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10 Sectors Part 2 Demos [-complevel 9]

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mostly of uv max tablefillers...


m04 UV Max - 5:58

m06 UV Max - 6:43

m12 UV Max - 5:05

m17 UV Max - 7:48

m27 UV Max - 10:37

m20 UV Pacifist -  :25


So only 19 and 24 left without maxes. But these are shitty nuts to smash indeed...

24 has a masochistic start and stupidly 16320x128 distant platform with some barons walking along it for eternity;

19 CAN be done in 1:54 instead of plain easy and boring 1:55, but due to shitty designed teleporter 90% attempts will end with last monster moving along the teleport line infinitely, another 9% will have just more monsters left and in last 1% you kill them all but will cross exit line with time like 1:55.0x ... cursed map!



btw fyi only 3, 4, 7, 8, 22, 24 maps require boom-compatibility, with 24 just do scrolling decorative stuff (and maybe altered watercacos behavior, dunno...)








Edited by Hitherto

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