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Senor Cacodemon

Worst way to die in any doom game

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  • I once decided to fight a Cacodemon while standing in front of a cluster of barrels. I was proud of myself for dodging effectively (I am horrible at dodging) until realizing just slightly too late that me effectively dodging meant that the caco blew up all the barrels behind me.


  • Scientist 2 Map 02 had a barrel sitting on a teleporter. No, I didn’t notice the barrel. Yes, I telefragged the barrel.


  • I once tried to charge a chaingunner while wielding a chainsaw. No, I wasn’t out of ammo. Yes, it turned out to be a horrible idea.
  • Pro tip: Never bring a chainsaw to a chaingun fight.


On 11/20/2021 at 1:05 PM, Hawk of The Crystals said:

The worst death is dying to the most piss-easy enemies even on ITYTD. No, I'm totally not projecting, I totally wasn't garbage even at the easiest difficulty years ago.

How about dying by being shot in the back by a zombieman you forgot about while testing your own map?


Yes, I have done that.


In addition to numerous more mundane deaths at the hands of zombiemen in other people’s maps.


On 11/20/2021 at 5:45 PM, Maximum Matt said:

I know of worse: inescapable damaging pits that have an item in them to lure you in.


You may have confused “worse” with “peak map design.”

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Aw hell to the no.  

How about another one:  dying from the explosions of the Icon Of Sin.  Sure, you still win the game, but the bastard took you with it.  

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Ive always felt that my worst deaths were when for some dum reason one of my family members feels the need to enter my computer room, turn on the light and start talking to me about something I most likely dont give 2 fux about and because Im not rude I turn to look at them when I answer whatever mundane topic they brought up and innevitably that is when (homing missle, cyber rocket, surprise chaingunners, arachno gets a bead on me, archie has line of site.) Take your pick, they are the worst way to die in doom!

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On 11/20/2021 at 11:24 PM, Capellan said:

My nomination: dying to a hurt floor while wearing a radsuit, due to the glitchiness of -20/-10 floors.


I'll go with "touching a damage floor crossing a minuscule gap, having the game decide you should get damaged the exact game tic your feet touch the pool".

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7 minutes ago, Oxyde said:

I'll go with "touching a damage floor crossing a minuscule gap, having the game decide you should get damaged the exact game tic your feet touch the pool".

Oh I just had a death like that. Actually, much worse: I died to a swastika. Yeah, I was playing DM2GM3.WAD and in one of the rooms there's a shadow of a swastika on the floor, and it had a medikit lying on it. I had exactly 20 health so I rushed to pick it up, but this swastika turned out to be a 20 damage floor and I died on the same tic I touched it.

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What about an annoying platforming section at the end of a long, difficult map? I already hate platforming in Doom but some mappers go crazy with it. I can't think of a specific map but I imagine it would piss me off a lot

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Literally WALKING into a fireball.

I have a bad habit of getting overzealous while playing Doom and I'll try to fight 30 demons at once, which ultimately causes me to die since I'm running around like a maniac and I eventually just walk into a stray imp/caco fire ball.

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That's a function of map design and I hate it. I absolutely will never put my players through

something like that. What do I mean? I mean, map authors who don't give the player a

chance to examine their surroundings to even make a choice at all when they enter a map.

Even old school maps where you're in a tight room with six shotguys have the courtesy to

have those shotguys facing away from the player. If I enter a game and haven't moved off

of the opening spawn spot, I should not die for any reason. I never liked the scrolling death

maps of the Super Mario franchise either. Player choice is so important. Map designers:

give the player the choice to die by their own volition!


Edited by prfunky : adding emphasis, missing word

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36 minutes ago, 12GMONSTER said:

Imagine you could actually commit suicide in a DOOM game, that's even more fucked up


... you can?

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15 minutes ago, maxmanium said:


... you can?

I don't think nobody has ever done a mod where you could do suicide.

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14 hours ago, Li'l devil said:

Oh I just had a death like that. Actually, much worse: I died to a swastika. Yeah, I was playing DM2GM3.WAD and in one of the rooms there's a shadow of a swastika on the floor, and it had a medikit lying on it. I had exactly 20 health so I rushed to pick it up, but this swastika turned out to be a 20 damage floor and I died on the same tic I touched it.

Ah yes, map 3 of #1DWANGO.wad, by Eric Reuter, arguably the first quality map of the Doom II portion of Maximum Doom, alphabetically.  

Uhh... notwithstanding the swastika, tho

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