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MAPPING AT WARPSPEED - Release V1 | PUSS IX - 32 Maps Alien Extravaganza!

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It feels really mad satisfying to finally have this beast out! This has been in cryosleep for TOO damn long! Ramming Speed, everyone! Hope you enjoy!

Congrats to all our amazing mappers, contributors, and playtesters!

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe... Mancubi firing off the shoulder of Orion... I watched plasma glitter in the dark near Skillsaw Gate. All those moments are now stored in wads, thanks to PUSS...

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I have two questions.


1. Why do four maps have identical-looking starting areas?


2. Are you sure these are speedmaps?

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9 minutes ago, Firedust said:

I have two questions.


1. Why do four maps have identical-looking starting areas?


2. Are you sure these are speedmaps?

I believe for the first question Bear’s maps were made with the plan to have each one be part of a hub in a ‘mini series’ within the wad. So they all start in the same location but you leave from different spots. 

For the second, these maps were made in 10 hours each. Not exactly the classic definition, but still fast.  

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This is the one I've been waiting for! Definitely going to play it as soon as I finish Intergalactic Xenology Trilogy (hey, another AA-inspired set!)

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51 minutes ago, TJG1289 said:

This is the one I've been waiting for! Definitely going to play it as soon as I finish Intergalactic Xenology Trilogy (hey, another AA-inspired set!)

And YES! Isn't it great? I'll be playing through it myself pretty soon!

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I'm currently watching a @Peccatum Mihzamiz playtest livestream, and I have to say, that alien face replacement looks really good!

I'm also working on a STFace replacement, but it's nothing compared to this.

Anyways, good stuff! Keep up the great work!

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In map 5 this pit is inescapable if you don't raise the bridge before jumping down/falling off: https://prnt.sc/a8QiMLTM7QKF


In map 7, the skull switches in this area look oddly misaligned: https://prnt.sc/vDyeszyLtSsY


In map 12, these two teleporter closets are deaf: https://prnt.sc/nMQ-zCuhujB6

Also, had to noclip through here: https://prnt.sc/KTisZtA4bfYc

This map could really use some health at the pyramid section or right after it because the next areas have zero recovery items. I also strongly recommend marking/highlighting the switch that lowers the bars to the exit because as of now, it's a random corner in a dimly lit room.


In map 13 I think DeathBear forgot to get rid of a secret chainsaw when copy-pasting the areas. There are two of them rn and one is unreachable.


Map 14, stuck imps in teleporter closets: https://prnt.sc/WDhhGkoRg8rK


Map 15 is impossible to uv max, because once you go to telefrag the spidermastermind, you can't return to the secret exit. Should probably add a teleporter to the regular exit area so a player has a way back.


Map 32, the 'steam' fight is super annoying because you can't see anything past the clouds. Also, the scientist by the exit area is floating, is that intentional?


Map 16, several monsters are deaf in these teleporter closets: https://prnt.sc/z5E4n3Myylj6

I also recommend setting a crusher to kill this archvile: https://prnt.sc/ZdelmPDM5SHJ (perhaps after the blue door is opened?), because otherwise getting 100% kills is impossible.


Map 17, the switch in the red key area doesn't change animation upon activation.


Map 18, HOM here: https://prnt.sc/eHSMPv-AMdj9


@BluePineapple72 I think I'm done seeing how you have already fixed the final map :)


In some maps I was getting one-sided texture error messages as well.

Edited by Firedust

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1 hour ago, Firedust said:

In map 5 this pit is inescapable if you don't raise the bridge before jumping down/falling off: https://prnt.sc/a8QiMLTM7QKF

Thanks! Will update. I sent an update to Blue for the next update, addressing this.

Edited by Death Bear

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I played through the first 16 maps plus the two secret ones. Some real high lights in there, nice work folks! Added all of my feedback to the PUSS discord thread.

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Bruh I loved what I played of Ancient Aliens (should really be getting around to finishing it actually)


This is cool to see.

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RC2 is here! Along with a host of map fixes, there's uh... map fixes! Lot of softlocks found and fixed thanks to @Peccatum Mihzamiz and @Napsalm. Many thanks to them.


              + Updated MAP02, 05, 11, 13, 14, 16, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29
              + Added warp textures for secret levels.
              + Fixed some text screens

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Hello just want to pop in real quick and report a couple bugs I've found.


Map 01

Linedef 115 graphical error in software rendering.


Map 02

Linedef 2777 wrong texture.


Map 03

Red key room = photosensitive nightmare.


Map 04

Blue key door needs better signposting. Likewise the hole you are supposed to enter after is very difficult to see because it is so dark.


Map 05

Linedef 6021 should be not lower unpegged. linedef 9242 has it's front facing the wrong way resulting in graphical errors when the player has 'use passes through special lines' enabled.


Map 06

Linedef 1109 wrong texture.


Enjoying this set thanks to all authors :)

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Just updated the RC2 link with a hotfix that fixes an issue with secrets I forgot to fix on Map30 as well as some revision work on the text screens. I also fixed a sprite.

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I recorded a play thru of map 32. I absolutely love the homage to The Ancient Gods level of the same name. Incredible implementation of its iconic setpieces. I came in looking for a supplement for my favorite pwad and found something absolutely delightful here. 



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I played through the entirety of the megawad. Congratulations to everybody involved: I think you created a map set that is fun to play and gives both Ancient Aliens fans and newcomers to this resource set a lovely experience!


It's an eclectic set of maps with many of them succeeding in invoking the feeling of Ancient Aliens, and others doing something new. A handful of the maps were gimmicky (looking at you @muumi), some were techbases, there were lots and lots of evocative and naughty traps and an insane amount of beautiful vistas, more honestly than in Ancient Aliens itself. So much good use has been made of custom skies. The Astrological Quartet of maps made by @BluePineapple72 has some of the most glorious uses of verticality and organic rock/strange architecture I have seen in Doom II, ever.


The megawad has a natural progression from few monsters in the first maps to a lot of them in the last maps. Very pleasant: maps are on the whole not too long and almost never overstay their welcome. I even encountered a few maps that I wish were longer, because the themes in them deserve more space to be developed. Alas: the limitations of a speedmapping project :). The pacing of the start of the megawad feels like the only 'issue' to me if I have to be honest. The first 10 maps of the set feel great, but not really in balance with each other in terms of difficulty but also style, somehow. I can't really put my finger on it. I am happy to know that this has already been adressed up to a certain point in the final release version.

All testing videos are highlighted in a collection on my twitch channel, for your viewing pleasure. In all it took me about 9 hours to play through, spread across 4 sessions. Thank you for making this and again: congratulations!

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Just finished it. I very much enjoyed it! Lots of maps that put my favorite texture set to good use. It was great seeing all the different styles of maps by all the different mappers in this. Some maps felt like the original Ancient Aliens, some felt more in line with other mappers and mapsets and just happened to look like AA. Those ones were interesting to me, just cause it felt kinda weird experiencing a Ribbiks-like combat puzzle with with this texture set and soundtrack. Thankfully, it worked well. Like Peccatum mentioned, muumi's gimmick maps were some of my favs. I haven't played The Ancient Gods yet, but seeing decino's playthrough of it was enough to catch on to what map 32 was doing. Plus, map 20 was something that I'm surprised I haven't seen before, sic'ing 50 archies on you as you run as fast as you can. That was one map that once I figured out you can max it, it all clicked and made me really enjoy it. I thought it was just get to the end without getting roasted. Pineapple's maps were surprisingly hard! That opening fight in map 27 was probably the fight I was stuck the longest on. Plus, map 25 had enough barons in it, that I felt like I was playing a Hell Revealed map that actually looked nice. It amazes me that these maps were done in 10 hours, since not only do they play well, but they look gorgeous. Great detailing and visual design throughout. Danlex's map is a highlight in the visual department for sure, along with all of Pineapple's, but no map was a slouch either. The only complaint I had throughout the whole playthrough was that map 12 needed more health in it. Once you go through the portal behind the blue bars, there's no health at all for the rest of the map on UV. I managed, but it took a lot of tries. Only complaint from me tho! Overall, I highly enjoyed this, and I hope this and other recent sets bring some more AA-tex maps forward. Not enough maps use them imo.


I'm definitely gonna check out more PUSS WADs now. Prior to this, I've only played March of the Speeddemons, which I did enjoy as well. I've got Anniversary Under the Sea downloaded, so I'm gonna tackle that beast next. 

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@TJG1289 Keep an eye out on Anniversary Under the Sea! RC1 is gonna be releasing soon including a hub map and some crucial changes to multiple maps (and maybe a secret level). 

Glad you enjoyed the wad! Look forward to seeing what you think of the others :D 

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2 hours ago, BluePineapple72 said:

@TJG1289 Keep an eye out on Anniversary Under the Sea! RC1 is gonna be releasing soon including a hub map and some crucial changes to multiple maps (and maybe a secret level).

Ah, ok! I'll hold off on that for RC1 then. The changes sound pretty important. I'll check out a different PUSS then!

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I know that's not the map in question but "Another Glance at the Paradise" (uses Nectar Flow's music, if I remember right) was so cool, even including the Siege ripoff!!

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