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[UPDATED] The Temple of Solitude 1.7

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Welcome to the Temple of Solitude.


The Story


Our protagonist has arrived at the ruins of an ancient temple called the 'Temple of Solitude', where the UAC is carrying out some investigations....which have unleashed an ancient evil.


This is my fifth map created for doom 2, I hope you like it and have a good experience.


Thanks for your time.


Good hunting and I hope you can survive!





Doom2.wad file required to play, just copy the file into 'games\' folder




Name: The Temple of Solitude

Version: 1.7
Format: UDMF
Port: GZDoom
IWAD: Doom2.wad
Map: MAP01
Gameplay: Single player
Build Time: 2 weeks
Textures: Yes (Included) (based on HakrosTex)
Jumping & Crouching: No
Freelook: Needed
Difficulty: Just one UV++
Dehacked file: No
Secrets: 24





Standalone version includes also (GZDOOM)















Edited by hakros

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I think it's beautifully put together. It has possibly the best visuals I've ever seen in a DOOM map in terms of scale. The gameplay suffers though.


Once things start opening up, there's no real direction on where to go and what to do. Almost everything I found was by chance or because I had no other options. The blue key was especially grating because I had to kill a cyberdemon with a plasma rifle as the strongest given weapon (which btw, was a secret) in order for the room containing the key to open. I get it's supposed to be hard, but ducking in and out of cover and taking potshots is not fun. By the time I got into the fortress, I was 21 minutes in and then the title screen popped up. Strangely, what I assumed was supposed to motivate me to go further just demoralized me. After all that effort and hordes of enemies I went through, I'm only JUST starting?


The visuals of the fortress were breathtaking, but like the previous area, so much was open to the player that it was impossible to know where to go. I only found my way by chance. I faced an entire armada of Cacodemons with a plasma rifle and by the time I was done, I realized I had picked up a rocket launcher at some point. Call this a memory lapse if you want, it very well may be, but let's also note the stress of navigating around hundreds (and I mean hundreds) of enemies; there's a lot more on my mind than what's on the ground. At that point, I just called it quits.


I should note that I was playing on UV, and this very likely influenced my session. But my issue with the map is not with the difficulty, but the flow of the level. For a map that gives so little breathing room, I think it would be better if the player were more well-guided or blocked from those extra paths until they make a certain amount of progress. You could kill everything and then go wandering like I was eventually forced to, but where's the fun in trying to dodge enemies and projectiles on a map that you have no time to understand the basic layout of? Where's the fun of wandering around a huge map when everything's dead? Just my opinion. Hope this wasn't too harsh, because while level flow is certainly lacking, I really do respect the map. Hope this helped. Good luck!

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Well, that has been a great analysis...thanks for trying it!!
And yes, of course everything can be improved...  :-D !!

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Just now, hakros said:

Well, that has been a great analysis...thanks for trying it!!
And yes, of course everything can be improved...  :-D !!

I see a lot of potential here. Don't give up or be discouraged. There's a very, very solid foundation for a great level. 

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idk where's the good visual

anyways, as always

  • GOOD: good music i guess, I like the ambient vibe
  • BAD: The Map is blend, plain, unnecessary fancy visual feature that doesn't go well with your blocky architecture

YEQRDPY.png literally just square

  • UGLY: as the bloke mentioned above, the combat is underwelming, confusing, and well... bloke mentioned all the stuff you need to know already

Sentence: That's some cool titlepic ngl

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I actually liked this quite a bit. CapersOnSalad makes some good points about the flow, but that room is honestly not all that difficult once you figure out where the cells are. It seems expected that you'll fall into the pit at one point, although I admit some people have a rather counterintuitive way of doing stuff.

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14 hours ago, LadyMistDragon said:

I actually liked this quite a bit. CapersOnSalad makes some good points about the flow, but that room is honestly not all that difficult once you figure out where the cells are. It seems expected that you'll fall into the pit at one point, although I admit some people have a rather counterintuitive way of doing stuff.


Thanks :-D !

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Release 1.6

  • Bugs fixed
  • After @Suitepee gameplay i made a review of all map, i've reset all enemies to normal life (no more extra life enemies), i've rebalanced the final area and finally i've fixed some minor bugs. John will be happier now....i guess....xD !!

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