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Enemy theme songs

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Which track from Doom/Doom 2/Final Doom do you think best fits each monster?


Some obvious ones:

Imp - "The Imp Song"

Archie - "Message For the Archvile"

Cybie - "Nobody Told Me About id"

Spider Mastermind - "Facing the Spider"

Edited by Psychagogue

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Zombieman - "At Doom's Gate"

Cacodemon - "Üntitled"

Lost Soul - "Donna to The Rescue"

Mancubus - "Shawn's Got The Shotgun"

Arachnotron - "Bye Bye American Pie"

Icon of Sin - "Opening To Hell"

Wolf SS - "Evil Incarnate"

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4 minutes ago, Lila Feuer said:

The Healer Stalks is literally the Archvile holy cow go back to school.

I'd say both songs qualify for the Archvile.

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The sound if Splatter when they decide to be a muddy Mess after you shoot a Barrel and they stand asid.

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2 hours ago, Lila Feuer said:

The Healer Stalks is literally the Archvile holy cow go back to school.

Uh, dude, the track I mentioned literally has "archvile" in the title, so I think it definitely qualifies. 

Having said that, both track fits him as volley pointed out.

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2 hours ago, thiccyosh said:

I think everyone can agree that Sign Of Evil is the theme for Barons of Hell.

Oh yeah, forgot about that one. 


So what theme do you think fits Hell Knights?

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4 minutes ago, Psychagogue said:

So what theme do you think fits Hell Knights?


That is a really good question, Doom 2 used Hell Knights very quite a lot over its 32 maps (75 on UV according to the almighty Doomwiki). Since Hell Knights first appear in Map05, I'd actually say DOOM. And I guess it fits well. The Mancubus got introduced like Barons did in Doom 1993, with a map that slowly reveals them in an arena, leaving you no choice but to confront them. And the Hell Knight, although not being as packed with health as the Baron, does get a very intimidating midi like Sign Of Evil, one that slow cooks every new player in the middle of darkness.


If there is one thing that The Waste Tunnels will get remembered for (at least if you ask people who played Doom 2 on UV for the first time ever), is not just it being another number on the Sewer Count, but the introduction of the Hell Knight and its Chaingunning bodyguard.

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Hell Baron is definitely Sign of Evil. 

Suspense fits the former humans. Once upon a time, they were the marine’s comrades. Now the person they once were is long gone, and their corpses have been repurposed. 

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Revenant: obviously Between Levels (D_BETWEE / MAP04 / The Focus). It's almost as jaunty and funky as the Revenant itself!

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