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Arcade Doom Community Project [Vanilla Limits, ALL SLOTS FILLED]

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If it's available, I'd love to take on E2M9! I wanted to join originally but saw all the E2 maps were taken :')

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Arcade Doom Pt. 1 is finally finished! The initial map is a part of four showcasing the decline and subsequent rise of a local arcade area that managed to transport from a remote, closed-off area to the shores of hell, a city suspended in the future, and hell itself! Stay tuned for more explorations of this theme!


[Replaces E1M6]

Map Name: Arcade Doom Pt. 1

Around 2 Weeks
Typical Playtime: 7 - 10 Minutes


Midi Track by Zan-zan-zawa-veia



New menu graphics are included in the wad in tandem with the map's exclusive set of textures that will be fully utilized in future iterations. Below is an example:




Additionally, the final episode names are included as well. They are as follows:


  • 2097320214_doom-bigupper-corporate-grime(1).png.ade48f6eb2957fe654f7b8471f96a0c0.png (Episode 1)
  • doom-bigupper-hells-cocktail.png.bf4b49f73ab3109b24152c6ac2ec2260.png (Episode 2)
  • doom-bigupper-urban-sprawl.png.63524d07f374a0deb4182df81c7bd026.png (Episode 3)
  • doom-nightmare-the-ultimate-challenge.png.0fe7d4e2d53c59fad70c164f10d94050.png  (Episode 4)



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Here are some acreenshots of my map, i decided to use a very obscure gimmick found in Command Center, and that's the damaging archvile wall.




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Can I please take that one secret map slot? As long as it's still free of course

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Posted (edited)

Breaking news, everyone. Today, I am announcing the gameplay and story changes that could make this this community project special. This includes the new HUD sprites of the character you play as and the new weapon sprites (See Below). Full player sprites BFG sounds and the BFG projectile replacement will be made available in the future. Gameplay changes including the new machine gun and flamethrower are factored early in map development . When mapping please use this as the main resource. This is not the final version, but any version should include the respective textures. Credits will come in the latest update.







Changes are:

  • Updated Doomguy HUD sprite to the new character, Max. Max is an engineer from the future who recently received a huge paycheck. Splurging, she aims to populate her empty garage with retro equipment, like transistor radios and arcade cabinets. A loose deal between her and a rather shady man transpired and landed her here. Pissed off, she has no other choice than kill every demon she sees and try to find an exit.
    • Weapons that have received graphical changes, but do not exhibit different durations, are as follows:
    • Axe: Given to her from her past occupation working at a lumber mill during teenage years. The transporter buffer that transported her here also brought her Terran axe too, dating back to 2035. (Replaces the fist)
    • UAC Rifle: Immediately after killing her first Zombieman in the arcane world, she bequeathed it from its now stagnant corpse. (Replaces the pistol)


More information will come of the future weapons later! Thanks to everyone that has decided to contribute to this project! 

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Greetings all, to those affiliated with the project and those who are not. As of recently, I gained my first job and a reliable source of income. This would affect how much I would work on Arcade Doom and the maps, graphics, and the technical details that come with the final product. However, I am still willing to give updates on the project.


I updated the maps I created as an experiment of vanilla limitations with various enhancements. These will come out this weekend. Screenshots are below.





Additionally, Max's player sprite is in the works. Screenshots are below.




Thank you all for those that are still working and developing your maps for the project.

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As of recently, a decision has been made in the Discord server to provide progress reports of your maps on a biweekly basis, specifically on weekends! So mappers, this means that everyone who signed in on the project should ideally give info of their completion status as well as screenshots. Remember, this project is all about expedient maps and wanton demon killing! Thanks to everyone who is affiliated with the project!

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Posted (edited)

uhhh i mostly forgot about this project


i might post the tiny fragment i made for this sometime soon (it's really not much at all)

edit: it was slightly more than i remembered, still pretty unfinished though

Edited by Plerb

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40 minutes ago, Quin said:

As of recently, a decision has been made in the Discord server to provide progress reports of your maps on a biweekly basis, specifically on weekends! So mappers, this means that everyone who signed in on the project should ideally give info of their completion status as well as screenshots. Remember, this project is all about expedient maps and wanton demon killing! Thanks to everyone who is affiliated with the project!


As I still won't be able to do any sort of mapping until the end of next month, I'm going to take this as my sign to drop my slot. Thanks for giving me a chance to participate regardless.

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Here's what I got so far on my map, which I haven't touched in 2 months. The mapslot is E2M4 and the music track is Music3.mid from Atomaders.

I think I'll just drop my map slot, I already have several more community projects on my plate which I'm trying to finish (read: procrastinating on them and working on my solo projects instead). I'd hate for this to go to waste, though, so I'd appreciate it if the next person who claims E2M4 uses this as a starting point.





Also I wasn't keeping up with the changes to the resources, so this just uses patchtex + the custom skies that were supplied at the start.

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59 minutes ago, JustAthel said:


As I still won't be able to do any sort of mapping until the end of next month, I'm going to take this as my sign to drop my slot. Thanks for giving me a chance to participate regardless.


44 minutes ago, Plerb said:

Here's what I got so far on my map, which I haven't touched in 2 months. The mapslot is E2M4 and the music track is Music3.mid from Atomaders.

I think I'll just drop my map slot, I already have several more community projects on my plate which I'm trying to finish (read: procrastinating on them and working on my solo projects instead). I'd hate for this to go to waste, though, so I'd appreciate it if the next person who claims E2M4 uses this as a starting point.





Also I wasn't keeping up with the changes to the resources, so this just uses patchtex + the custom skies that were supplied at the start.


Okay, thanks for letting me know. I'll try to use your map in some capacity; Plerb, if you'll allow for its use in a future project.

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1 minute ago, Quin said:

I'll try to use your map in some capacity; Plerb, if you'll allow for its use in a future project.

That's fine, but if possible I'd like for it to still get used in this project.

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All right, had a busy day, but I'm ready to give it another shot now! Our progress reports should be posted here by next Tuesday.


Around 90% of Max's sprites are completed. I am an amateur sprite artist with a distaste for pixel art. However, this project lead to the foundation of my appreciation for it, and I willing to seek criticism for improving these sprites. Look forward to the updated resource with the full set of player sprites!




Additionally, some changes were made to the master resource that will used on the first post on this thread. Notable changes include a new E4 sky replacement (See Below) and sound replacements.



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All right folks! I have been granted time through a weird series of events, which means I will have more time to work on this project. To demonstrate this, I have created two original MIDIs for the intro and credits map respectively. Here they are:


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Posted (edited)

[Replaces E4M5]

Map Name: King Of Caco Castle

Around a month but made entirely in two sitting
Typical Playtime: 4 - 5 minutes

MIDI: "Headshot Hole" by L.A. Sieben



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9 hours ago, CaptainResident said:

I'd like to toss a coin in the hat for E2M4 if able.



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Progress is brewing, current working title for this is "Anomaly Vault". Forgot how much more stripped-back Doom 1 mapping is!


Currently it's almost playable from start to finish, just have to tie up the progression and scatter out a healthy supply of things (monsters and items, mostly) throughout the map. After that it's adding smaller details, and then it should be good for a first testing draft.















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And here we go, "Anomaly Vault". Moody, intricate map centered around exploration that rewards closer looks. Extensive difficulty implementation.


MIDI used is "Fate of the Damned" from Blood, composed by Daniel Bernstein. Included in the .zip for easier tweaks if needed.












And a description for some flavor, because why not:


You've found yourself deep in what remains of the UAC's former facility, at the doorstep of top secrets only people in high places know of, a vault holding god-knows-what from lord-knows-where. A UAC blacksite, it seems, a lab for studying bizarre phenomena unknown to the rest of the corporation. Had this place not been in the midst of an invasion, you can only imagine what punishments were reserved for those who knew too much about this place.


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I have finally got around to finalizing the maps you two sent. If you want, you may review them and tell me what you'd like implemented differently. If you disagree with all the changes I have made, feel free to let me know and/or send me an edited version. These are ultimately your maps.


For @CaptainResident, I thoroughly explored and edited the map, both in-editor and in-game (Vanilla), to make sure no errors come up. These errors include Medusa effects, Linedef height exceeding the texture, in addition to a crash right from the get go. While I personally found the gameplay fantastic (i.e. the supplies game show on the right-hand side of the map), error correcting and playtesting enhanced my viewpoint on the map as a whole. 




Okay, @NiGHTS108, this might be a source of controversy, but quite a few changes have been made to your map, and far too many to list. Please play the map and inform me on what you'd like to change.




As for everyone else, I'm providing a new resource file demo, complete with the textures necessary to run Captain's map. Feel free to browse through the changes I have made.



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2 hours ago, Quin said:

These errors include Medusa effects, Linedef height exceeding the texture, in addition to a crash right from the get go.

I'd feared as such; a lot of my testing is in DSDA with the complevels, so I missed a lot of the pure-vanilla engine quirks.


I tested around the new revision for a bit, so far so good. I'll probably do some more playing with it to see if I have any changes-to-the-changes to make, but should be good to go.

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3 hours ago, NiGHTS108 said:


I really don't think I appreciate the gesture here very much. Listen. I perfectly understand giving feedback, but this easily crosses the border from pointing out a few issues to just me making your maps for you. Originally I wasn't even going to say anything because I don't like conflict, even when I'm not the one who started it, but to be quite frank, exchanging your changelog for just "this might be a source of controversy" and listing the changes as just "far too many to list" is very incompetent as far as I'm concerned, and on top of this, I don't even really like almost all of the edits you made at all. It breaks what I consider to be the map's clean, firm aesthetic in favour of compblue waterfalls, which isn't to insult your mapping skill personally, but the point I'm trying to make here is it stops feeling like my map, and becomes a collab against my will or even knowledge, really. I can sympathise with you, I'm sure you mean well, but in no way is this how to go about managing a community project. You say "these are ultimately your maps" but the edits I see here don't reflect that statement. I know most of my friends would have asked to pull the map immediately at something like this, so, either give me a list of things to change myself to the original map and drop the attitude, or you can forget about having this map in the wad. 


First things first, it is your choice ultimately. The map I provided you is not the final map, nor the final decision for how this map is implemented. Whether you want this version is up to you, since you made the map. You seem to disagree on a lot of changes, which is completely fair. My intention with the edited version is provide a more cohesive experience, breaking up some visual monotony, and major gameplay adjustments, but if you don't want it, that is fine as well. Running the list of changes would be pointless, since it's vastly different compared to the original, so I can see where you're coming from. With that in mind, consider this just a mapping experiment. The edited version will be dropped and your original version will be used. Is that fair?

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16 minutes ago, Quin said:


First things first, it is your choice ultimately. The map I provided you is not the final map, nor the final decision for how this map is implemented. Whether you want this version is up to you, since you made the map. You seem to disagree on a lot of changes, which is completely fair. My intention with the edited version is provide a more cohesive experience, breaking up some visual monotony, and major gameplay adjustments, but if you don't want it, that is fine as well. Running the list of changes would be pointless, since it's vastly different compared to the original, so I can see where you're coming from. With that in mind, consider this just a mapping experiment. The edited version will be dropped and your original version will be used. Is that fair?

Sure! That all sounds pretty good to me to be honest. I was getting slight mixed signals the entire time. I suppose I’d say either way editing a map so heavily can be a bit alienating to some people, maybe something to keep in mind. Anyway, water under the bridge, I hate to hold a grudge anyway.

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After some more time messing around with it, I'll echo that the heavy edits aren't totally sitting right with me now. I pretty firmly do not like the heavy difficulty spike compared to the first draft, lots of areas in the original are left without enemies on purpose for the sake of atmosphere; see the dark computer-y teleport room. Having Cyberdemons in a pitch-black arena doesn't really fit what I was going for in that whole setpiece.

A lot of the map gimmicks are also awry now; the signs in the 'pick your poison' room were intended as a secret, powerups are rearranged in a way that breaks what they were originally there for, etc.


I'd rather the edits are kept to what makes it not break in the vanilla engine, and that any other changes are just suggested here so I can change them in a way that fits the map vision more.

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15 minutes ago, CaptainResident said:

After some more time messing around with it, I'll echo that the heavy edits aren't totally sitting right with me now. I pretty firmly do not like the heavy difficulty spike compared to the first draft, lots of areas in the original are left without enemies on purpose for the sake of atmosphere; see the dark computer-y teleport room. Having Cyberdemons in a pitch-black arena doesn't really fit what I was going for in that whole setpiece.

A lot of the map gimmicks are also awry now; the signs in the 'pick your poison' room were intended as a secret, powerups are rearranged in a way that breaks what they were originally there for, etc.


I'd rather the edits are kept to what makes it not break in the vanilla engine, and that any other changes are just suggested here so I can change them in a way that fits the map vision more.


Okay, thanks for letting me know. I will edit the map later to make it more faithful to the original, unless you would like to. Also, it helps, when prototyping maps, to think of this as a multi-iterative approach. Nothing presented, even with the latest resources, is final.

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Greetings to all those affiliated with the project and those who are not. The issue discussed earlier in the thread is now resolved to both parties' satisfaction. Both Nights' and CaptainResident's maps are more faithful to the original artists' intent. As a note for mappers who have began mapping or will eventually, I never wish to claim your work as my own or make changes you don't agree with. Doing such would be incredibly disrespectful to both you and the entire community. My original intention with the revisions was to provide another option in case the mapper wanted it. And if not, that is suitable as well. Thus, if your map needs a tune-up engine-limitation wise, I would be happy to offer my help in a manner that should please both. Vanilla-mapping presents some complications that might interfere with your vision for a map. So, if you need help fixing a map to comply with the targeted source-port, please DM me on Discord or here on Doomworld. Thank you.


Now... With that out of the way, I have progress to share.


The second area of the second part of the Arcade Doom series of maps is now initialized, aiming to recreate the environments of Tron under vanilla-limitations. Screenshots are below:





Additionally, I have created an intermission theme for the project. Download is below:




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3 hours ago, Quin said:

The issue discussed earlier in the thread is now resolved to both parties' satisfaction.

On that note, I've finally gotten around to testing around with the recent revision, it's much better and I'd say that's the ideal variant, given it's mostly engine fixes. Should be good to go for the final submission now.

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