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Y'all ever get burnt out playing Doom?

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Grungo play doom so much, me get tired and bored, and me try to find good weapon mod to play but grungo gets tired. Anyone feel this way?

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Never particularly ever felt burnt out with the vanilla game. There's always some wad to discover and playthrough, and if it's mediocre; I consider that to be a part of the variety rather than inferiority.

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Try getting "DRLA" aka "Doom roguelike/roguelite aresnal" there are many drla mods but get them all they are epic af

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Playing the same videogame all the time can be boring, take a break and return later.

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I subsided entirely on a cycle of playing the four main IWADs, in order, along with whatever megawads I found with DoomRL and DoomRPG for a few years.


Though nowadays, I do find myself getting tired of individual levels faster. I can't play certain big name WADs that I won't mention the names of here because I just get big sleepy every time I do.

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Absolutely. I must have spent several months during which I could not bring myself to play Doom and then when I came back to it, I started feeling dizzy playing it and had to increase the screen resolution and FOV, even though I used to have no issue before.

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I wouldn't say burnt out. I just hyperfixate on a game for a while until I get distracted by something else. Like when Starfield came out, I played that non-stop for over a month and then moved on to Hearts of Iron IV because it had a new DLC. I do the same with TV, music, YouTube, and so on. Right now, I'm devoting most of my brainpower to Baldur's Gate 3, but I'd like to continue my first playthrough of Ancient Aliens that I started earlier in the month.

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yes, i do get burnt out playing doom. i take it as a sign to switch to doom mapping or play other games until i get bored of that, then switch back to playing doom.

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For me it's:


Upgrade computer -> play new games -> eventually new game requirements outpace my PC -> go back to Doom in the meantime -> upgrade computer etc etc


I'll always be in the mood for Doom but sometimes it just isn't my first priority. 

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Yup, in fact I haven't played a lot of it the past couple weeks. I've been playing other games, like Morrowind, Skyrim and Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. There may be tons of content for Doom but that doesn't mean I don't want to do something different from time to time.

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I did for a while over here, but making levels and music recently has gotten me back into things, as well as blind-streaming wads on twitch. Not as much as when I first got into the game, but yea :)

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I do, and I think it's pretty normal and healthy. Doom might just be my favorite game of all time with unlimited replayability between all the level sets and crazy mods that overhaul just about everything (although I rarely play with mods nowadays), but even so pizza everyday gets a bit disappointing. Playing something else, even something bad, just brings doom's highlights into sharper focus and offers me the few things doom can't (and shouldn't at that). I usually get super hyped up off some new megawad release, play it and have an absolute banger of a time, play through a handful more and enjoy myself, then inevitably drop some playthrough or other halfway through and get distracted by other games for a month or two. But I always come back, and I think that's how most doomers feel about this game. A big part of doom's appeal, at least for me, is how special and different its levelsets can be and how this game can still surprise us despite some of us playing this game for decades. The single most thing that can suck the uniqueness out of something is making it a routine or schedule, so the best way to play doom is just whenever you feel like it. You'll almost definitely be coming back soon. I will say in my earlier days of dooming, loading up a bunch of monster and weapon mods, it was a lot easier to burn out. Level design kind of gets invalidated by most mods, in terms of gameplay, atmosphere, even lore for the maps that do things like that, so there's a lot less to hang on to. Just my take on things.

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Yes. Although it might be because I'm more of a build/quake engine person than I am a Doom one. I'm not saying it's a bad game, far from it. But some of the megawads I've played turn into a slog at their endgame because some of it consists of dealing with an absurd amount of monsters while exclusively using the rocket launcher, plasma gun, and bfg.

Pistol starting, smaller map packs, and megawads which use an episodic format such as Valiant, do help alot with the repetition. Since instead of going through 30+ maps and amassing the game's entire arsenal when you're only 1/3 the way into it, you'll eventually have your inventory restarted from scratch and have to build it up again, which helps to keep the game feeling fresh and interesting.

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I don't get burnt out when playing, I just get burnt out when mapping because I am a condescending procrastinator and can't get shit done very easily.

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I really had to get away from it for a while.

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Always. I have so many games unfinished, and sometimes multiplayer stuff like my Warframe clan takes precedence. I generally play a level a week at the minimum (especially now that I have a stat tracking launcher to give me goals), but there are always periods when I look at the icon or open the launcher and just glumly browse because im not actually in a mood for the game. Sometimes a particular wad will strike my fancy and I'll play the game for days, other times I'll want to play something but have no energy for it. This christmas I planned to do DBP55, DBK02 and finish Whitemare, but only the first on that list will get done, I just didnt have time or energy this year.

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8 hours ago, Patrick_Plays_Doom said:

Try getting "DRLA" aka "Doom roguelike/roguelite aresnal" there are many drla mods but get them all they are epic af

I tried it, guns good, but it need more ammo types to balance weapons

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1 hour ago, Grungo said:

I tried it, guns good, but it need more ammo types to balance weapons

what do the elders of your village think?

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Every once in a while, I might get burnt out on Doom, but there's plenty of other FPS games (or games in general) from that decade for me to sink my teeth into so I don't really find myself thinking about burnout all that much.

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Of course. When you've been playing Doom since '93 it's naturally a more off than on thing. I stop playing it all the time, but I get back to it every now and then. Sometimes I play, other times I map, sometimes I do both, and sometimes I do nothing Doom related. And quite a bit of time may pass before I get back to it, but I always do. Doom is one of the few games I have stuck to though. I don't really consider myself a "gamer" anymore. I don't play new games at all, and the few games I still play are all from the 90's.

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2 hours ago, Dubbag said:

what do the elders of your village think?

Elders think Doom is witchcraft

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Often I get burnt out on all of my hobbies and leave them behind for durations of time. Sometimes it’s good to take a step away from it all, it shows how insignificant it all really can be when the shit hits the fan. 

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