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Playstation DOOM Reloaded - 66 Levels for GZDoom (V1.0 Released)

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im surprise no one commented on this but damn dude it looks cool i always though that the psx doom looked better then the pc version when it comes to atmosphere

now i wont be able to play this for some time thanks to my potato pc

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I've always wanted a mod which replicates PSX Atmosphere and Aesthetics but more detailed, and I have over 66 Levels to play with. I can't imagine how much time it took for you to make this, congrats!

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66 maps??? and you guys are going to add 33 more maps???

Insane amount of work and I'm definitely going to play this. Starting now.

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Ok. I gave a play (and recorded) the first 12 maps (11 maps plus the first secret map) and these were my first impressions:

  • I noticed immediately the lack of sector reverberation that was predominant in PSX themed maps, which I can suggest to correct this for a more immersive atmosphere. I think you guys can ask what was the settings for that reverb effect.
  • The maps looks pretty simplistic, which it's the idea of that theme but, with the added effects for GZDoom, like dynamic lights, it adds more variety to not look more "plain". So, a good point there.
  • The revenant.....oh boy...I like this change. To balance his lack of speed and being more clumsy, it launches double missiles and all homing?. Now it's even more dangerous than before. Good change.
  • The screen shaking for the weapons and the knockback might be a point to consider and some people may not like it. I personally don't mind the shake effect but probably might be a bothersome to others.
  • Last but not least, the melee attack reach. This is a pro and a con situation. Wanna punch the bastards? No problem, do it at some distance but the monsters also uses that advantage to screw you up.

I love the music but, I guess that the third episode should use tracks from the PSX Master Levels to add variety. So yeah, those are my points and, I like the maps so far. Good job and....I see what you guys did with some maps. Lots of inspirations from the Doom maps.

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2 hours ago, HLRaven said:

I've always wanted a mod which replicates PSX Atmosphere and Aesthetics but more detailed, and I have over 66 Levels to play with. I can't imagine how much time it took for you to make this, congrats!

there are some other mods that also do that they always pop up on doomworld form time to time

i love the ps1 asthetics so its a win win for me

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A PSX themed Wad? Sign me up, there isn't enough of these around.


I started work on one myself near the end of 2019, but unfortunately I never made it past the first episode before real life put a stop to my shenanigans. The folder sits there on my desktop taunting me every time I turn my Pc on. This is partly down to the fact that the free time I do have is spent on entertainment (games, doomworld, Wads etc).


In any case, I'll add this to my Wad backlog and bump it up the list so that I actually get to play it before old age and dementia take me. Seriously, you should see my Wad backlog. 'Tis a sight to behold.


Looking forward to giving this a spin. As you might have guessed I'm a fan of PSX Doom, so anything related to that is going to bump the que in my Wad list.


4 hours ago, HLRaven said:

I've always wanted a mod which replicates PSX Atmosphere and Aesthetics but more detailed, and I have over 66 Levels to play with. I can't imagine how much time it took for you to make this, congrats!


There is a few around.


Off the top of my head: Threshold of Pain by Scalliano and Fall of Triton by the same author that made this thread. There is also a remake of that last one called Fall of Triton II which focuses more on detail etc.


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hi RHG 45 !


I just finished the 66 levels and I found all the secret levels, frankly I am very impressed with what you did with Yikesdude754, for the 66 levels I have nothing to say they are great, decoration good, atmosphere good, its respects good PSX DOOM ! I can't even imagine the time it took you to do 66 levels which are awesome !


I can't wait to see the sequel "FINAL DOOM ENDGAME" I support you !



10 hours ago, elden4 said:

awesome ! hope you can add it to doom ce too!


don't worry i'm planning them for my next project !





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6 minutes ago, styd051 said:

hi RHG 45 !


I just finished the 66 levels and I found all the secret levels, frankly I am very impressed with what you did with Yikesdude754, for the 66 levels I have nothing to say they are great, decoration good, atmosphere good, its respects good PSX DOOM ! I can't even imagine the time it took you to do 66 levels which are awesome !


I can't wait to see the sequel "FINAL DOOM ENDGAME" I support you !








Thanks for the kind words! 


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Oh man, I can't wait to test this out! I wonder if it will bring me back when I was 10 *_* 

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Ok. I managed to FINALLY complete the set!!! Took long enough thanks of being me searching for secrets and shit like that.


I gotta say that the maps were good in its own right, even if the similarities with the original levels are there. I think the "original maps" that appears later in the game (and the super secret map as well) are solid..........except the very final map.

I have some issues with that map. First of all, the map is too damn big for such an amount of monsters. Second, I know that two masterminds needs to be used like in the PSX version but I think that a different kind of boss should have been used to have a sort of twist at the end. Same with those barons popping up...an archie or 2 would have made things spicier. At least the exit felt surreal-esque with the surrounding void.


Speaking of the devil, EACH TIME an archvile appears behind a wall, the waking sound makes me jump a bit lmao....it's quite loud. But those sounds are good enough.

So yea, it's a pretty solid set that it's loyal to the essence of the PSX version. Thumbs up.


PS: the grenade launcher is OP as fuck. You can kill an archie with one shot. Had fun with that weapon as well as I killed myself for being stupid with it :D

PS no.2: I recorded the whole thing, so expect the videos, starting tomorrow.

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Well, you guys can check the video for some stuff that I didn't see...



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Hey, idk if anyone already said this but on map 5 "UAC RD-303 LAB", right in the room to the exit door (red doors room), when ya fall on the acid pit on right side the elevator does not work, idk if is intended as the elevator has malfunction or if is a bug, just tought I would let ya know, the image shows which elevator I mean.



Edit: On map 36 "Bone Crunching" found a little texture mistake on these stairs (about previous maps don't know if any secret is bugged so probably someone who tries to gather 100% may have to find any if there is, about exits all of them are achievable for now).Screenshot_Doom_20210703_203637.png.9344a6b607d1d54da8c9942374e2697d.png


Map 46 "Falling Deeper" also has a texture mistake with a door leaving a huge black gap, left image of the location on map (ignore the fact of me using fly lol, loaded saved file just to not cheat about that).Screenshot_Doom_20210710_162244.png.41c07d428950a64af3a2ba5fa83d12eb.pngScreenshot_Doom_20210710_162505.png.fb7c27c57000a2ca266f321a1fb93ae9.png

Edited by Colonel Dark

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7 hours ago, RikouHogashi said:

Its a darn shame the mediafire link is broken

Until @Isolation hopefully updates the link, here it is, since I happened to have downloaded it last month.

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