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In a slaughter map how many enemies can you have in an encounter before it feels repetitive and unenjoyable?

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Posted (edited)

As the title. I'm not referring to fights that are boring as soon as you start them, I'm referring to well made fights that once you figure out how to survive the encounter, it becomes boring after a while as it's a grind. Give me a ballpark figure.

Edited by Havok

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How many enemies does it take for it to be repetitive and unenjoyable to you? There isn't a Doom law or a strong community norm on the question. It's a matter of taste. I don't have a hard and fast number on how many enemies constitute an unfun grind. Whether it's a grind comes down to the level design.


This question reads like it could have fit perfectly well in your thread from earlier today.

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That's not how slaughter works. Compare: the imp staircase in the beginning of Okuplok vs the exact same amount of imps in a featureless square room.

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I'm not referring to fights that are boring as soon as you start them, I'm referring to well made fights that once you figure out how to survive the encounter, it becomes boring after a while as it's a grind due to having maybe over a thousand enemies or so. Give me a ballpark figure.

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A fight with 1000 enemies can go by in a flash and a fight with 10 enemies can drag. It's all down to enemy composition, raw numbers mean nothing.

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Once you've solved the battle and the cleanup process (killing the remaining enemies) is way too long and laborous

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I mean......maybe something like a NoReason parody map where the only thing to do is just spam BFGs shots at literally everything when there's like 10K monsters on the screen? But as a rule, most situations aren't exactly so clear cut that you can boil down grindiness to amount of monsters as much as to such things like lack of enemy variety, getting stuck with the same weak-ass weapon for a prolonged period of time and other things that just drag everything out. Otherwise, Deadwing's take generally is the best.

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Really depends, for example Antaresian Reliquary map 31 has the highest amount of monsters in any doom map ever that's actually playable, yet i still find the map really enjoyable due to it being balanced and well designed

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1 minute ago, danidf96 said:

Really depends, for example Antaresian Reliquary map 31 has the highest amount of monsters in any doom map ever that's actually playable, yet i still find the map really enjoyable due to it being balanced and well designed


How many enemies are in it?

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Just now, Havok said:


How many enemies are in it?

Not as many as there are in MAP17 of Experiencing Nirvana.

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42,690 enemies more than some other famous massive slaghtermaps like okuplok or holy hell, but like i said this one is actually fun. The new arsenal in the wad really helps, i recommend you try the wad yourself it is fantastic run and gun action by Antares

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5 minutes ago, Shepardus said:

Not as many as there are in MAP17 of Experiencing Nirvana.

Jesus i just looked it up, looks more like torture than a doom map for the player and pc alike

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Everyone hit the nail on the head already by the looks of it, but yeah, fun or the lack of it in slaughter depends on so many different factors. Room design / size / shape, monster placement, monster types, amount of health and ammo given, weapons... player preference... player skill level... and much more.
Monster count alone doesn't mean that much, unless you have to be somewhere in a short amount of time, you can usually assume a large count won't indicate a coffee-break style of map, I guess.

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19 minutes ago, danidf96 said:

42,690 enemies more than some other famous massive slaghtermaps like okuplok or holy hell, but like i said this one is actually fun. The new arsenal in the wad really helps, i recommend you try the wad yourself it is fantastic run and gun action by Antares


Sorry this is totally off topic but that PFP is nightmare fuel.

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"In a slaughter map how many enemies can you have in an encounter...?"



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Posted (edited)

I mean if I'm gonna play a slaughter map, I usually just dig in and get ready for thousands of monsters and for it to take a while.

Slaughterfest series are some of my favorite WADS

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It doesn't matter because if you get bored, just scurry to the exit. 

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There's several factors:

1 - how much health/armour/ammo has the map creator given you? Too little and it's a nightmare to survive. Too much and you're just holding M1 to kill everything.


2 - room size - Too big and you can chuck in 100 mancubuses and dodging is still easy. Too small and even 2 archviles becomes a pain in the arse.


3 - weapons - I don't like having to kill Hell Knights and Revenants with the default shotgun. Super shotty makes it much better.


Basically, it's a balancing act of having enough room to dodge whilst having enough enemies to give the player something to chew through. No room to manoeuvre is the fastest way to screw up an encounter.

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I enjoy them them when they're not jam packed with piles of the same monster (IE revenants, demons) without some sort of other enemies to cause infighting to make the odds better. And forget about groups of Cyberdemons or Masterminds, at least the latter can infight and kill each other.

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Man it ain’t like that, mapping isn’t something you can just measure with numbers like that, I’ve made dreadfully boring 10 monster maps, fairly interesting 10 monster maps, thrilling 3000 monster maps and awful grindy 3000 monster maps, measuring just by the monster count is usually a pretty rough way of telling a map’s difficulty and especially quality 

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you can usually run past lots of guys, you dont gotta kill allllllllllllll the demons yknow.............

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Things can get repetitive with a mere 10 enemies, let alone hundreds.


It's not the count that matters it is how it is used.

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