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Freazy Boom - A single map WAD for Doom 2 (-complevel 9)

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Hey, this was a blast, Freazy! My only quibble is I think you might've been a tad overzealous with your ammo/health distribution on UV as I found myself a smidge overpowered by the near-end. Excellent work otherwise. I'm eager to see more. :^)



Edited by Biodegradable

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That was fun.  The play was good.  The detailing was good.  Look forward to the other maps you're working on.

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Nice map. The secrets were fun to find :) Also ITYTD was a fun stroll while looking at the pretty scenery. I found a typo in the intertext: "Thank you for playing. I've been working on this project for a while not and am pleased to have released the first level.". I think it should be 'for a while now'. Just thought I let you know.

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It warms me to see people enjoy my map. It's given me the motivation to make more levels.


18 hours ago, ScrappyMcDoogerton said:

I managed to beat it on my blind run so here is the demo.


I really enjoyed watching your demo! You play very cautiously, so I was worried that some of the scripts might not have worked. I'm pleased to see they did. When you edged the door of the Hell Knight room, a part of me hoped they would follow you out. It would have made the Archvile spawn much harder. I might add a door to the final boss fight that blocks the player into the arena after they enter. Those two clogged Cyberdemons looked like a slog to fight.


6 hours ago, Biodegradable said:

My only quibble is I think you might've been a tad overzealous with your ammo/health distribution on UV as I found myself a smidge overpowered by the near-end. Excellent work otherwise. I'm eager to see more. :^)


Thank you very much! I'm not the best Doom player so I tend to put health based on my lack of skill. Maybe I should follow a 'remove 10% of health pickups' rule when mapping. I really appreciate the video. I loved watching the thought process in your movements when you solved the secret two-switches puzzle. I genuinely laughed watching you pick off the three Cyberdemons and the Spiderdemon.


3 hours ago, Kor said:

That was fun. The play was good. The detailing was good. Look forward to the other maps you're working on.


Thank you so much! I think a good 40% of my time was spent choosing and aligning textures, so I'm glad it was worth it.


2 hours ago, TheCyberDruid said:

I found a typo in the intertext.


Ah! Yes, you're right. The worst part is I spotted this before publishing the map but forgot to fix it. I've uploaded a fixed version now. Thank you very much!

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Did not expect the massive difficulty spike toward the end! Maybe something to think about if you're making a larger wad. Sorry I didn't finish, sometimes I simply don't have the time. Recorded on DSDA Doom


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