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New Old Doom 3DO footage? Lost new level and new weapon discovered?!

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The cgi of baron remind me on this one:


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For all the shit the 3DO port gets for it's terrible resolution, it's surprising people don't mention how good the music was in this godawful port. 

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Okay, pretty sure that's just the DOS version. The health going from 100 to 199 seems to indicate that it is an older version of the game. 0.99/1.0 had this behavior.


As for the armor, there may be a megaarmor just behind/under the soulsphere which is not visible in the footage.


The level looks like a typical 1994/1995 user map that can be found in Maximum Doom. Nothing worthy is shown in this footage.

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1 hour ago, St. Mildly Annoyed said:

For all the shit the 3DO port gets for it's terrible resolution, it's surprising people don't mention how good the music was in this godawful port. 

It's usually the only good thing most people have to say about it. I've seen it mentioned a lot (although not really on a regular basis), but I think it's something a lot of people don't even learn about or bother listening to until they've been here a while. I would be curious to know how many people here (average users, that is) are even aware of the fact that it has unique music.

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, TheMagicMushroomMan said:

It's usually the only good thing most people have to say about it. I've seen it mentioned a lot (although not really on a regular basis), but I think it's something a lot of people don't even learn about or bother listening to until they've been here a while. I would be curious to know how many people here (average users, that is) are even aware of the fact that it has unique music.

I hope the population of those knowledgeable about 3DO DooM increases a bit, because that soundtrack has a lot of untapped potential in modding. I myself have been planning to use a couple of the songs as an opening level and end level theme. Kind of sad one of the best DooM OSTs was tied to the most ass port.


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2 hours ago, St. Mildly Annoyed said:

For all the shit the 3DO port gets for it's terrible resolution, it's surprising people don't mention how good the music was in this godawful port. 

People mention it plenty, but when it's one of the only two good things you can really say about the port (besides "Burger Becky did pretty damn good considering they gave her all of ten weeks to do it"), it kinda keeps the praise thin on it.


The fact it's not a complete soundtrack doesn't help either though. Some songs are simply not there.

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5 hours ago, Ozcar said:

The cgi of baron remind me on this one:


I for real thought that was Doom 3 gameplay at the beggining lmao

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No way, we got footage of the exclusive demon that was going to be in this port!


The Underling of Shit.

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This is what you get when you start the marketing campaign and game's development at the same time

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idk why they bothered putting the 3d rendered scene at the end, its so obviously incongruent with the preceding footage, looks like shit (no viewbob or weapon sway), was this really just some coked out sales guy with this mindset deciding this was a good idea

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19 hours ago, Revenant100 said:

While perusing the net, I stumbled across this trailer for the 3DO port of Doom:


(Original upload with presumably better quality)


Sourced from a sales tape meant for retailers, what we have here is early footage of the 3DO port (presumably mid '95, while the port itself released in '96) featuring an unseen new level and a look at the fabled long lost new weapon! Why even the performance looks perfectly stable at a full screen size, but I think we can all agree, however, that the most impressive aspect on display here is the huge uptick in graphical quality, almost looking like pre-rendered footage there at the end! Shame the final release wouldn't end up managing these upgrades.

As a child I would have loved it.

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2 hours ago, TheHambourgeois said:


"I can make good graphics."

"I'd - you'd BETTER make good graphics!"

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20 hours ago, Murdoch said:

Ah yes, the long lost and lamented "Green Splooge Gun".

I keep giggling like a child whenever I hear the word "splooge" after reading this.

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4 hours ago, TheHambourgeois said:

was this really just some coked out sales guy with this mindset deciding this was a good idea


It really was, no joke.


For those who aren't yet familiar with 3DO Saga or have only heard of it in passing, here's the original story from Burger Becky herself -- it's a wild ride:



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Posted (edited)

I'm not familiar with how things worked back then in retail... Let alone now, but why does a retailer need a "sales tape", and especially one for Doom?


Like really. I'm looking "sales tape", "vintage sales tape" etc up on my browser and I'm getting no results.


EDIT: Thought about it for a few more seconds and I've just answered my own question once again...

Edited by KubaloBlackMT

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8 hours ago, TheHambourgeois said:


Dammit i was gonna post this!!!!!!!

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17 hours ago, ReaperAA said:

As for the armor, there may be a megaarmor just behind/under the soulsphere which is not visible in the footage.


Was going to point this out. Pause the video as the soulsphere is being picked up and the armor is briefly seen.

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I've got in touch with Rebecca Ann Heineman on X regarding the map and CGI, and it's confirmed that the map was designed specifically for this trailer and was never meant to be in the 3DO version.

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23 hours ago, Wadmodder Shalton said:

the map was designed specifically for this trailer and was never meant to be in the 3DO version.

As if the 3DO could handle another level

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Posted (edited)

Here is my attempt to recreate the map. I tried to be as accurate as possible with this, though there are some inaccuracies here and there, mainly due to the fact that the video is, in the most professional manner, dogshit. One of the main issues I had was mainly with texture alignment, as the video was incredibly compressed and pixelated, making it hard to tell what was what, but I tried to get the alignment correct and accurate. There are some stuff the video doesn't show, so I took some liberty (and laziness) to touch those parts up. This map made me realize just how shit the original map was, and if this was made by Randy Scott, than I can talk as much shit about it if I wanted. Anyways, I have the download down below.


Here is the video I recorded to showcase this map:



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Posted (edited)

Interesting find, at least. The CGI cutscene Is so delightfully 90s!

Edited by Walter confetti

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, YeOldeFellerNoob said:

Here is my attempt to recreate the map. I tried to be as accurate as possible with this, though there are some inaccuracies here and there, mainly due to the fact that the video is, in the most professional manner, dogshit. One of the main issues I had was mainly with texture alignment, as the video was incredibly compressed and pixelated, making it hard to tell what was what, but I tried to get the alignment correct and accurate. There are some stuff the video doesn't show, so I took some liberty (and laziness) to touch those parts up. This map made me realize just how shit the original map was, and if this was made by Randy Scott, than I can talk as much shit about it if I wanted. Anyways, I have the download down below.


Here is the video I recorded to showcase this map:



Nice map!  I had some of the same issues with the video that you had. Making the map from the video was fun though.  I posted mine on doomworld but am still waiting.  Should I have just posted here?  I have included a recreation from the 1996 salesvideo.


Edited by z34chris : add link for map

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On 4/14/2024 at 12:19 AM, YeOldeFellerNoob said:

Here is my attempt to recreate the map. I tried to be as accurate as possible with this, though there are some inaccuracies here and there, mainly due to the fact that the video is, in the most professional manner, dogshit. One of the main issues I had was mainly with texture alignment, as the video was incredibly compressed and pixelated, making it hard to tell what was what, but I tried to get the alignment correct and accurate. There are some stuff the video doesn't show, so I took some liberty (and laziness) to touch those parts up. This map made me realize just how shit the original map was, and if this was made by Randy Scott, than I can talk as much shit about it if I wanted. Anyways, I have the download down below.


Here is the video I recorded to showcase this map:



Hey! I'm a Quake mapper and i actually did this on Copper 1.3 , i used ID1 textures... not sure if i will release it on Slipseer since it was just a meme level.


In case you're also a Quake fan here you go (needs Copper 1.3 altho i think it should run on id1/vanilla) , thank you for inspiring me on this meme map entry.




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Humans are wonderful... here we have a group of individuals, whom hardly know each-other that are shown less than 30 seconds of grainy footage of an obscure video of a forgotten port, and lo and behold how they independently move as the most delicate and dutiful of worker bee's to lovingly recreate this tiny nugget of trivia into their own art work.


I love these advanced monkeys. 

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