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Micro Slaughter Community Project demos [-complevel 9]

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DSDA page aka mscp // mscp_v1a // mscp_v1a.wad


Post your demos for Micro-Slaughter Community Project here!


The preferred naming convention is mspcXY-123, where XY is the map number and 123 is the time. The dash, traditionally used for speed and max, can be replaced by a letter signifying other categories.




Map04 UV Max in 2:58-mscp04-258.zip


old note:





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Edited by Maribo

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post your mscp demos!



forum post



edit: The suggested naming convention is mscpXY-ZZZ.lmp, where XY is the map number and ZZZ is the time. Replace the "-" with a letter to represent categories such as NM (n), fast (f), tyson (t), pacifist (p), nomo (o), or Anti-Sherlock -respawn Ballerina Reality (asrbalreality).

Edited by rd.

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Map01 UV Pacifist in 4:05



It's ugly but just wanted to prove it's possible. There's plenty of time saving you can do.


Edited by Decay

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Map15 UV Pacifist in 1:30.23



Took a bit to figure this one out. So bumpy, hardest part is maintaining the control needed. Or maybe I've got shaky hands?



Edited by Decay

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Map09 UV Pacifist in 1:35.17



holy FUCK. Boners, jaja, skeletons xd, archie and friends.


Edit: Added vid


Edited by Decay

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Map07 UV Pacifist in 6:39



I never actually gave this map a try, but it was pretty easy. You could probably lower the time but I only gave this a couple runs.


Edited by Decay

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Guess I wasn't done after all, got the run I really wanted. Took a long time to figure this one out, much experimenting.

Map03 UV Pacifist in 2:37




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Map10 UV Pacifist in 2:!2




Killing all the demons is overrated. Not sure why I didn't give this one a few pokes before, just isn't a really invigorating map I guess.

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Map16 UV Pacifist in 5:57



No violence in the sanctuary please. Also not a beluga in sight. TBH I really liked this map even if getting the final recording was very difficult.




I think that might conclude my pacifist attempts of the maps, I don't think I can do any of the remaining ones. Including @liveincity's pacifist run of 04, that's 12/16 maps completed pacifist, which is pretty good for a slaughter wad I think.

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MAP10 UV-Max in 4:11.06



Table filler messy run. This one felt really weird to get the flow of with all the backtracking.... The switch in the room with the 2 cyberdemons also seemed to break the map if I hit it? It would end up raising the floor too high and creating a HOM, and then the floor being too high just makes a wall where you can't exit back to the room where the 2 cyberdemons were.

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