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work == teh suck

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I thought I'd post something here to complain.

First off, I'm an optician so I make glasses. Today was probably the worst day I've had at work...

Today, when I walked in, we had eight pair of glasses to cut. That's not USUALLY bad, because it takes 10-15 minutes to finish a pair (despite that hour claim most places have), but I soon got very busy.

First, the other lady I work with that also does glasses when she's not doing anything else cut a lens wrong (she cut the left lens for the right eye) and blamed it on me. She said I labeled it wrong, which I didn't. She showed me the lens and the "R" and "L" were NOT my handwriting, but she disagreed with me. Grr.

Then, a broken pair of glasses came in that I had to fix before the day was over, so I started on that and was interrupted when the doctor asked me to roll some coins for him, so I agreed. I'm the "all purpose" girl aside from my normal lens cutting. I then got a huge box of coins to work on.

Halfway through, the other lady said she needed help, so I helped her for a while, then realized I needed to try and finish the coins or I might get in trouble, so worked on that as fast as I could, then I had to make time to take out the trash at the end of the day.

All in all, I got four pair of lenses cut and 1/4 of the coins rolled. It wasn't really all that fun...

I haven't been working long, so I can consider this my worst day at work. What's everyone else's worst day at work?

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that doesn't sound like a great day to me :P

i'm a full-time student and have never worked myself. it's easier that way, i think :P

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Hmm...fun fun ^_^;

I dont have bad experiences in real work, due to I dont feel like having a lame job at the moment. But school isnt much better than it, hence the reason Im failing :D

Hmmm, never heard of a optician before, but I suppose its obvious from the Opti part. Nonetheless, sucks being accused for someone elses wrong-doings, I get that a lot.

Well, to tell the truth, your day sounds more interesting than my day, rather be a optician and get payed instead of sitting in school rotting. yes I know thats naive to say. :D

Oh well, tomarrow another day of hard work and labor, fun fun, hope it goes better than today ^_^.

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Hmmph, jobs, I'm glad I don't have one, too many better ways of making money.

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The worst day I had was when I saw 3 bus full of people that want to order hamburgers and stuff while we're 2 on the job.

nxn : That wouldn't be dealing drugs and/or prostitute is it ? :P

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I was working on a paper route a few years ago, and one Thanksgiving day was far worse than any of the other bad days put together. Before we could deliver the papers to the houses, they had to arrive from where they produce the papers to a large warehouse where we waited. Usually they arrive between 3 and 4 AM, but not this day. Instead, they arrived sometime just after noon. We didn't know when they would arrive, so we all had to wait in the warehouse until they came. I didn't finish the route until well after 3 PM because the papers were about the thickest I had ever seen. Folding them and forcing them into those individual bags was a challenge on it's own.

And to top it off, I had missed the Thanksgiving dinner.

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the day I got held up and beaten by 2 armed evil people... then the police had the gaul to imply that I was in on it. :(

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nxn said:

Hmmph, jobs, I'm glad I don't have one, too many better ways of making money.


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Can't really say there was one worst day, just a bunch of shitty isolated incidences. Like the "poor litle rich girl" who tried to buy beer with her friends and then spit in my face when I told her to get lost. Or the guy who started insulting my upbringing, my parents, and my education when I missed a misplaced price tag.

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nxn said:

Hmm, heh, me? why never! I meant the lottery.

Funny, I thought you were the bribery type.

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Well, ince i've never had a real job, i'd have to pick the 14 days of intense manual labour 3 summers ago (I had to shovel the dirt back into a trench that was 450 feet long/6 feet deep and seperate the rocks...it was hell in/on earth, but i got a start on some beefiness

PS. A backhoe might have done something, but...

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When I was at the pool store, it got damned busy on every Memorial Day weekend. So much that my boss had to come out and tell a customer that she'd take over so that I could go and get lunch. But, they weren't that bad, I guess.

But, I guess my worse day so far was either when we thought that someone was trying to break in as we closed (it was dark and there was only me and some other kid there), or when this dude told me to bend over when I told him I couldn't take the spa thermometor back since he'd used it for about a month. I really haven't had a bad day, yet.

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Worst Day At Work?



Heh, work sucks indeed. One old biddy started yelling at me today because these pack of pencils said $0.40 on the shelf and it came up as $0.50...She made a complaint to the manager and everything, blamed half on me and half on the guy that does all the stationery stuff.

Fucking bitch, she can shove her pencils up her arse for all I fucking care.


Oh, sorry, language.

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A prostitute sells her body for money;
An employer sells his/her body AND mind for money...

Work is slavery!!!

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I'm waiting for Elbryan42 to reply to this thread.

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yes next time you cry and consider slicing your wrists over a bad day at your meaningless jobs, remember that there are millions of people worldwide who would kill for that sort of work. whining fucking maggots.

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Hmm, worst day at work...

Maybe the day I got laid off. That sucked. Even though I go rehired a couple months later. Or the time our ftp server got hacked and used for warez over a weekend because I forgot to disable anon access.

No, the worst was when I still lived at home and worked for my dad. He used to run a septic pumping business. Ever been inside a septic tank? I have :(

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jon^c said:

yes next time you cry and consider slicing your wrists over a bad day at your meaningless jobs, remember that there are millions of people worldwide who would kill for that sort of work. whining fucking maggots.

One billion people in this world don't complain when they eat garbage for dinner three weeks in a row, and you complain about a couple of letters you read on the Internet? Get a life, you snuffwhore.

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I don't think anything here could possibly amount to top deadnail's horror story about the hot day at work.

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Little Faith said:

I don't think anything here could possibly amount to top deadnail's horror story about the hot day at work.

Hey yeah, I remember that.

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Heh, so do I now.
One question after reading it: where's VileSlay? He hasn't showed up in some time.

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Spinoza made lenses for a living too. Not that this contributes anything to the thread, but I thought I'd mention it anyhow.

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I worked construction building feedlots for 6 years and have all kinds of good stories.

- was hooking the crane up to huge cement waterers when the bracket came off, smacked me in the forehead so hard I flew completely up and off the deck of the semi and onto the ground. Only thing that saved me from real injury was my ski-mask and that there was 8 inches of snow on the ground. Knocked me clean out cold.

- was pouring concrete into postholes. In a 20 year old feedlot. It had been raining for more than 2 weeks straight. Most of the lower section was under a 6 inch deep lake of liquid cow shit. Stepped into 3 foot deep 36 inch wide post hole. Spent 15 minutes getting the shit hosed off of me.

- I hold the record at Ceasar Coppieters construction: Got screamed at by the boss 12 seperate times for 12 different things in one 14 hour shift.

- Backed the crane truck over the pad machine, heh, they never figured out it was me tho. :p

- Transmission exploded on the dumptruck and cuz I was driving the boss wanted me to pay the $3500 to fix it. Fortunately the mechanic was right there to shit all over ceasar cuz the tower was so far out of whack. That's what sucks about working for a half assed company, there's always something that blows up on ya.

- Giant auger fell off the front of the bobcat and came in through the cab window. If I hadn't jambed the sticks sideways it prolly woulda killed me. That one and the next one kinda freaked me out:

- Drilling post holes next to high voltage lines. Boss told me the current was off, the Trans-Alta power guys that came running screaming over to me told me it wasn't. The 14,000 volt line was 6 inches deeper down than the hole I was drilling when I shut 'er down. Man, I woulda been fucking BBQ'd on that one.

- Drilling holes with the crane truck auger (it's massive), putting in pilings for a scale by the bean plant in Taber. The engineer every once in a while stops the auger and checks it with a big metal level. He takes the level off, gives the signal to start and KABLAM hits the main 14,000 volt line. Blew breakers in the plant right off the walls and started the building on fire. Fucking Trans-Alta couldn't find their asses with both hands. Can't believe the engineer didn't get fried on that one. When you're standing that close the arc usually gets ya.

Well, that's enough for now.


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well when i worked in greece, it was all cool. i was a bus boy. i didnt make allot of money, but it was enough. Since i was on the beach, chicks in bikinis would come and eat. MAN WAS I THE HOT AMERICAN PIMP OVER THERE!!!

now for the bad. thee worst thing i had to say was fropping glasses. try holding 6 of them fuckers with tiny fingers the size of 6 year olds.

also, this one woman wanted diet coke. i told her that we dont have diet coke. she said why not? i said, well we dont diet(???) in greece. she said she saw diet coke all over the place and she got pissed. stupid bitch.

all in all i made 500 euros in about less than a month of work. i got almost no tips. i worked for 12 houres strait though. with one break for lunch or dinner special made for me. heh, i like the place since they make the food for us and we can sit down and drink bea and have a nice lunch. but we kinda have to hurry, cus the boss would bitch, but he was cool.

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