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what is your favorite Doom megawad?

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I personally LOVE Auger Zenith, and I want to see what megawad you love.

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I tend to love whatever I am currently playing and move on rather quickly once I find something new to play. I don't really have any allegiances, so to speak, to any wad in particular. I don't really linger on something once I am through with it, though there are many wads that I keep coming back to time and time again for round 2, 3, 4, etc. while others just collect virtual dust. Here are some wads which I have completed more than once:


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    • All of the IWADs (Doom, Doom2, Plutonia (and the sequel, technically not an IWAD))
    • TNT: Evilution
    • Hell Revealed (and sequel)
    • Scythe 1 & 2
    • Sunder
    • Alien Vendetta
    • Ancient Aliens
    • Valiant
    • The Magenta Spire
    • Fractured Worlds
    • Deus Vult (and sequel)
    • Eviternity I
    • Sunlust
    • Memento Mori II
    • Violetshift
    • Italo-Doom




Out of all of the megawads I have completed more than once, Scythe would probably be my favourite, in other words, the thing I am most likely to start playing again in the absence of other new wads to play (unlikely at the moment). Although favourite is probably too strong of a term to use, there are many other wads which have certain aspects I really enjoy about them, and putting one above the other just doesn't seem right. Comparing something like Ancient Aliens to to what Italo-Doom does is like comparing apples to oranges. I enjoy them both for completely different reasons, and there is no clear winner. Take any map out of Valiant, for example, and it is not going to be particularly impressive when stacking it against Eviternity. Consider the whole wad on the other hand and what it attempts to do, and a distinct sort of quality arises that is unique to the experience and hard to quantify with any measurable characteristic. Perhaps "total playtime" could be an objective measure of how much one enjoys a particular wad, but I can see issues with that as well. How does one quantify favourite? Maybe it would be easier to arrive at something conclusive if I could have a few categories to place the wads in. Something like "Level Design", "Gameplay", "Theme", "Music", "Combat" etc. would make it immediately easier to pick the ones which stand out in those categories.


Maybe it could also help if people could write a sentence or two about why they picked what they picked as a favourite, it would certainly help me out understanding what others see in a particular body of work (and perhaps haven't even considered myself).


It's sort of the same with movies. The more movies I watch, the less sure get when answering the question "What's your favourite movie"? I guess I'm just too undecided to hang my hat on one particular peg and call it a day. Maybe I also just think too much about it.


Tl;Dr: bold part is your answer.

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I'm a big fan of The Ultimate Doom.  It's the only megawad I've completed though.

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