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How do you give a platform (walls & floor) one-way transparency?

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I'm on a West platform. Within jumping distance on the right there's another platform and I want it's walls and floor to be invisible when looking at it from the West platform but when you jump onto the platform it will NOT be invisible any more. However when you're on the East platform you can actually see the platform. How do you do this? Ultimate Doom Builder instructions preferred or I'd settle for GZDoom Builder Doom Builder 2 instructions as well. Example screenshot is below.



One-Way Transparency for a Platform.png

Edited by Havok : added screenshot

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Is the platform a 3d floor? Then, as far as I'm aware, this cannot be done, because 3d floor slabs are made from single-sided linedefs.


If it's not a 3d floor element, then you can make a one-way transparent wall by applying a mid-texture to only one side of a linedef. I don't think you can make one-way transparent floors.


(Sorry, not a super useful reply!)

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Two possible methods:


1) Have the platform lowered to the height of the surrounding floor. Have linedefs which trigger it to instantly raise when you jump to it or reach a southern position. See this wiki page for how to instantly raise and lower sectors: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Instant_raising_and_lowering_sectors


2) Make the platform a self-referencing sector (that is, both sides of the linedefs have the same sector number). For the south facing linedef, give it a middle texture and a negative y-offset equal to the texture's height e.g. -128. The drawback to this is the floor will be invisible even when standing on it. The wiki also has a page on these: https://doomwiki.org/wiki/Making_a_self-referencing_sector

Edited by NiGHTMARE

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2 hours ago, evil_scientist said:

Is the platform a 3d floor? Then, as far as I'm aware, this cannot be done, because 3d floor slabs are made from single-sided linedefs.

It seems you are confusing 3D floors and polyobjects? There's no real point to a 3D floor that doesn't have two-sided lines -- how 'd you even put it in the play area if it's closed off on all sides?


3 hours ago, Havok said:

I want to have a platform that you need to "jump" onto. Let's say the platform is at North. I want the platform's walls and floor to be invisible so it looks like there's no platform and you can see things behind the platform. However when you're at the South position you can actually see the platform. How do you do this? Ultimate Doom Builder instructions preferred or I'd settle for GZDoom Builder Doom Builder 2 instructions as well. Thanks 

So you want the platform to be invisible when you're on it?

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7 minutes ago, Gez said:

It seems you are confusing 3D floors and polyobjects? There's no real point to a 3D floor that doesn't have two-sided lines -- how 'd you even put it in the play area if it's closed off on all sides?


Yeah, I wasn't clear enough. I meant that the 3D floor's side walls are one-sided, because they are copied from the dummy sector outside the room.





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The thing is that 3D floors are not necessarily opaque.


You can also create "thin" 3D floors that don't have sides by giving them the same floor and ceiling heights. Also, setting "-" as the texture will cause the corresponding surfaces of the 3D floor to be invisible.


Here's an example of what I mean. This is a simple level with a square room with a magically thin FIREBLU surface in its middle. It's invisible from the start position, however, you can climb the stairs to see that it's visible from above, even if not from below. You could do it the other way around, with "-" as its top texture to make it invisible when you're above and a real texture on its bottom to make it visible when you're below. You could give it some depth by changing the floor and ceiling heights and the make both its top and bottom invisible so only the sides are visibles.


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I've added a screenshot to the first post to better explain what I want to do.

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Here's one possible Boom compatible method:

Use linespecial 242 to hide the platform by moving the visible floor to the same level as the surrounding sector. Then add MANY straight linedefs that face the same direction. Give all those linedefs a mid texture only visible on their front sides, enable the property "Lower unpegged" and adjust the texture Y offsets to be the negative value that is as big as the height of the mid texture.








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15 hours ago, Gez said:

It seems you are confusing 3D floors and polyobjects? There's no real point to a 3D floor that doesn't have two-sided lines -- how 'd you even put it in the play area if it's closed off on all sides?


So you want the platform to be invisible when you're on it?


I've added my first post again to be more clear. When standing on the middle platform it should NOT be invisible.

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When will the floor that you stand on be visible, just before or just after you're standing on it?

Sounds like you may have to script it in as a instant 3d floor lift.

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