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The Above Avatar is Fighting You. How Screwed Are You?

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This one already is associated with planning, or at least a contemplative look - 6/10. Can't go into that fight without my own plans.

If it matters, I have a source for mine!

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It’s just “dude” in the D.A.R.E. font.. about as dangerous as any other stylised word art! 0/10

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Man reminds me of Genesis Valentine. Goes without saying that I’m fucked without some serious luck. 9/10



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I think he's either vibin' hard to something or not feeling so well after that Indian food last night. Either way I'm not gonna interrupt him and just walk by peacefully.



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It's fine, I have my trusty BFG and megaarmor on me, but she (?) doesn't seem to be hostile, sooo... maybe an ice cold strawberry shake instead?



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10/10 , no chance here. 

The character looks as if they’re gonna cook up some ultimate attack.


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A space marine from 64. If it's the Doomguy, then I am screwed. 10/10 threat


If he is just one of the other guys from Doom 64's intro, then I would say 1/10 threat.


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Heavy armor, heavy cannons, most likely drives about FAR faster than I can run.

The only way I'd be more dead, well, is if the Doom Slayer himself was after me. 10/10.

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He's likely too busy cruising around on that bike hunting for beef, titties and guns while playing Quake on wifi-internet to even notice me.

I'll just put my cowboy hat on and hope to get a lift from a biker who's less distracted on the road. 0/10

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i'll either be kept as a pet or be made into a traditional english dish 

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My little lesbian heart would be pumping

other that I would die within seconds 9090990490234092340239840298340239840239842394372498327498273982364287593264233975892376592387589423798327598723958327498732948723984723984732984729387492837492837492387492387493284723847932874932784923/10

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again, my lesbian heart would be pumping but i would die immeditly

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