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A return to Doomworld and an open thread for any questions regarding TNT Revilution development and whatever else

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2 hours ago, Kyka said:

And in terms of green, there was my massive Viridian Twilight map which was green from start to finish. Weirdly you saying this now because I just found the green version of that map today! I hadn't seen it for years.

Ohhhh, I really want to see this map. I looked at every single screenshot that you took of the green version to remake it as accurately as possible for Duality. I think I got it very close except for the area that is a grid of 3x3 box rooms. That's the only section that you didn't take any screenshots of.

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On 7/27/2021 at 10:15 PM, garudave said:

Hey @Kyka, just wanted to drop a message thanking you (and the other project devs) for your fantastic contributions.  I'm a relatively new Doomer and TNT Revilution is my current favorite megawad.  It hits all the aesthetic notes I want as well as providing exciting gameplay.


In particular, I want to say Transduction is the best Doom level I've played yet.  The simmering action building to that hellish crescendo is peak Dooming.  Managing to make a genuinely creepy level in a 30-year-old game engine is super impressive.


Also want to praise Pharaoh's Claim since you're credited on that one.  Dunno if the quest for the BFG in that level was your idea but as a pistol starter, that was one of the coolest and most memorable experiences I've had in Doom.


@garudave Thanks so much for the kind words. Really appreciated! And while yes I am somewhat responsible for the final look of Revilution, having done the texture pack and made many new textures for it, as well as modifying existing ones, it was ultimately those who came after me who had the biggest impact. @Jaws In Space was predominantly responsible for the final product, and took responsibility for the final 32 maps. I credit him ultimately for its final, as well as many others who came after me.


Funny story about Transduction. @StupidBunny was the original author, and he shared an unfinished version of Transduction on one of those "What wads are you working on," type threads that crop up every now and again. I saw it and I thought it looked ideal for Revilution (tnt2 at the time.) It really had immense potential as a map. The areas and the ideas were really strong. Stupid Bunny and I did some work on it to complete it, and then @Megamur and @Devalaous worked with us to finalise the design and details. We created a really good set of areas that played and flowed well. It was Megamur and Devalous who removed many of the monsters from the start, and made the map far more creepy and atmospheric and ominous than it had been. I did a lot more detailing and finalising. After my departure, it was @dobu gabu maru came along and changed the map, adding that vast final area and its hell variant, as well as changing the flow of the map itself. And as you can see, a lot of people worked together and separately to make that map what it was.


In regards to Pharaoh's claim, @Valkiriforce did the vast majority of that map in terms of layout and design. I just did a lot of the detailing really, fixing bugs, adding a couple of secrets iirc, a little texturing, making the map look really strong. Not that it was at all bad when I got it. That map was predominantly Valkiri. I do not now remember whether the BFG secret was me, I have a feeling it was, but I do remember working on the green flame lamp that triggers the BFG secret. Perhaps I totally did the BFG secret, perhaps I only changed the way you access that secret. I am not now sure.


Anyway, thanks so much for your encouragement. I am humbled. I hope the current tnt project we are working on will meet those same standards, and perhaps even manage to make a few levels that are genuinely scary and ominous and create a genuine experience, rather than just being a good and competent set of levels. Cheers.

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On 7/27/2021 at 11:32 PM, Devalaous said:


Everytime someone says this, it makes me smile; its so good to know that my ideas were actually good ones. Dobu, Megamur and Eris are the ones that really need the praise though for that level, as they made the idea real and refined it to what is today. I only lit the spark :p


Did @Eris work on Transduction? My apologies Eris. I never realised he had worked on it. @Devalaous you really came out with some strong concepts, as well as an amazing overarching narrative. Transduction showed me just how important those intangibles are. Great maps are not just about mapping proficiency and technical skills.

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On 7/27/2021 at 11:37 PM, Jaws In Space said:

Ohhhh, I really want to see this map. I looked at every single screenshot that you took of the green version to remake it as accurately as possible for Duality. I think I got it very close except for the area that is a grid of 3x3 box rooms. That's the only section that you didn't take any screenshots of.


Really impressed that you re created the green sections of that map just from screenshots. Wow. I will send you the green version of the map soon. I only ask that you don't replace the current version of map 29 with the green one. Because the green one is years old, and the current brown version I have now has had years of balancing, bugtesting, tweaks and improvements from that old green one. If hypothetically you and @P41R47 wanted to return to the green one for the final release, then I will retexture the current version to do so.


lol still impressed at the whole 'recreating from screenshots' thing.

On 7/27/2021 at 11:44 PM, Devalaous said:

*actually preferred the brown version when it was part of Devilution* >.>


I have to admit I do agree. 


Also Soz triple post.

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Just now, Devalaous said:

I meant that his midi was a large part in transforming it from Wormhold into Transduction.


Oh I see. I was thinking purely in terms of mapping. Yeah music is really powerful for that.

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Welcome back Kyka!


I'm glad to see, from the mentions of me in the thread, that Portal Facility continues to go down well. Shame I never got around to making the follow-up to that map, but I gather the megaWAD is very good and benefits from the range of authors.

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@Kyka super interesting to hear about the evolution of MAP12 after my absence, I always kind of wondered how it ended up where it is now.  I actually still have my original map fragment around somewhere, it corresponds to the southeastern portion of the final map, although you and @Megamur did wonders improving the flow and atmosphere.  I'm really thankful the map, modest and unfinished though it was, ended up in such talented hands (to say nothing of the incredible final section that @dobu gabu maru contributed).


I haven't beaten TNTR yet, I confess :p but it's a true masterpiece, I always loved TNT to begin with, the idiosyncratic but identifiable visuals and heavy atmosphere and sprawling, exploratory maps, and like so many others always kinda wished it lived up to its potential and was a bit less rough around the edges.  Revilution achieved exactly that I think.  

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(I vote the green version gets included as bonus content with Forever. 35 map main wad of the best TNT2 saga cut levels (30 levels, 2 secret levels, 3 warp-only levels), and a folder with older versions of various maps for historical interest and preservation; like the original version of Wormhold as it appeared in the public TNT2 demo, and another copy of the wad showing how it looked after Megamur's edits, for example.)

Guess I should explain Episode 3 stuff tonight. Will be busy tomorrow, wont have time to post anything then.

The third episode of Revilution was directly inspired by Kyka's Map 29 'Veridian Twilight' from Devilution (Which needs a new name for the brown version. 'Revolution's Twilight' is my vote; the end of your journey, and the end of the demon's technological revolution) and 'Arenophobia', the map that used to be in Map 21's slot, which got chopped to pieces and made near unrecognisable in Revilution's final release. Another big inspiration was several of @Alter's hell maps, including an EXTREMELY early map that was so old, it appeared in the VERY first demo TNT2 ever had; I think that demo was so old, the name Devilution hadn't even come up yet. The name 'Revilution' was my suggestion way back then for a subtitle for TNT2. Kyka remembered it and named the split-off project 'Revilution' in honour of me, iirc. It was quite a surprise. MionicDonut also had a really neat hellfort map that busted my ass with quite a shok at the end that I wont spoil, that stuck in my mind for Revilution's planning stages. I'm assuming that map is now in Forever, as it seems EVERY map I ever liked, wasn't to the taste of the Devilution team xD Ah well.


Episode 3 of Revilution was envisioned as the demons advancing even further with their integration of human technology, Doom and Doom 2 showed the demons getting more and more technologically advanced as Earth's technology was subverted. Baphomet was just a demon that spawned other demons after its tech integration, while our new final boss was fully networked into the Io base, and had entirely industrialised its segment of Hell. Blood, rust, steel, circuits, pollution, all that goodness was what we wanted for the E3 maps, with the soundtrack for that section being a lot more all over the place and experimental; Viscra's tracks were good fits for many of these levels. Arenophobia, the original Map 21, was brutal and exhausting. It was a long map that was a series of arena battles, with occasional rest spots. Extremely linear, which I usually dislike greatly, but when you approached it with the mindset of 'you just arrived on Hell's doorstep through a great big fuckoff portal, and the welcoming party is here' it really really 'fit' for me. With the original Devilution textures at the time, there was hints of the upcoming final boss in the...foyer? area where everything kicked off, and the first major arena , I believe it was a bloody void pocket with smaller dead Icons of Sin mounted on the walls as trophies. Something much bigger and meaner was waiting for you..


A map we had planned that didn't surface was a meat factory sort of level; industrial food processing for demons, with meat grinders, killer machinery to get crushed by, lots of blood. It was going to be Megamur's map, with a few heavy traps by our bad guy, and polished up and overseen by Kyka. With Megamur having to leave, that map never had a chance to be made.


Map 29 was featured in Revilution's final release but in a rather bizarre way; almost the entire map was removed and the starting region was mirrored, with green and brown halves, reflecting the way it used to look. Map 29 was a gargantuan behemoth of a map, basically Kyka channeling Drake O'Brian's TNT maps to the maximum level, and given the penultimate map slot. It was the final gauntlet, the culmination of your journey. It was long, it was hard, and had over 1000 monsters to tear through. I only ever had trouble in one specific area though, due to a crippling lack of armour in a hitscanner filled area. I recall giving Kyka a lot of shit about this one area and how many deaths I suffered there, only for him to reveal he had only just removed a green armour from that area in the last revision >_>; When this map shows up in TNT Forever, I hope people enjoy it like I did. Its very clearly not for everyone!




Now for the big one; Map 30's original plan, basically my greatest concept idea that was one of the things that spawned Revilution entirely, that never came to pass. I do beleive it was brainstorming this specific concept map that pulled me, Kyka and Megamur out of a depression slump and got us all united and working again after the horrible split.


Map 30 is always a big big problem to tackle. Its the map where you use an Icon of Sin/bossbrain/spawners, which most of the community seems to despise (Many of whom have admitted they literally cannot see a texture as more than a texture, thus the point of the boss is lost on them). And we didn't want another timed lift where we shot into a brain. So I came up with a boss map that was still a demon spawner finale using all of the inherent hardcoded Map 30 traits, and every single person on the team was floored by what I thought up. Even Megamur, our vanilla wizard that shot down any of my questions or ideas that wouldnt work in the original exe, had faith in this plan. (Unfortunately, a concept map to test it never happened, and ultimately, Malignata replaced it entirely.)


First off: The final boss was going to be the usual pile of textures arranged to make a face, but you would not be shooting at it. The level was going to feature teleport tubes that all the summoned monsters would appear from. You had to work quickly as endless reinforcements poured from these tubes. There would be nine spokes like a wheel, each leading to a control panel sort of thing that you would blow the fuck up, to shut off one of the teleport tubes (And due to the Map 30 hardcoded behaviour, the monsters would kill each other in the now sealed tubes, filling it with torn meat as they teleported into each other's bodies), and with each one, you would hear the boss scream in pain as you heard explosions. Returning to the boss, you would see that one segment of his face was now damaged, the control panels linked to it. Thus you would race to destroy all nine parts of the network, destroying countless things in the process, the reaction tearing the final boss apart bit by bit, while shutting off its reinforcements. Upon all 9 parts destroyed, you would now be able to leap inside the boss through a gaping hole in its face, into its demon-circuitry and flesh. There, you would blow up pieces of its brain/CPU (Keen dolls with new graphics) as it screams, revealing its brain core; the romero head with new graphics.


Kyka, Megamur and Eris were totally behind this map concept 100%, and Eris even made a start on a final boss theme for the level. He called it 'Ragnorian Reprise' after my username (much to my chagrin, as that was actually my real name that I accidentally put as my Doomworld account name, due to internet newbieism at the time. Then the others on the team started calling the villain the Ragnorian! D:) but neither of us at the time really 'felt it' and Eris said he'd scrap it then try to make a new track later.


Unfortunately, no concepting of this map ever began, as management of the project got ever more hectic. We did however, decide to use that Alter map from the ancient TNT2 demo as a base for it; it was delightfully hellish, full of great visuals, but it was too short and easy for a E3 map at that point. So it was put into Map 30 to serve as the Last Call of Revilution; a light regular map ending with a boss fight finale. At some point someone added a huge outdoor arena to that map with cybers and a master mind or two or three, and I can only assume that was due to more failures of communication; at that point the map was supposed to be locked with only the final boss arena section added, otherwise it'd end up too long and difficult.


I'll try to find the final boss concept art/textures that we managed to get next time; while a lot of our plans never got the needed assets, we DID get two very different pieces of art. I wasn't fully sold on one of them, as it was very early work and hard to visualise with my internal imagery, and I might have accidentally been too picky. I think that was also around the time when I was leaving for the new job, so apologies to Kyka if I responded poorly to it, that time was VERY busy.



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On 7/25/2021 at 2:35 AM, Devalaous said:


You'll be happy to know that I saved it from death and had a copy of his latest Mea Culpa beta in backup all these years, which he now has a copy of :) So its definitely not impossible!

I've got v5 and have been replaying this masterpiece in the past few days. 

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Wait, you were Blocky all along? Well, I never saw that one coming. Especially since I have had a few chats with you. Thanks for showing me that 40k fan movie earlier in the month by the way, I really enjoyed it. 


I admit I'm going to miss that flashing skull key picture. Despite my join date I have been around a lot longer as a lurker so I remember your profile picture (and the name) from way back in 2016'ish. Kind of hard to forget that mohawk imp.


In any case, welcome back Kyka.

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22 hours ago, Phobus said:

Welcome back Kyka!


I'm glad to see, from the mentions of me in the thread, that Portal Facility continues to go down well. Shame I never got around to making the follow-up to that map, but I gather the megaWAD is very good and benefits from the range of authors.


@Phobus I just replayed Portal Facility today. I am terrible with names, so I had to go figure out what map was associated with that name. I assumed it was 20 or 21 given the context of the conversation. It was one of Revilutions 'set pieces,' like transduction and other maps, around which the themes of Revilution rotated. It really was an impressive map. It had both small, tight combat in cramped computer areas, and also combat in huge areas with dozens of monsters. It never allowed you to get comfortable with the flow of the map, and a lot of the areas were pretty epic too. Thanks for your contribution!.


And also, thanks so much for the welcome. Really appreciated. Hope you are well.

15 hours ago, NaturalTvventy said:

I've got v5 and have been replaying this masterpiece in the past few days. 


@NaturalTvventy Honored and humbled that a creator of your calibre is playing through my rambly unfinished creation. NEIS really is one of the great megawads to ever come out, and would probably go close to my favorite megawad of all time. Thanks for the work. Sad that I had the opportunity to contribute a map to that, and owing to me having some pretty real irl things going, I missed that opportunity. Totally my fault. Best regards to you though.


Also, I hope to see SNEIS.wad one day. (Still No End In Sight!)


13 hours ago, Final Verdict said:

Wait, you were Blocky all along? Well, I never saw that one coming. Especially since I have had a few chats with you. Thanks for showing me that 40k fan movie earlier in the month by the way, I really enjoyed it. 


I admit I'm going to miss that flashing skull key picture. Despite my join date I have been around a lot longer as a lurker so I remember your profile picture (and the name) from way back in 2016'ish. Kind of hard to forget that mohawk imp.


In any case, welcome back Kyka.


@Final Verdict Yeah. I decided that I should change back to Kyka over the last few weeks. It was fine being Blocky when I was just lurking for years and maybe making a post every few months. But once I started to get a little more involved here over the last few months, I started to feel like I was misleading people. Letting them think I was someone I wasn't. It didn't sit right with me. And once I started to get a little involved behind the scenes, (I PM'd @Devalaous first, seeing as he was the only original Revilution founder still around, and seeing as how hard he worked on that project, then @P41R47 who is one of the leaders of TNT Forever, and he passed that on to @Jaws In Space,) and from there, I was kind of committed. I contacted @Lüt, who went above and beyond with the whole process of putting together three accounts into one, and here we are.


And yes that 40K short film really continues to blow me away. I am glad you enjoyed it. I don't play 40K, but I really love the lore and the universe, and that is one of the finest representations of the whole 40K thing.


Honored and humbled to be remembered, both as Blocky and the three keys avatar, and as Kyka with the Mohawk imp. Very grateful. Thank you. And thanks for the welcome! Wishing you all the best in these crazy times.

Edited by Kyka

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10 hours ago, Devalaous said:


(I vote the green version gets included as bonus content with Forever. 35 map main wad of the best TNT2 saga cut levels (30 levels, 2 secret levels, 3 warp-only levels), and a folder with older versions of various maps for historical interest and preservation; like the original version of Wormhold as it appeared in the public TNT2 demo, and another copy of the wad showing how it looked after Megamur's edits, for example.)

Guess I should explain Episode 3 stuff tonight. Will be busy tomorrow, wont have time to post anything then.

The third episode of Revilution was directly inspired by Kyka's Map 29 'Veridian Twilight' from Devilution (Which needs a new name for the brown version. 'Revolution's Twilight' is my vote; the end of your journey, and the end of the demon's technological revolution) and 'Arenophobia', the map that used to be in Map 21's slot, which got chopped to pieces and made near unrecognisable in Revilution's final release. Another big inspiration was several of @Alter's hell maps, including an EXTREMELY early map that was so old, it appeared in the VERY first demo TNT2 ever had; I think that demo was so old, the name Devilution hadn't even come up yet. The name 'Revilution' was my suggestion way back then for a subtitle for TNT2. Kyka remembered it and named the split-off project 'Revilution' in honour of me, iirc. It was quite a surprise. MionicDonut also had a really neat hellfort map that busted my ass with quite a shok at the end that I wont spoil, that stuck in my mind for Revilution's planning stages. I'm assuming that map is now in Forever, as it seems EVERY map I ever liked, wasn't to the taste of the Devilution team xD Ah well.


Episode 3 of Revilution was envisioned as the demons advancing even further with their integration of human technology, Doom and Doom 2 showed the demons getting more and more technologically advanced as Earth's technology was subverted. Baphomet was just a demon that spawned other demons after its tech integration, while our new final boss was fully networked into the Io base, and had entirely industrialised its segment of Hell. Blood, rust, steel, circuits, pollution, all that goodness was what we wanted for the E3 maps, with the soundtrack for that section being a lot more all over the place and experimental; Viscra's tracks were good fits for many of these levels. Arenophobia, the original Map 21, was brutal and exhausting. It was a long map that was a series of arena battles, with occasional rest spots. Extremely linear, which I usually dislike greatly, but when you approached it with the mindset of 'you just arrived on Hell's doorstep through a great big fuckoff portal, and the welcoming party is here' it really really 'fit' for me. With the original Devilution textures at the time, there was hints of the upcoming final boss in the...foyer? area where everything kicked off, and the first major arena , I believe it was a bloody void pocket with smaller dead Icons of Sin mounted on the walls as trophies. Something much bigger and meaner was waiting for you..


A map we had planned that didn't surface was a meat factory sort of level; industrial food processing for demons, with meat grinders, killer machinery to get crushed by, lots of blood. It was going to be Megamur's map, with a few heavy traps by our bad guy, and polished up and overseen by Kyka. With Megamur having to leave, that map never had a chance to be made.


Map 29 was featured in Revilution's final release but in a rather bizarre way; almost the entire map was removed and the starting region was mirrored, with green and brown halves, reflecting the way it used to look. Map 29 was a gargantuan behemoth of a map, basically Kyka channeling Drake O'Brian's TNT maps to the maximum level, and given the penultimate map slot. It was the final gauntlet, the culmination of your journey. It was long, it was hard, and had over 1000 monsters to tear through. I only ever had trouble in one specific area though, due to a crippling lack of armour in a hitscanner filled area. I recall giving Kyka a lot of shit about this one area and how many deaths I suffered there, only for him to reveal he had only just removed a green armour from that area in the last revision >_>; When this map shows up in TNT Forever, I hope people enjoy it like I did. Its very clearly not for everyone!




Now for the big one; Map 30's original plan, basically my greatest concept idea that was one of the things that spawned Revilution entirely, that never came to pass. I do beleive it was brainstorming this specific concept map that pulled me, Kyka and Megamur out of a depression slump and got us all united and working again after the horrible split.


Map 30 is always a big big problem to tackle. Its the map where you use an Icon of Sin/bossbrain/spawners, which most of the community seems to despise (Many of whom have admitted they literally cannot see a texture as more than a texture, thus the point of the boss is lost on them). And we didn't want another timed lift where we shot into a brain. So I came up with a boss map that was still a demon spawner finale using all of the inherent hardcoded Map 30 traits, and every single person on the team was floored by what I thought up. Even Megamur, our vanilla wizard that shot down any of my questions or ideas that wouldnt work in the original exe, had faith in this plan. (Unfortunately, a concept map to test it never happened, and ultimately, Malignata replaced it entirely.)


First off: The final boss was going to be the usual pile of textures arranged to make a face, but you would not be shooting at it. The level was going to feature teleport tubes that all the summoned monsters would appear from. You had to work quickly as endless reinforcements poured from these tubes. There would be nine spokes like a wheel, each leading to a control panel sort of thing that you would blow the fuck up, to shut off one of the teleport tubes (And due to the Map 30 hardcoded behaviour, the monsters would kill each other in the now sealed tubes, filling it with torn meat as they teleported into each other's bodies), and with each one, you would hear the boss scream in pain as you heard explosions. Returning to the boss, you would see that one segment of his face was now damaged, the control panels linked to it. Thus you would race to destroy all nine parts of the network, destroying countless things in the process, the reaction tearing the final boss apart bit by bit, while shutting off its reinforcements. Upon all 9 parts destroyed, you would now be able to leap inside the boss through a gaping hole in its face, into its demon-circuitry and flesh. There, you would blow up pieces of its brain/CPU (Keen dolls with new graphics) as it screams, revealing its brain core; the romero head with new graphics.


Kyka, Megamur and Eris were totally behind this map concept 100%, and Eris even made a start on a final boss theme for the level. He called it 'Ragnorian Reprise' after my username (much to my chagrin, as that was actually my real name that I accidentally put as my Doomworld account name, due to internet newbieism at the time. Then the others on the team started calling the villain the Ragnorian! D:) but neither of us at the time really 'felt it' and Eris said he'd scrap it then try to make a new track later.


Unfortunately, no concepting of this map ever began, as management of the project got ever more hectic. We did however, decide to use that Alter map from the ancient TNT2 demo as a base for it; it was delightfully hellish, full of great visuals, but it was too short and easy for a E3 map at that point. So it was put into Map 30 to serve as the Last Call of Revilution; a light regular map ending with a boss fight finale. At some point someone added a huge outdoor arena to that map with cybers and a master mind or two or three, and I can only assume that was due to more failures of communication; at that point the map was supposed to be locked with only the final boss arena section added, otherwise it'd end up too long and difficult.


I'll try to find the final boss concept art/textures that we managed to get next time; while a lot of our plans never got the needed assets, we DID get two very different pieces of art. I wasn't fully sold on one of them, as it was very early work and hard to visualise with my internal imagery, and I might have accidentally been too picky. I think that was also around the time when I was leaving for the new job, so apologies to Kyka if I responded poorly to it, that time was VERY busy.


*spoilered only to save a full page post.



@Devalaous I hope everyone reads these wonderful essays of yours. So it is seen just how hard you worked as a creative force behind the project, even though you didn't do a single map. You did all the midi compilation, literally created an entire tnt universe and backstory, much like id did with Doom Eternal, and were always there helping and suggesting. I am glad that all this work is, in some small way, being seen now, and coming out.


Thanks again for the work.

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7 minutes ago, Kyka said:


@Final Verdict Yeah. I decided that I should change back to Kyka over the last few weeks. It was fine being Blocky when I was just lurking for years and maybe making a post every few months. But once I started to get a little more involved here over the last few months, I started to feel like I was misleading people. Letting them think I was someone I wasn't. It didn't sit right with me. And once I started to get a little involved behind the scenes, (I PM'd @Devalaous first, seeing as he was the only original Revilution founder still around, and seeing as how hard he worked on that project, then @P41R47 who is one of the leaders of TNT Forever, and he passed that on to @Jaws In Space,) and from there, I was kind of committed. I contacted @Lüt, who went above and beyond with the whole process of putting together three accounts into one, and here we are.


And yes that 40K short film really continues to blow me away. I am glad you enjoyed it. I don't play 40K, but I really love the lore and the universe, and that is one of the finest representations of the whole 40K thing.


Honored and humbled to be remembered, both as Blocky and the three keys avatar, and as Kyka with the Mohawk imp. Very grateful. Thank you. And thanks for the welcome! Wishing you all the best in these crazy times.



Well, shows you have integrity by coming forward but I wouldn't worry about it too much. We all do silly things we sometimes regret later, I'm no exception. Although in my case I often do it without realising. I'm a little absent-minded sometimes.


Anyway I would have to be a drama queen to make an issue out of this, especially since I know the history/reason behind it. I have respect for the fact you laid it all out here when you could have continued the masquerade. There isn't many who would do that knowing full well the risks involved. Just look at it as removing a burden.


You were always pleasant to me as Blocky so as far as I'm concerned no harm done, you're the same person to me as you were before. Not to pump your ego but if anything I probably have more respect for you now than before. Like I said there isn't many who would do this, all things considered.


100% agree on the 40k vid. Been out of the loop on that stuff for years, but that was a treat to watch. I think I got a little over-excited in that thread though but eh, we're all children at heart.


Also yep, that mohawk imp is very memorable. I recognised it straight away even after 5 years and from only seeing it 2 or 3 times. I hope you keep it.


In any case, take it easy Kyka. I'll see you around the forums and once again, welcome back!



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6 hours ago, NaturalTvventy said:

I've got v5 and have been replaying this masterpiece in the past few days. 


My copy is 'mcudmfG.wad', dated 25/02/2013, dunno what version it is, but I recall Kyka saying it was the newest version that noone else had yet.

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