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[03 APR 2024] GZChaos 1.3 - A chaos mod with >200 effects!

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Here's what I'm seeing in v1.3.1:

The input display is still there:

Getting a VM error when loading in any of the textured time bars

For the record the VM error was a problem I got since 1.0, this isn't a recent develoupment, and it could just be because I only have 8GB of RAM that I can't upgrade because macbook, it works on my 16GB windows machine

Edited by Bald Cyberdemon

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I'm terribly sorry for the run around I've been giving. I've updated the download, but have not changed the version number this go around.

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Hey! I'm looking for your ideas! Got them? Let me have them! (This isn't a promise I'll add them)




I've come to the realization that this is a mod I can perpetually update as I come up with more stuff, and as GZDoom continues to update. People like to suggest ideas for me to implement, but I needed a formal way to track them.

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