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The DWIronman League dies to: Scythe 2

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Category 2, died on map31. Exited map15 at 2:01:37.



There are a few moments where I was clearly lucky to survive. On map05, I recklessly tried to run past a cyberdemon, slammed into him instead, and would've been splattered if he fired a rocket at that time; my health wasn't high enough to survive it. On map10, I ate a rocket while I did have enough health, but the screen was completely red and I couldn't see. From there, I somehow stumbled into the megasphere I had just decided not to grab in case I might need it; turns out that I did. I remembered map15 better than most, didn't expect to survive the final fight. I didn't feel confident about maps 16 or 31, so I took the risk with map31 and died to those bullshit evil marines. Overall, these maps were easier than I remembered.



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bloodite krypto is still marked as a winner after the cheating scandal?

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category 2 died on map 4


i played scythe 2 before but i never beated it and that was also my first time recording demos the reason why i stopped sometimes is because i was worried about my dog she is still a puppy and she likes to mess around with everything in the house near the end of the run i even stopped for a while to scold her to stop messing around in the kitchen

overall i could have done a lot better if i took it more seriusly i just recorded more to learn how to record demos on prboom well next time im gonna give my best



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Here's my run, details are given in the text file, but I'll write them here just in case


Demo name: Ironmanscythebylol6.lmp [1]
Category: 1 (Standard)
File: scythe2.wad
Engine: Crispy-doom v.5.10.1

Maps: 1-2 (killed at the lava river)
This is a blind run, but I haven't watched any videos or checked any information according to scythe2 and most of it's levels (only Map 01), the only information I have seen about the megawad is about the new enemies, which is on the Ironman thread.

Demo: ironmanscythe2bylol6.zip

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Category 2 (played through most of the maps a while back on HMP)

Died on MAP08 (exited MAP07 at 36:06)




Had a mancubus hit me through the wall a couple of times and when I got away from the wall to avoid the damage the archvile started attacking me. Brainfarted and he managed to finish me off.


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What excellent timing. I just finished scythe 2 for the first time a few hours ago.

Should I consider my run a category 2 or 3?

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9 hours ago, Jacek Bourne said:

Should I consider my run a category 2 or 3?


It's category 2 unless you play it after the announcement and your purpose was specifically to prepare for it.

You lucky bastard

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2 hours ago, ReaperAA said:


It's category 2 unless you play it after the announcement and your purpose was specifically to prepare for it.

You lucky bastard


Thank you for clarifying.

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17 hours ago, omalefico32x said:

bloodite krypto is still marked as a winner after the cheating scandal?


Bloodite Krypto's historical status has been discussed before. The decision was made to leave him in the rankings and on the leaderboards because there was no way to know if he had cheated every time he played, or just some of the time. He was clearly talented, so at least some of his performances likely were completely genuine. There are tools that could have been used to more thoroughly examine the individual keystrokes of his demo, looking for inconsistencies that would have been suggestive of something nefarious. However, at the end of the day, no one was sufficiently invested to go through this admittedly Herculean effort. Therefore, not knowing for sure which demos were examples of cheating is what ultimately led us to collectively decide to leave him on the leaderboards and in the standings, instead of retroactively removing him and recalculating the standings.

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1 minute ago, Pegleg said:


Bloodite Krypto's historical status has been discussed before. The decision was made to leave him in the rankings and on the leaderboards because there was no way to know if he had cheated every time he played, or just some of the time. He was clearly talented, so at least some of his performances likely were completely genuine. There are tools that could have been used to more thoroughly examine the individual keystrokes of his demo, looking for inconsistencies that would have been suggestive of something nefarious. However, at the end of the day, no one was sufficiently invested to go through this admittedly Herculean effort. Therefore, not knowing for sure which demos were examples of cheating is what ultimately led us to collectively decide to leave him on the leaderboards and in the standings, instead of retroactively removing him and recalculating the standings.

thanks for the explanation i was very confused when i saw him in the rankings and yea i agree the dude was talented but that just made easier for him to cheat

not that it matters too much in the end of the day this is more for fun then a serious competition like speedrunning is i still think what he did was bad though

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Here is my Category 1 submission.


Dead on: Map 02

Kills: 48/92

Time: 10:59




Oh yeah, I'm setting myself up well to occupy the bottom of the rankings again. This time it wasn't lack of awareness that got me, it was my poor dodging skills. Ordinarily, I can handle cacodemons--it's other enemies that I can't dodge to save Doomguy's life. But this time, I managed to dodge into a cacodemon fireball. Actually, I just checked the demo and I managed to dodge into 3 separate cacodemon fireballs in rapid succession. Masterful playing. And I felt like I was playing rather well, too. Oh well, you never know when it's time to offer people a free Masterclass in How to be Good at Doom.

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Got to Mr.X, then my health vanished somewhere. Category 2 entry, exited map15 in 1:51:59.


If you're going to watch it - it's going to be fairly boring. The only highlights I can retell are huge blunder at the end of map14 and me pulling out a miracle out of my pants to survive that gangbang at the end of map15.


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cat 2, died on the death exit on map 5 and accidentaly restarted the map :( (time is roughly 23 mins)

each ironman is better than the other for me



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Category 2


Demo: ReaperAA_scythe2_DWIL.zip

Dead on: Map21

Time to complete Map20: 2:34:51


I have to say... I actually really enjoyed playing the wad again. I have been harsh towards the wad in the past, but I feel that I was unfair to this wad.


Also I am very happy with my performance. I did pretty good and also got lucky in certain situations. And I was also pretty sure that I was gonna die on Episode 5 anyway (Map23 is the absolute furthest I expected to reach).

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Standard, Category 1
Dead on: MAP02 with 27/92 kills
Time of death:  at ~6:13. Finished MAP01 in 4:23:54
Demo: DWI_PecMiz_Scythe2.zip    Recorded with dsdaDoom 0.18.0, cl2

I also recorded a playthrough on Twitch over here. It starts at about 00:30.



This was a lot of fun! I had never played Scythe 2 before and didn't know what the big deal was yet. Thoroughly enjoyed my playthrough, died much too soon to a very competent Revenant and my own hubris. After I saved the demo I restarted the game and had a great time playing the first 8 maps. Lovely megawad!


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Category 2

Died on map14.

I forgot that the revenant pillars had 2 sides instead of 1 so I delayed killing them which cost me much health and eventually my life as well. I shouldn't have died here. I made just enough mistakes and this map has a shortage of health so I died. Disappointing. I expected to die on map31, 16, or 22 instead of this.

Lasted about 1:40 minutes.



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Cat 3, dead on map08 with 118/161 kills in 38:42



Despite having played the whole wad recently and then watching shock's attempt and some of vile's I remembered almost nothing useful, certainly not the secret weapons in e2 or anything else that would have saved me from the stupid revenant switch. Anyway, don't watch this demo except for verification because it's insanely boring.



Edited by BoxY

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@BoxY If you played/watched walkthroughs of the wad "after" knowing that it was chosen for the Ironman, then it is a category 3.


I also need to free up some time to update the leaderboard. Has been some pretty busy weeks for me.

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Blind type 1 attempt.  I did read the DoomWiki entry about the new enemies long before this month but didn't make it to any of them in my attempt so that advance knowledge doesn't come into play here.  Croaked in map 10 cursing the slow weapon switch speed.  Each episode in the .zip is a separate demo.


So this is the legendary Scythe 2.  While I'm mostly "whatever' about it and modern Doom gameplay in general, I do see its influence on works like Epic 2 which is something I do have a liking for.  So got to give credit where it's due.  Map 8 is where it started to stand out for me on its own merits independent of its status on DoomWorld.  My ammo management on that map was atrocious; would have not made it from pistol start the way I was playing.


PrBoom+ -complevel 9 (oops)


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Category 3, did 2 practice runs early in the month and finally streamed my run on Wednesday night.



God, it's so annoying to die to map 15's final fight; it got me here, and it got me in each of my 2 practice runs. It's not even that difficult (as proven by me immediately crushing it a minute later just for demonstrative purposes), but it being the culmination of the previous 15 maps, along with the slight RNG-ish nature of dropping a dozen mancs on you at close range makes it a much trickier and tenser fight. Other than that there's very little to speak of in terms of close calls - map 10's exit was much easier than I'd hoped.


EDIT: I exited Map 14 at 1:30:27


Edited by an_mutt : Added timestamp for final map exit.

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Died on map14, or maybe 13, about half way through the map, about an hour 15 in.  Didn't expect to survive map21 anyway (if that's the green one where you start surrounded by mancs and goats)


Cat 2, but kept forgetting what wad I was playing, was thinking it was bloodstain, then epic2, and a lot of my plays of scythe2 have been on coop, so in some situations I was expecting massive gangs of revs or the odd extra cyber

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