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[USDQC] Wednesday Night Deathmatch #275 - Onslpack - Zandronum

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This week's WNDM will be a run through of the Onslaught Pack on Zandronum. This is a compilation wad consisting of the entire Onslaught series, 1, 2 and 3. The Onslaught wads feature maps designed towards a classic DM experience, where the levels are designed for around 2-4 players. While that may be, these are still fun to frag with higher numbers of players. Additionally, this pack starts off with Onslaught 3 and works its way down to 1. We will be running through the entirety, so there will be plenty of levels to go around! Things will get kicked off around 8 so hop on in and join in on some fragging!

Date: August 21, 2024

Time: 8:00PM CDT

Port: Zandronum

Server: [USDQC] Wednesday Night Deathmatch #275 - Onslpack

DMFlags: 6378500
DMFlags2: 1024
ZADMFlags: 32768
CompatFlags: 64
ZACompatFlags: 528392

Skill: Nightmare

Fraglimit: 30 or 40 (depending on number of players)

Timelimit: 8

IWAD: doom2 

PWADs: onslpack.wadlitespree-v1b.pk3

Alt PWADS: wndmskinsv3_gl.wad, altdeathgl.wad, litespree-announcers-v1a.pk3

Maps: MAP01-51

Players: 16/32


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