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What are some good graphic enhancements for yesterday's classic updated DOOM 1+2 via Steam?

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I used to love Doomsday Engine for its visual improvements, but it hasn't been updated for years. I doubt it will work for yesterday's updated classic DOOM from Steam.


Thank you for reading and hopefully answering soon. :)

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I'm not sure, but the new engine might support .PNGs as textures, if so, it would be possible to make a pack similar to the ones from Doomsday, unless there's a limit to the image size.

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Skyjake is developing programs for the gemini protocol now adays. Thats how I know them originally and had to do a double take when I found out they also made doomsday engine. Some small world type stuff right there.

A few commits have been pushed to the doomsday engine project on github this year so its not completely dead. Skyjake is a cool dude and has replied to all my emails so if you want you can ask him yourself if doomsday is getting updated to be id24 compliant. Heres a link to his contact info if you want to send him an email.

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