, and MAP32, because I planned for 10 normal maps and 2 secret ones and those were the slots they were gonna occupy.  MAP03 is technically unfinished because I intended there to be an enormous sprawl of secret areas that eventually led to the secret level (I had no idea how the secret level switches worked)

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1 hour ago, StupidBunny said:


lol sure, in fact I'll do you one better and share a set of my first maps, all of which are terrible




They occupy MAP01-03, MAP09-10, and MAP32, because I planned for 10 normal maps and 2 secret ones and those were the slots they were gonna occupy.  MAP03 is technically unfinished because I intended there to be an enormous sprawl of secret areas that eventually led to the secret level (I had no idea how the secret level switches worked)

I feel like making a video with these just to see what they are like. What years are they may I ask?

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9 minutes ago, Dubbag said:

I feel like making a video with these just to see what they are like. What years are they may I ask?


lol oh dear


To be quite honest I can't put an exact year on them.  The "last modified" date on the original file (which I can't share because I just saved my maps into a copy of the DOOM2 IWAD) is July 2007, but honestly I'd put the actual build time for all of them earlier, as maybe 2005 sometime.  They're...yeah.

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13 minutes ago, StupidBunny said:

July 2007, but honestly I'd put the actual build time for all of them earlier, as maybe 2005 something

I wish I still had all of my maps as far as back then

Edited by Dubbag

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This is sorta on topic, but I enjoy taking others first maps and remaking them. Such fun to add my own little twist. 

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4 minutes ago, Retro Dino said:

This is sorta on topic, but I enjoy taking others first maps and remaking them. Such fun to add my own little twist. 

Made in 2007. My second ever published Doom 2 map. I was 14 at the time. Could you remake this? If you do. I will demo it on my show.


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2 minutes ago, Reelvonic said:

i can remake it if you like

you can both do it.  As many takes as anyone wants. All comers if they are willing. I will demo anyone's remake of this. it would be cool to see different takes from different authors I think.

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BTW not trying to sow competition here, just wanna see where this goes. I'm honored no matter what the results are.

Edited by Dubbag

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No way am I going to rework this colossal two hour beast. No one would play it anyway. Some parts were pretty cool but some parts were terrible. I found out the hard way that most people don't like the kind of maps that I like to play. Plenty of people hated a huge non linear tech base survival map.

If i had to change anything, i would make the progression a little more obvious. Just a little.


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1 minute ago, PeterMoro said:

No way am I going to rework this colossal two hour beast. No one would play it anyway. Some parts were pretty cool but some parts were terrible. I found out the hard way that most people don't like the kind of maps that I like to play. Plenty of people hated a huge non linear tech base survival map.

If i had to change anything, i would make the progression a little more obvious. Just a little.


looks cool I'll play it if you want.

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@PeterMoro that looks awesome, I love sprawling non-linear survival maps.  And I know the pain and struggle of not finding other folks who feel the same way lol.  Can you pop a link up here?

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I'm with Bunny and the Emperor (Dubbag), I love non-linear design. I'm honestly kind of confused to hear that isn't popular amongst Doom fans, considering that is one of the games' biggest pluses. Anyway, give us a link! I'd love to give it a try, let you know what I think.

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Thanx for the vote of confidence guys! My second + third map is way more fun and accessible and I'd recommend that first: 



But if you are really keen to play my first map, an over the top, ginormous 2-3hr tech base non - linear survival epic with puzzle progression, then by all means:



(Warning! This wad may break you. Most people hate my first map. Some people have quit after being overwhelmed by endless content or failing to figure out how to get the blue key. [It's not so hard if you look at the map].) The map is worth enduring just for the final boss battle which is super epic and fun, if you are still awake after two hours. LOL

Here's the txt file description:


"Very large base. Mostly non-linear gameplay. You will get lost. You will have to navigate, explore and survive. You might run out of ammo. You might need to search for health. It will be tough, intimidating and overwhelming. It will feel like you are a lone Marine in a huge Mars moon base. You have maybe never played a single map this huge, detailed and lengthy. The layout is not too confusing but you'll need to check your map from time to time. If you find yourself really stuck, lost and confused than the objective is probably acquiring the Blue Key, which unlocks most of the map. There are multiple paths to acquiring the Blue Key. Difficulty is not so high and there is plenty of exploring, mystery, traps and puzzles. Completion time is around 2 - 3 hrs so be sure to save regularly. I'm going for a Doom + Doom II only style map so NO JUMPING / NO CROUCHING. A true Doom Marine could survive this in one sitting without dying. Could you?"


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1 hour ago, QuaketallicA said:

I'm honestly kind of confused to hear that isn't popular amongst Doom fans, considering that is one of the games' biggest pluses.


I think what most Doom fans really don't like is being lost for long periods of time, which I do sympathize with.  I guess if I like the feel of a map I personally don't mind being a little waylaid every once in a while, although admittedly I did get a bit old of Hexen when I kept having to run between 4 or 5 different maps trying to see what changed or what barely visible switch I was missing, only to find out I had to drop into one specific bottomless pit to reach another map or something like that.  At any rate I'm always down for an enormous exploratory map either way so I'm excited to give it a look (as well as those other ones you posted).

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I think I've only finished one map for Doom, and it was mainly Blood inspired since I had been playing Blood quite a bit. Mostly earthy textures, dark lighting, a heavy amount of blood, and a lot of verticality. It wasn't bad, but it was lost in a hard drive crash. Most of the other maps I've made were for Quake or Half-Life, but never published. And all were lost due to the same hard drive failure. Which at least provides a lesson: back your shit up.


After that was all lost I kind of gave up on mapping. I'll just play other peoples.

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You know what? I've hit mapper's block with my current megawad project and I've also deleted my first map ever. I'm going to go and make a Speedmap of my first map. Will post the map in 12-15 hours from now.

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I like this idea, since my first map was really short (see here) i gave it a shot and here are the results













While i tried to stick close to the original, it was too primitive and badly desgined (the map barely works) so i just recreated the thing is if it was the map01 of "insert megawad here" that is super easy and short. This resulted in some rooms that had to be joined, height variance was introduced, decorations were moved to be less intrusive, more monsters were introduced (instead of oops all pinkies!), and that mouldy fridge at the end was changed into a hell portal of sorts. That said i did kept that stove that was in the original.



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6 hours ago, Retro Dino said:

This is sorta on topic, but I enjoy taking others first maps and remaking them. Such fun to add my own little twist. 


Have fun with this beast: Dimensional Lake

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My very first maps were 32-sided regular polygons (triacontaduogons, I think?)  stretched out into jagged splats and stuffed full of enemies and other things, with a second triangle added somewhere with an exit switch. This was because I was five or six years old, was using DEU, played with cheats (and difficulty therefore was relevant) and had little frame of reference for what could be made. At the time, naturally, they were the best thing ever, but they’re not worthy of a remake now.


 I’ve already done a “HD remake” of my first three released maps (MAP01-03 of Scourge*) as E2M1 of ZPack, and incorporated ideas from my earliest surviving maps (literally released in an Old Map Pack) into Coils of the Twisted Tale, so I do get the appeal of this, but won’t partake myself. Interested to see what people come up with, though!



*Scourge itself features remakes of some earlier maps that I lost to the fickleness of DEU, so I was evidently rather into the whole remaking idea.

Edited by Phobus

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Remaking old levels is fun! I love my old creations, but it's nice to revisit them and use what I learned over the years to improve the concept of the original. I never pretend the original doesn't exist. However, the best thing about the process is that I often go "That is awesome, why don't I do this anymore!" or "Man, did I really do this with DoomCAD in '98 and now I struggle with coming up with stuff in UltDoomBuilder! Shame on me!" :)


Anyway, here's an example of a remake. The Unknown Chasm got remade into Chasm Control and then further improved to be featured in Monument. Yeah, that's right! This map has three versions :P


Here's something I am working on. Another old map getting a makeover. Don't know if it will ever be released.




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Three of my pretty aged maps (I have a lot more aged maps but they looked like garbage to me in 2017 and thus not screened here but included in BR2016.wad) and the screenshot of the remake of one of them below

Link to 2016 version of the wad: https://www.dropbox.com/s/65yma0la48nywi2/BR2016.WAD?dl=1

No screens of my latest maps here though but they exist and at least half is released


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I'm having some kind of forums deja vu.....


I ummm, have been working on my first map off and on since 2000. Started the map when I first opened DoomCad.


The newfangled version I started in 2017. It may contain parts from previous versions.


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I've been refurbishing my first released map the past few days, fixing the broken texture lump, playing with colors, expanding the secret areas and fixing the fights to be less painful. You can basically just continually fire the shotgun through it now although I left in a berserk fight which is far more fun if you choose to indulge!






just look at this wimpy monster count:

Trooper - 17
Imp - 61
Spectre - 13
Lost Soul - 10
Cacodemon - 10


next step is to change skill 1&2 into a challenge difficulty so I can just add a spiderdemon like I wanna

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Original (7/5/2017):






(This one room is the entire map heh)

Edited by Regular Warren : Dates added, I got the dates wrong because I'm literally me

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