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What is your most heated gaming moment in doom?

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Probably those moments when Im really enjoying myself and totally forget to save after having completed

a good portion of the map, not that its happens to often, mainly in good maps that get me immersed,

but I hate those moments, then I try to speedrun to the spot I died.

Edited by Soulless

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The map uhh, 14 angrier-archviles I think it is? Took me half a dozen attempts to beat it and EVERYTIME that fight with the 2 archviles in the toxic pit with the raising/lowering pillars you use for "cover" it is the most frantic fight. Being on a timer due to a poison floor sucks, monsters spawning around you sucks, 2 overhead archviles with unreliable cover sucks. IDK that map stuck with me, some neat fights in it but that fight is so stupidly gogogogo


Side note - all cacodemon kills on Doom eternal, because of how they are used in that game. They wander in midfight and if you happen to be moving at a bad angle when they unload, you fall over and die, and you didn't even know it was there yet. Marauder can be frustrating too, because they aren't difficult - but like every 10 of them or so, I just fuck-up and fall behind, or the dog survives a SSG blast you were sure it wouldn't and on NM if it makes contact you more or less die

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Either map 23 (the whole thing, just start to finish misery) of Sunlust or map 29, with the archvile room. I won't spoil it for those who haven't played, but I found the timing to be just finicky enough to be able to understand what I needed to do, without being able to do it. Funny how someone on YouTube was saying "this is where Sunlust gets really easy before getting really hard with Map 24" which I honestly really enjoyed for the most part.

Also just finished E1M8 of Tarnsman's Projectile Hell. Oh, here's enough ammo to go back and clean up? This is my fifth time restarting this level after saving into a corner. I. Am. Leaving. Now.

Surprisingly found that last map of Sunlust really enjoyable on HMP though. No really rage inducing fights, pretty decently balanced.

But true rage? Time Tripper Map 4 or 5 where you have to kill the single archvile at range with the SSG, and the final map where I was savescumming at 2% health to finish the fights on the red key ambush. The Draugr replacements are simply too hard to dodge, I came very very close to rage quit and deletion.

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Getting caught in a cheap chaingunner trap then getting hitscan-bukkake'd a few tics later. Not really a gamer moment, its mostly mild annoyance, i love Doom too much to get pissed at it, Hexen on the other hand...

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The beginning of the first map in the wad I'm working on, it starts off by giving you a basic shotgun and some ammo, but there are two chaingunners on the sides, and two arachnotrons like 200-300 map units in front of you, and the space to dodge those shots is pretty small, I never think to use the chainguns the chaingunners drop, and I constantly die due to not knowing how to dodge the arachnotrons' shots.

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if "heated" means getting pissed at the game, an enemy or whatever, then some cellar deathmatches long ago were these moments. especially against a good friend (whose father owns said cellar, btw), who was also the arch-enemy. i still have the demos somewhere, just have to make it run on a dos version of doom legacy that was popular back then, around 1998-2000.

so on dwango5 map01, i come out of the back entryway. he's in the courtyard and fires a rocket at me. i dodge it and kill him in one ssg blast. he respawns immediately, right behind me, in the entryway, and gets smacked by his own rocket in the back of his head.

he was already angry at the game at that point, so here came a swift ragequit.

tbh, i was equally guilty of ragequits too then. i broke a keyboard, which was broken anyway. it's weird, because today i'm simply too lazy to bat an eyelid. 

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I was recording a uvmax demo of sunder map05 (the platforming one) and was on attempt 164 I had successfully beaten everything and was on the last jump before the exit and then fell to my death. It took me until attempt 409 to finally beat the map uvmax.

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I remember being BFG raped on Dwango5 map01... That made me almost angry. It was many years ago. The source port was ZDaemon.

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I once got so angry at scythe 2 I deleted it.

Then after about 5 minutes took it out of my trash and relaunched it.

Still haven't beat the map I'm stuck on lol

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Sunlust MAP18.


Just everything about it on UV.


Never again.

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Over a decade ago on an old profile doing a UV-Max run.


I remember specifically breaking my mouse, and probably dented the chassis of my laptop or monitor or something.


It's a fuzzy memory, but I definitely remember posting about it, and was told something is wrong if you're getting that frustrated with something you're supposed to enjoy.

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10 hours ago, ZeMystic said:

I once got so angry at scythe 2 I deleted it.

Then after about 5 minutes took it out of my trash and relaunched it.

Still haven't beat the map I'm stuck on lol

Is it 23, 25, 26, or 27?

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15 minutes ago, Jacek Bourne said:

Is it 23, 25, 26, or 27?


Map 5 lol


Kidding, yeah it was map23.

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On 2/1/2022 at 12:57 PM, Pirx said:

tbh, i was equally guilty of ragequits too then. i broke a keyboard, which was broken anyway. it's weird, because today i'm simply too lazy to bat an eyelid. 

Something gained, something lost!

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Most of the times the most I'll do is hit my thigh if I die or something, it is padded not like this hurts. That's the most outwardly heated i get but not the most heated. When I am the most heated it is not loud, but quiet. When I'm doing a uvmax run and it is ruined by an imp not dying in 1 shotgun blast or when I get snagged on a wall and perforated by chaingunners, I do not outburst. I just close the game and stop playing for a little and sometimes decide it is time for me to sleep because nothing is going to be fun the rest of the day (how I felt the one time I died to The Chasm in a d2all run). That doesn't happen a lot though.

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On 1/29/2022 at 11:00 AM, Poncho1 said:

One specific moment would be trying Map32 of Speed of Doom. Even with saves, it's a pain.

Single digit health. Quicksaving about 200-300 times in the first room waiting for the monsters to kill each other. Killed over and over... by imp fireballs

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The Beginning of Scythe Episode 2 with Corruption Cards. It got easier, during the end but the beginning barely had any good weapons.

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OK, so my heated moment was grinding Sigil E5M5 Abaddon's Void - I don't get very heated but it was gutting in that moment. It was a pistol start, UV, all kills & secrets run with no saves. I ran the map around 60 times to figure out the routing so as to manage health and ammo consumption and find the secrets. I got to the last room, and then the last baron. I was so happy to have finally made it. I was pretty safe and circle strafing the baron while coming to terms with having finally made it and I bumped into the exit texture (forgot about this). It exited the map with the final baron half dead and only 99% of the kills! Thankfully I finished it in the next run! 


The video capturing this is here and timestamped to start in this part of my video outtakes for the map:

My Heated Moment - Sigil E5M5 Abaddon's Void

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