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Most frustrating gameplay moment in Doom

Most frustrating gameplay moment  

156 members have voted

  1. 1. Most frustrating gameplay moment

    • Imp not getting oneshotted from your berserk punch
    • Lost Soul blocking your rocket making it explode in your face
    • Damaged by leaky radiation suit
    • Maps so cryptic, you find every secret before figuring out where to actually go to progress
    • Revenant missile RNG damage taking most of your health
    • Accidentally wasting a large item (health/ammo pack) when your hp/ammo is almost maxed out
    • Platforming segments that require precise diagonal running for extra speed
    • Timing the Archvile attack wrong
    • Chaingunners getting you before you even see where they are
    • Trying to backpedal in combat but that door you opened earlier just closed behind you
    • Other

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I think I covered the bases for most of the common frustration points that might ruin your moment, though there's probably more obscure ones out there that experienced doomers are familiar with.


I'm probably gonna go with imps surviving your berserk punch, because you take it so much for granted, in the few cases when they don't get oneshotted not only does it ruin your catharsis, but you also get rewarded with some scratches.

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Voted for Revenant missile high-rolls.


Doom damage RNG is annoying, but accepatble for the most part.

But rev missiles go a bit other the top. Not only their high-rolls are devastating, the missiles can also be pretty sneaky, and they also can chase you behind quite a lot of corners! High-damage heat-seekers are unpleasant in hardcore maps and outright disgusting in more casual gameplay!


IMHO, rev projectiles would be much less annoying, if they consitently dealt about 50 damage instead of 10-80 spread.


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Of the ones listed, I’d have to go with the Imp berserk one. Overall, I’d probably have to say Bumpy Stairs - where the ceiling height of stairs are just low enough that you can walk down them, but running causes you to boop your noodle every step of the way.

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The only one that annoys me is "Accidentally wasting a large item (health/ammo pack) when your hp/ammo is almost maxed out", to be honest.

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Generally not very capable of frustration in casual play. Imo minimizing frustration is a "skill" just like any other so I've sought to reduce that. 


Maybe the thing where the blockmap bug eats shotgun shots in a 64-wide hallway, so you're shooting all your pellets directly at a monster but nothing hits, but that's more because the "game feel" of that bug is pretty bad than because of frustration. 


Maybe something that should be very easy, or free, ruining a promising attempt in a speedrun grind, but I don't speedrun much these days. 

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Revenant missiles doing an insane amount of damage is the only thing here that really pisses me off. "Wow thanks asshole, I honestly thought I had an excessive amount of health too."

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For me, it would be grabbing a green armor by mistake when you still have 99% of a blue armor.

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Imps taking multiple punches would be the most annoying out of the choices.


The rest I really don't mind.

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I picked the revenant missile one, but actually I don't think I mind RNG damage that much, but rather that the missiles can traverse in surprisingly acute angles, and it pisses me off when I make master level--- expert level dodging maneuvers and the thing follows me around 90 degree corners in a tight corridor and hits.  Eighty damage is just the cherry on top.


Another would be when I just seem to have hard time in situations that should be easy, when enemies just somehow dole out damage and I miraculously miss every shot or deal minimum damage, wasting my ammo.

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37 minutes ago, RonnieJamesDiner said:

Bumpy Stairs - where the ceiling height of stairs are just low enough that you can walk down them, but running causes you to boop your noodle every step of the way.


8 minutes ago, Jayextee said:

Unavoidable chainsaw pickup.



These are indeed absolutely frustrating.

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  • Missing an SSG shot at point-blank range.
  • Lots of hitscanners in open areas with no cover.
  • Archviles in open areas with no cover.
  • Revenants in open areas with no cover.
  • Mazes. Especially ones that are hidden in the automap.
  • Spectres in low-light areas.
  • Dying more than 10 times in a single fight.
  • Inescapable death pits.
  • Monsters refusing to infight when you want them to.
  • Platforming sections that require absolutely stupid levels of precision.
  • Flunking a two-shot on a Cyber.
  • Flunking a BFG shot to the point where it kills nothing.
  • Dying to a stray rocket while under the effect of invisibility.
  • Dying right before grabbing a megasphere.
  • Dying right before the exit.
  • Progression that's hidden behind secrets or otherwise obtuse (unless it works within the context of the map, which I find it very rarely does).
  • Running into a softlock when I haven't saved in 10 minutes.
  • Dying to a damaging floor when I haven't saved in 10 minutes.
  • Stumbling upon the thing I need to do in order to progress after wandering around aimlessly for 20 minutes.
  • Losing half of a megasphere I just picked up to a rocket.

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Definitely the getting lost one. Honestly I get lost more in maps that aren't cryptic than ones that are. There's obviously nothing a map maker could do to prevent that but it makes me so angry and I don't have the patience for it. Finding secrets during times like that just rubs salt in the wound. I think I'm better at finding secrets than following intended progression which sounds fun but I hate it.

I am getting better at actually using the automap though, which I used to never do, so I get lost less often now

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Conserving cells and rockets the whole level only to realize later that there's only a handful of kills left meaning my ammo is now worthless and I could've had more fun just blasting stuff with the big guns

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Maybe I'm just navigationally challenged, but I always without fail get lost on pretty much every single map I play except stuff like Entryway.

Gets real annoying.

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All these thing can be annoying to varying degrees but what tends to get me annoyed  far more often is Doom's janky collision detection. Getting into a big fight only to lightly brush against a wall and get stuck to it like a magnet while every projectile slams into you at the same time. That genuinely annoys me. 

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2 hours ago, MFG38 said:
  • Inescapable death pits.
  • Platforming sections that require absolutely stupid levels of precision.

To add to the "death pits"

Non obvious secrets that require you to go through damaging floors

Also failing some basic platforming and having to waste ~30s to go back where I was and attempt it again.

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The most infuriating thing in Doom is trying to run over a gap, only to get blocked by an infinitely tall Pinky who is 10.000 feet below you.

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4 minutes ago, RoastDoom said:


When the autoaim decides not to register, especially when it’s with a rocket launcher

Corollary: When the autoaim does register... on something you weren't trying to blast with your rockets.

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I want to do horrible things to every mapper that puts a green armor in spots where you can't go around it but have to go that way to progress in the map, forcing you to downgrade your 95% of megaarmor to the shitty regular armor...


I'll let you guess what I voted :P

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It's easy to complain about 80 DMG rev rockets ending runs. It's easy to forget how many times 10 DMG rev ball saved you. How many times 8 DMG baron ball saved you.

We really ought to show some gratitude to RNGsus. Pray for good rolls. Sacrifice a lamb once in a while.

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