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repeating MID-textures

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is there a way to have textures on two-sided lindefs to repeat vertically like textures on normal walls do? I'm afraid not...

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The easiest way is to have another line one unit away running parallel to it, and assign it Y offsets of 128 on both sides. If you want it higher, create another line with Y offsets of 256.

You might be able to do more than that, but in the editor I use (DeepSea), 256 is the largest Y offset you can have, so I'm not sure whether it's the same in-game.

You could also create a new texture that's taller than 128 pixels, but some ports don't like that. If you do, make sure it only uses one patch, or there'll be even fewer ports that are happy with it.

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You might be able to do more than that, but in the editor I use (DeepSea), 256 is the largest Y offset you can have, so I'm not sure whether it's the same in-game.

256 isn't the limit in Deepsea - go into Options and see for yourself.

The hard limit in Doom is 32767/-32768.

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I like the large texture idea. dunno why I didn't think of it. mapping for zdoom so compatibility is not a criteria.

I don't really want to use the line next to line trick as I want to bild quite complex stairs and additional lines would really make the thing too messy as it is already ;)

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ZDoom lets you make textures up to 254 units tall (pretty useful for some things). If you use the line next to line trick, make sure the lines are separated by 1 unit, as this gives a pretty good impression of a texture on top of another. (I'm using this more and more these days)

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Ultimate DooMer said:

ZDoom lets you make textures up to 254 units tall (pretty useful for some things).

Oh you can go WAAAY more than that - 2048 tall - see the XTHEATERIII level at sbsoftware.com downloads for examples (ZDOOM only). In fact, it was an accidently discovery by me last year that even BOOM lets you go up to 504 by which I motivated Randy to support hi-res textures if I made them:)

As far as the DeePsea x/y limits, the older version has the default limit set lower - just change in F5/Options/Textures/x-y stuff (maybe really old version didn't have this option?).

(edit: I forgot to list the complete F5 path)

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ok 2048 should just be enough (reall just) for my purposes. thnx for the help. oh and I remember using the line-next-to-line trick in an early level of mine (never released that - it was a zdoom enhanced deadbase.wad mod) to simulate a high tower altough the ceiling (F_SKY1) was way lower. it's nice that 2-sided texttures are not clipped by the ceiling ;)

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I haven't got access to my normal computer, so I can't tell you which version of DeepSea I'm using, let alone if it has this option :) It's probably just something I never noticed though.

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You can 'bleed' upper/lower wall textures as a spanning middle texture with Boom-compatible ports. Eg. insert a sector B within a sector A, same ceiling/height (say 512/0). Use the transfer-floor trigger (242) to create a dummy lowered ceiling for B (say, 8). Do not use wall textures on sector B's sides except for (solid) upper textures. This will create a column consisting of a 'bled' upper texture posing as a middle texture.

This is probably not what you're looking for, but it makes a nice waterfall effect.

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deep said:

Oh you can go WAAAY more than that - 2048 tall - see the XTHEATERIII level at sbsoftware.com downloads for examples (ZDOOM only). In fact, it was an accidently discovery by me last year that even BOOM lets you go up to 504 by which I motivated Randy to support hi-res textures if I made them:)

Really? Time to get cracking....

/me goes off and creates some new textures...

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guru said:

is there a way to have textures on two-sided lindefs to repeat vertically like textures on normal walls do? I'm afraid not...

It is possible, and surprisingly simple, too.

1. Let's say, for instance, you are constructing a level and have a sector, Sector 0, whose properties are Floor 0 and Ceiling 1024.

Assuming that you want a structure of 128-high textures reaching all the way to the ceiling, create eight two-sided lines within this room. Our eight two-sided lines will be 128 units long.

2. Give your eight two-sided lines the middle texture of your choosing on both sides -- for our example, let's go with the WOOD5 texture.

3. Give the following properties to each of your eight lines:
Line 1: 0 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 2: 128 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 3: 256 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 4: 384 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 5: 512 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 6: 640 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 7: 768 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Line 8: 896 Y-Alignment on Side 1 and Side 2
Were you to now launch the level as is, you'd see a veritable tower of textures, reaching to the ceiling of Sector 0. However, though the bricks of our tower are now designed, we have yet to slot them into place.

4. Drag line 7 into line 8. Myself, I use DCK. When DCK prompts you: "Do you wish to combine close vertices?" select NO. What you've now done is placed one line right atop the other, without combining them. Now drag line 6 into line 7/8, and again when prompted, say NO. Repeat until all eight lines now exist in one spot.

Remember, you MUST not give your editor permission to combine the lines, else the effect will not work.

5. Load up the map, and behold the tower of textures, all on one 'line'. The illusion is complete.

X. There are a great many 'tricks' that you can play with this, involving lighting, false floors and ceilings...the works.


I have an example WAD of this effect created and ready to share, should anyone be interested. I unfortunately lack a website upon which to post it, and it would seem that these forums do not allow for uploads. Does anyone reading have space to which my example level can be made available and thus shared?

All the best,

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M8. said:

Does anyone reading have space to which my example level can be made available and thus shared?

3DGamers' archive has a folder called Miscellaneous. You could upload your wad to /newstuff. Being a tutorial of sorts, I imagine Ty Halderman (the archive manager) would put the wad into Miscellaneous.

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M8 send me a demo level that shows the effect. doom handles lines with same vertex offsets just fine.

I'm wondering what cool effects you can do. one I'm already planning to use.... ;)

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