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The DWmegawad Club plays: 3 Heures d'Agonie 2

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Another day, another map! 


MAP 06 – Processus Logique : 

We start inside a cube, and out of it, imps, shotgunner, zombie and a HK inside a cage. Then a switch and oh more HKs.. Glad I'm not pistol starting this and I don't have to single-shotty the HKs. Then up, grab the chaingun, secret bluesphere, door. Switch, chaingun them all to death, grab the blue key, kill the small fry and then rocket the cacos a bit. Then, blue door. Chaingun works well here, until you pick up the SSG, finally. Switch, enter the red key room, remove imps and the PE, grab the key, the nearly hidden green armor, and then up to the red door, behind the HK cage. Kill the spiders, switch and now.. I'm one secret and one monster away from the exit... Ah, it's here! Plasma, final HK, exit.

100, 94, 100% K/I/S, 0 deaths, 6 minutes 59 seconds.


Totals : 1 death, 39 minutes and 54 seconds.

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Map 07


This is a simple map, with a fine final fight.
It's well put together but not that interesting.
The secret is that... is not a secret at all. (?)


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game mode:  gzdoom4.8.0, uvmax, pistol starts. If a map is too hard, I'll revert to using saves and note it on that map review.



"I'm walking in Memfis. But do I really feel the way I feel?"

Memfis dishes out a merciless map. Damaging blue water floors with no rad suit and mean enemy spawn traps throughout. The fighting takes place in 3 areas, the start room, one side room with mancubus and friends and finally, the main four X room (no, not the beer) which consists of a sequence of challenging fights that are triggered by switches and unexpected walkover triggers. Most fights are hindered by limited movement options caused by the pain sectors.


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4 hours ago, RED77 said:

The secret is that... is not a secret at all. (?)

The reason why this secret exists is that on DosBox and also some of the more "vanilla ports" (I think), the intermission screen shows 0% instead of 100% in maps without secrets. It was put there so that people who use these ports don't waste time trying to find a non-existing secret.


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MAP07: Merciless Flow by Memfis

UV / 100% kills / fughheddabutit


I was very tempted to skip reviewing this map, because of the 'secret' starting sector. Yes, there are technical reasons for it, yadda yadda, I don't give two s**ts about it - it's lazy, silly and low effort. It makes me pop a vein everytime I come across a map with this 'feature'. Jesus, I'm so angry right now. 


Thankfully I can easily bask into this sour mood, as the rest of the map isn't much better. A fullbright square with a super-telegraphed micro switch hunt. Combat, including the big ambush, is average and largely incidental. Forgettable.



Edited by Thelokk

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Map05: Vision

Author: Maëllig Desmottes (Ch0wW)


This map takes place in some sort of ruins, I think, which contrasts enormously with the rest of the episode, which is mostly of the techbase variety. Lack of visual consistency aside, Ch0wW's second contribution is an improvement from Map01. The fights actually have some weight - no doubt because two of them feature Arch-viles - and the resource distribution balances out the difficulty. Even some of the more cramped fights in corridors involving Revenants and Cacodemons aren't too taxing, either. The first two secrets are bizarre, probably since without them the map would be ridiculously difficult from Pistol-start, but no matter! A step in the right direction for Ch0wW.


Map06: Processus Logique

Author: William Huber (WH-Wilou84)


Oh yeah... Wilou is a mapper whose work almost always pleases me, and this is no exception. This is fast-paced, short-lengthed-mapping action done right. Though it only has two set-pieces that really stand out (the fight in an underground storage room featuring a horde of Imps and several Revenants waiting to pin you down if you're not careful or quick enough, and the ending that admittedly rips off the finale of Plutonia's Caughtyard), this is entertaining stuff, backed by one of the best tracks from Memento Mori II, which I'm coincidentally replaying at the moment. Best map so far.

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DSDA-Doom, UV-max, pistol start


Map 06 - Processus Logique


I opted to play safe for my blind run and kill the mancubus without leaving the starting room, which led to a bit of tedium dealing with 3 HKs. The silver lining in a chaingunner walking into the starting room to grant me a dps boost helps. Later down the line, the Caco spawn does leave a bit of "undergunned" feel, and just as Uprising's overdelayed SSG flashbacks start coming in with 2 more Revs, here it is.


The Vile choke can cause some unpleasant moments with Shotgunner aggression RNG. The final tunnel... honestly I just stayed in the starting part - after dispatching chaingunners and upon hugging the wall 2 support pillars provide enough cover to not get scammed by arachnotron projectiles. Foreknowledge of plasma secret would allow to play it out differently, but oh well.


I enjoyed the verticality, the looping BK layout and most of action here. Blue face secret was so random though, I had to rewind like 4 times just to understand that I interacted with a random wall next to the one that actually opens up.

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MAP05 - “Vision” by Ch0wW


Not a lot of positives to say here, everything is practically placed in front of you and as such most of the fights are pretty dull. Even the ones with archviles felt a little uninspired. I guess the theme is a change of pace to the rest of the maps so far.


MAP06 - “Processus Logique” by William Huber

This one has quite a lot of aggression to it, some rather densely populated fights. However for the most part you can handle these ok. The blue key trap can get nasty if the chaingunners get their sights on you. The red on the other hand was quite easy, especially as you are handed the SSG. FOr the most part I enjoyed this, however everything beyond the red key door is a real "nope" moment for me. Really 2 viles behind a door and with low health I suffered most of my deaths to the sergeants in that box.

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Map06- Processus Logique by William Huber
100% kills

Alright, now we're talking. Map06 starts off rather sour since there are a couple of shotgunners firing at you before you can even move let alone pick up the shotgun. It's a roll of die but fortunately, it's only at the beginning of the level and is the worst bit. The level packs aggression and is fun to chow through highlighted with the blue key fight which is just alot of fun, backed by a cool MIDI selection which matches the energy of the level. I appreciate the relative restraint with using mid tiers in the first half of the level as you only possess a regular shotgun and chaingun. The redkey fights gives you your supershotgun to deal primarily with a large gang of imps and is, admittedly, nothing to write home about and could've been a bit more challenging but is enjoyable nonetheless. The rest of the level is alright. All around, this was pretty enjoyable and I hope to see this energy carried as the megawad progresses.

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Map 06: Processus Logique

by @WH-Wilou84


The cement man finally makes his first appearance in this wad! Visually, there's not really too much to speak off, some white and green STARTAN crap transitioning to a sort of brown tech texture that I think appears in CC4. As anyone familiar with Wilou will know, he has at least one fiendishly difficult-to-find secret. In this case it's a plasma rifle, whose location is indicated by a slightly-lit wall in the exit hallway, being practically useless for all but the Arachnotrons on either side here.


And the fights....they aren't as developed as anything as what you'll find in 180 Minutes Por Vivre but the appearance of "Time Runner" (also used in Map 25 of Community Chest) is such an excellent fit for an in-your-face map like this! I nearly survived the first time, but the Mancubi I failed to notice incinerated me with a fury that William seems to have possessed since the first time he played Hell Revealed II. There's only 120 monsters, so it's all essentially managable, other than perhaps the blue lkey trap where the floor plunges down into a murderous gauntlet of lower-tier enemies that may not kill you if you're completely ruthless. I mean, I survived here, although that's mainly because of the secret Supercharge, hidden behind an obvious green texture in a monster closet in the other room.


The best fight would easily be the one for the last key. You don't get lots of ammo to deal with the Revenants to begin with and that Imp mob is just scary! And just to complicate things, there's a Pain Elemental in the middle. I was just glad I picked up the clips that were in the last room, otherwise, I would've had to use more shotgun on the little brown dude, which would be no bueno.


There is one final amusing little bit near the end with an Arch-vile pair and sergeants behind a door which is just an excuse to fire away, at least until the Arch-viles decide to pass through said door and put some pressure on you. My health was high enough at this point that it wouldn't have made any difference if they marshamallowed me but it's not so hard to avoid them in the narrow corridor you're in.


Just the jolt of action this megawad needed. The Caco/HK trap is probably a little grindy, but compared to the shit Willy played as a kid, you can bet it's a vast improvement. Were you expecting something comparable to Map 07 of 180 MPV? Well, he's not quite there yet. It's literally only Map 06. Do you think there'd be any need to trap you in the Imp room?


Edited by LadyMistDragon

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6 hours ago, tonytheparrot said:

The reason why this secret exists is that on DosBox and also some of the more "vanilla ports" (I think), the intermission screen shows 0% instead of 100% in maps without secrets. It was put there so that people who use these ports don't waste time trying to find a non-existing secret.


That I didn't know. Thanks for the data!

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7 hours ago, Thelokk said:

I was very tempted to skip reviewing this map, because of the 'secret' starting sector. Yes, there are technical reasons for it, yadda yadda, I don't give two s**ts about it - it's lazy, silly and low effort. It makes me pop a vein everytime I come across a map with this 'feature'. Jesus, I'm so angry right now. 


I certainly am not that upset about it, but I do agree that I've always found it a little lazy. Outside of some very limited maps where I could see that it's a break in atmosphere or effect or something (and none immediately come to mind), the real solution is: just add one freaking secret! Even if it's just an easy wall-hump that reveals some shells or a stimpack or something.


MAP07 - “Merciless Flow” by Memfis 

100% kills, 1/1 "secret"


Limited munitions and some mean-placed enemies early on (as well as the damaging water, ugh, another minor pet peeve) can make for a rough start. I think the nadir of the map is fighting the first group of enemies (trons, one rev and one hell knight) with only a single shotgun, as I had no bullets and hadn't backtracked for the plasma gun yet. (Admittedly, the PG helps, especially if you use the teleporter and don't waste plasma on the mancubus). I did like the final ambush though with the mancubi and the revenants, especially since the player has the RL by then.

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MAP07: Merciless Flow

UV | Continuous | GZDoom


Can't say I have too much to say about this one. This is only the second Memfis map I've ever experienced and it is a bit of a letdown if I'm being honest. However, I can't say it was bad. Compared to MAP06 however, it does fall a bit flat. Funny enough though, this one actually killed me multiple times thanks to how its ambush combat worked. The placement of enemies is surprisingly devious, especially trying to dodge three different patterns of projectiles from the Revs, Spiders and Mancs that show up almost all at the same time, plus having to coordinate around the boiling water pain sectors. I'd say it's still better than something like MAP01 or MAP02, but yeah, after the last few maps it feels a little lame. I was expecting something a bit better.



Edited by Biodegradable

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6 hours ago, Magnusblitz said:


I certainly am not that upset about it, but I do agree that I've always found it a little lazy. Outside of some very limited maps where I could see that it's a break in atmosphere or effect or something (and none immediately come to mind), the real solution is: just add one freaking secret! Even if it's just an easy wall-hump that reveals some shells or a stimpack or something.

In a design like Bourgeois MegaWAD, where you are forced to pistol start each map and are provided with weapons when needed/intended by the author, a proper secret can be pointless (no carryover) or detrimental (breaks the balance). By extension, this could be reasonable in maps that want to be a tight combat experience and recommend pistol starting. 


Here it might be a last minute thought, or due to time constraints. Surely he could have added a little secret.

Edited by Book Lord

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MAP06: Processus Logique
(Blind run, UV, Continuous, saves allowed, GZDoom)


One of my least favourite things in Doom is being raised from or lowered into a pit into the centre of a group of enemies. This happens once at the start of this map and once again at the blue key fight, though at least you have some space to run on this occasion. While it does keep you on your toes, it feels like a cheap ambush and I don't feel those enemies earned the damage they inflicted on me!


Other than that, I think this map is action-packed and fairly well executed. There are only a few moments where you can stop to breathe, the first occurrence of this in the megawad so far.


Grade - B


MAP07: Merciless Flow


The first instance of playing continuous really screwing me. I left MAP06 without much health and paid for it in this map. The damaging floor in this map was blue. Clearly I missed the poison sign and expected it to be harmless, but it cost me more precious health.


As such, when I got to the main meat of the level, I died to Arachnotrons, one of which teleports right in front of you when you press a switch. I died to a Revenant. I died to Mancubi. Each time I got a little closer to the end until eventually I made it, but I found it a slog, and not an enjoyable one. Maps which consist of multiple ambushes in one room can work, but the one didn't hit the spot for me. Probably my least favourite map of the megawad so far.


Grade - D+

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MAP 07 – Merciless Flow by Memfis

DSDA-Doom v0.24.3, UV, Continuous, blind run w/saves


This is the first entry by a friend of the French Doom Community, the Russian speedrunner and mapper known as Memfis. After a rapid clean-up of the map’s starting population, and after learning that water hurts here, a small area with four red crosses was reached. The events around the arena used MAP07 special tags, thus including both an Arachnotron surprise teleport and a Mancubi closet, peppered by the presence of Revenants and a Hell Knight.



The layout was ok, and it might challenge the unaware player, but a couple of imperfections raised an eyebrow. Firstly, the green armour was protected by a closet that was not activated unless the item was picked up. Secondly, the rocket launcher might become unreachable if not grabbed immediately. Doing so required to ignore the Revenants that emerged from the exit room, as it was quite easy to trigger the Mancubi while fighting them. An interesting small map with appropriate use of the low monster count.

Edited by Book Lord

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Map 06 - Processus Logique




A solid contribution by Wilou-84 taking place in crowded rusty tech-base. The beginning was pretty brutal , I almost died in my video. Killing all the zombies with shotgun and getting the SSG  bring a lot of satisfaction. Processus Logique has more elaborated aesthetics than the previous maps even if it the architecture looks a lot more square than his maps for 3ha3 or 180mpv.


The small trap with the 2 arch-viles might be a small difficulty spike if you flee. My strategy is to stuck the arch-viles before they decide to get out. The last fight with the arachnotrons is quite underwhelming since you can easily camp. The Plasma gun secret is a bit useless because it's placed just before the exit , but I think it will delight continuous players.


Also, I love the music used. 


Grade : B+








Map 07 - Merciless Flow




I have a mixed opinion about that map. I appreciate the fact Memfis tried to make a more original use of the special actions. However, why is the water damaging in that case? Is it boiling or electric? It looks like regular water for me. Also, ammo was a bit too tight.


As map 01, ROTT's soundtrack rocks.


Grade : C




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(Played from a pistol-start on UV with Prboom+, saves are allowed)

Map 7: Merciless Flow by Memfis

100% kills, 0% items, 100%  secrets

Time: 2:36


Merciless Flow may only contain 42 monsters, but it's much harder than you may believe. The mancubi, revenants, arachnotrons and chaingunners can be difficult to negociate because of the relatively open space and low amounts of cover and the damaging floor forces you to stay on the move. A lot of members so far have criticized this map for its simplicity, but I actually really like it and I find the ambushes really entertaining. Again, the color coordination makes the map pretty nice to look at and the ROTT midi is very good. Another pretty good map.







Map 6

Map 3

Map 5

Really Like:

Map 4

Map 7


Map 2

Map 1



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MAP 07 - Merciless Flow

Let us go with the flow, shall we?  Ooohkay. Instant empty secret, a imp, a shotgunner and two zombies, plus a barrel. Aim at the barrel, blow it, pick up the survivors, check the window to clear some, door. Couple of imps, a caco, a trap on grabbing the green armor, damaging water and a free plasma. the teleport is there to telefrag the caco, then it's into the water, kill the next caco and shotgunners, up, door, switch, cross the bars, switch, beware the spiders, cross, grab rockets, lift up, grab the plasma, kill the rev, die to the mancubi.

 Once more, with felling, from the top. Then plasma the mancs, plasma the imps, and teleport up and it's done.


Not much to say.

100% K/I/S, 1 death, 3 minutes 19 seconds.


Totals : 2 deaths, 43 minutes 13 seconds.

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Map 08


Now we are TALKING!

This is my jam. Super great atmosphere, Great exploration, and some fine, but not too difficult fights.

Two very useful secrets.

This is the kind of level I love the most.

My favorite so far.



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Map07: Merciless Flow

Author: Memfis


Attendez, un niveau avec un titre anglais dans un megawad français? Qu'est-ce que c'est, ce bordel!? In all seriousness, this Map07 is pure Memfis: simple action done competently. I generally enjoy Memfis' work, and while this is no exception, he is, as one YouTuber put it, "workmanlike". The only real danger zones are when the Arachnotrons and Mancubi come out to play, and I only made it more difficult by firing a rocket into my face like an idiot. Why the water damages you is head-scratching: my personal philosophy is that water should never damage you unless there's something like a "danger" sign nearby. If there was one in this map, I didn't spot it. Goes down quickly without making too much of an impression, even if the time spent isn't bad.

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MAP08 - Simple Souterrain by Oxyde

UV / 100% kills / 1 secret found


My favorite map in the set so far, it's kind of ironic that this 'simple underground base' is the largest, most layout complex map we've seen so far. All three keys are required to reach the end of the level, and all of D2's bestiary, bosses aside, makes an appearance. The texturing work is superb, and the secret I could find was a bit wall humpy but still fairly well telegraphed. The map gets spicier as the player moves forward, as first revenants, then mancubi, and finally spiders, barons of hell and archiviles are thrown into the mix. Plenty of cover, too, so you rarely feel outmatched - the map overall seemed much easier than some that came before, but felt so in a... pleasant way, so to speak. Very good stuff. 

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game mode:  gzdoom4.8.0, uvmax, pistol starts. If a map is too hard, I'll revert to using saves and note it on that map review.



A fun and more relaxing map and the most interesting map so far in terms of exploration. Doomguy is taken back and forth, all over the facility in the ever present hunt for keys. Some rooms are split into 2 sections accessible from different doorways and some are blocked off from doomguy by height and he has to find another path to the high ground. Gameplay is balanced and fair, for example the archvile appearances are a surprise but you have decent chance to use the terrain rather than having to resort to pure firepower. I'm not surprised this map has been well received by the club.

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MAP08: “Simple Souterrain” by Oxyde

100% kills, 2/2 secrets


Definitely the nicest-looking map so far, with a good selection of rusty custom textures, nice lighting, and wrapped together with a nice remix of D_DOOM. It's also long enough to feel like a full-fledged (if short) level, and I really appreciate the way the layout wraps around to put the player close to the next door once the proper key is acquired. That said, the combat is actually somewhat dull I felt, as almost all of it is simply enemies laid directly in front of the player upon entering the next hallway/room. There's a good mix of enemies and sometimes the higher-tier ones can require a bit of backtracking (such as the sudden AV pop-up or the revenant room) but typically there wasn't much need to do anything except strafe a bit and keep firing forward.

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MAP05: Vision

By Ch0ww

Kills: 100%

Items: 45%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 4:08


Vision is another map that's just alright. Although Ch0ww continues his sweet sprinkles of detailing in this map, and it is a pretty big improvement over his first effort in this wad, it's still slightly on the meek and irrelevant side. It's worth noting I believe the first Arch-Viles are in this map, and they do a good job raising the tension. In general this map is pretty good when the combat lets loose a little. Hopefully we can see Ch0ww expand in this direction.


Grade: C+

Difficulty: D+




MAP06: Processus Logique

By [WH]-Wilou84

Kills: 93%

Items: 41%

Secrets: 50%
Time: 3:53


Definitely the first map in 3ha2 I really enjoy a ton, Wilou's tense tech base has many very close encounters I really enjoy to the beat and rhythm of probably my favourite Mark Klem MIDI. There's not much room to breathe here, however you're pretty much always given exactly what you need. I will admit the visuals don't really do it for me, I don't think the startan blends amazingly, but it's a minor quibble. I definitely like the basement fight most, just clean good fun. Good show, I enjoy this one a lot.


Grade: A-

Difficulty: C



MAP07: Merciless Flow

By Memfis

Kills: 100%

Items: 100%

Secrets: 100%

Time: 2:40


The same cannot be said for this map to be honest... I mean I do enjoy it at least a bit, the visuals stand out as crisp to me, but damaging water is never something I really liked to be honest, and I find it can be a bit obnoxious especially at the start of this map. Given the arena styled architecture of the main area, I kinda wish the combat was more direct and punchy, but what we got is generally fine. Still, I don't dislike this one, kinda just a tad of lost potential in my eyes.


Grade: B

Difficulty: C-



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MAP06: Processus Logique. 120/120 K, 2/2 S. Comp. time 11:31


It starts out like MAP04, as you are met with strong opposition. BK trap took me by a surprise, RK trap I could already see in advance. A great, intense short map, but I saw little point in the archvile duo, it's like the "mandatory cyberdemon" sort of thing, only somewhat less annoying.


Bonus points for a great music track!




MAP07: Merciless Flow. 42/42 K, 1/1 S. Completion time 5:17


Dead Simple, but one where the obvious gimmick doesn't feel that old. Merciless Flow is a short level, and the hardest so far. I too didn't appreciate the damaging floor

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MAP07 - “Merciless Flow” by Memfis


This one is short and pretty decent overall. This can get quite nasty given resources are never plentiful. The special tags are actually interwoven nicely into the map in a way where it doesn't feel stale or cliche. Nothing special, but certainly one of the better entries so far.

PS - I don't understand the dislike towards the damaging floor? I mean it is marked better than most wads I see.....



Sure it is the water texture, but if it is marked upon first entry, then I see no issue with using something that isn't nukage/blood/lava.

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I just wanna pop in to say I more wish Map07 had an SSG than care that much about the water (it is Merciless after all).

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DSDA-Doom, UV-max, pistol start


Map 07 - Merciless Flow


A lot of people seem to not like this map, I guess I'll be in a minority on this one. I've played too many "colored" wads to be bothered by semantics of liquids being or not being hurty - as long as it serves the purpose and is consistent within the level, I'm good.


The starting room is pretty neatly laid out - I missed the manc telefrag teleporter (or, well, didn't want to risk a random teleporter), so the tension of dodging all the imps from armor closet and hitscanners while minding your footing, staying out of manc's line of fire and later thinking whether I should conserve plasma (spoiler - I did) left an impression of simple but effective layout. It's a lot more ignorable/runthrough-able on a foreknowledge playthrough, that I won't deny.


Since most of my ammo went down the manc belly, I compensated with early chaingun by jumping into the chaingunner nook from the manc corpse. From there, it's relatively straightforward - the arachnotron ambush is taken care of by using one as a shield, the big fight is cheesable from one of the steps towards plasma in the 1st room. Once again, a case of "lock-in would be cool to see" here.


... OK, I did not expect to write this much about this level

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On 7/6/2022 at 10:25 AM, Thelokk said:

MAP07: Merciless Flow by Memfis

UV / 100% kills / fughheddabutit


I was very tempted to skip reviewing this map, because of the 'secret' starting sector. Yes, there are technical reasons for it, yadda yadda, I don't give two s**ts about it - it's lazy, silly and low effort. It makes me pop a vein everytime I come across a map with this 'feature'. Jesus, I'm so angry right now. 




Ahahaha, Mt. Pain was upset this was present in one of the Master Levels that was one of the worst to be quite honest but of all the things to get upset about.....D)


What the hell is a Russian doing in my French speedmapping collection? Do I see a stupid mustache? Jumpers? Beret? HELL NO. Get the fuck out of my game then! So anyway, it seems like Memfis was messing around with maps long before he became a celebrated (now-disgraced) speedrunner, having thrown something together for one of the last Sgt. Baldy Speedmapping Sessions the year before the idea for this map was conceived. So some of the weaknesses can be forgiven. Anyway, it's a couple of squares with seemingly electric-tinged water and some corpses hanging from the ceiling so it's not low-effort exactly, just an ill-advised redusting of an ancient idea.


Exiting the first room immediately nets you a Mancubi to your left whom you shouldn't even waste the time of engaging, along with a non-thereatening chaigunner to your right, along with some combat armor in a darkened closet some ways in front of you. Collecting the armor leads to a nasty little ambush that nearly killed me the first time I came across it. I did keep the Mancubus in mind though so I proceeded to run up the pillars, forgetting about the Sergeant up here a few times and immediaely running to the nearby teleporter to telefrag the Mancubus, mainly because I was low on ammo and didn't really think about it.


Since this is a map 7, their death opens the way to a much larger room, containing a chaingunner who handed me my first death of the map, a couple of sergeants to your right and a Cacodemon and Imp rounding out the welcoming committee. Some silly switch pressing leads to the appearance of some Arachnotrons and a Revenants as well as a Hell Knight on a pillar. It's nice if you can get a Revenant to fight an Arachnotron but that takes time and I just got home and found out I'm 'noisy' or something.


Anyway, climb to the upper ledge with the rocket launcher, find yourself confronted with Revenants before the floor lowers to reveal a nasty gauntlet of Mancubi and Revenants that killed me too many times in a demo that would be up here, but a power surge froze the game though not the game's actions and everything else. There's just enough opposition here that death was quite the likely outcome for me in most cases. Actually, I found almost every way to die in the original demo, so maybe that's a good thing.


In conclusion, this is far from Memfis' most creative idea. Sentinel, Love You With Poison, and Voyage to Deimos are all better and more creative than this, and not like the cruddy basic maps mostly covered recently on the ONEMANDOOM blog, possible exception being Download.wad, whose last map kind of plays like something from NoYe.




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