NaZa Posted September 1 (edited) September, 2024 onemandoom > The yearly standings > The Ironman Discord Server Standard Leaderboard - - - - - - - - - ... Prepared Leaderboard ... What is the Doomworld Ironman League? The DWIronman League is a monthly competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given map set, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag at the bottom of the post for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome. It could change the way you play Doom! In September 2024 the DWIronman League dies to Eternally Yours (-complevel 2), a mapset by @valkiriforce released in 2012. A successor to Reverie, and thus a conclusion to the Doom Core trilogy, this mapset is another oldschool venture by Valkiriforce. Maps are neither short nor long, neither undetaled nor overdetailed, neither super difficult nor easy. It's a decent Ironman set that will keep you on your toes, but never outright shove you into poison pool and leave you to die. (Besides the part in the screenshot which contains poison a.k.a. nukage. Maybe.) Stay frosty, marine, and hopefully you'll come out alright! It is also time for an announcement. I've been an active participant in the League since 2017, and I absolutely love this challenge. Going as far as you can in one try while taking care of a lot of factors involved is quite an experience. I'm glad to also see quite a number of people get involved and feel the same thrill. I've first got more involved in the League by cumulating some random stats during 2017, when I've started making "all-time" rankings. This expanded in 2018 to maintaining yearly and all-time leaderboards on the current Google Sheet, and also by the end of the year included a simple monthly board, as the OP wasn't usually up to date. (Ironic considering the current circumstances during the months I host, I know.) Alfonzo noticed how much I cared for the league and, having not had ample time to run the League, I was the first person he approached about handing the League over by the end of 2019. I happily accepted, but quickly figured out that it takes much more than doing the stats to run this. I was also an overly eager 17-year-old who wanted to prove his place in the community, after the failure of the Eagle Speedmapping Sessions, so I added additional pressure to myself. The first pick was way too difficult with divisive gameplay; next month featured a laughably easy challenge. The severe inconsistency with chosen sets and leaderboards that by the mid-point of the year weren't updated piled further pressure on me, and I didn't quite handle it in the way I should have. I left the League by the end of 2020 in a particularly overdramatic way, and around May '21 took a break from the community altogether. I returned by the end of said year, having been bored at college, and found the League in uncertainty over the next year. I stepped up and got back into organizing, having been an interim host that year, and by the end of 2022 returned as the full host of Ironman. I played a lot more sets during these years and felt I could consistently select sets for Ironman and keep the boards filled for my own months. By the end of 2023, however, my months' boards were mostly half-filled and I started having issues with selecting the WADs again. The list Alfonzo sent me when I first took over Ironman was getting smaller and smaller - partly due to the sets being played for Ironman, but also in Ironeagle (such as this one, slated for Jan '23 at first!), as I didn't want the challenges to have the same challenge pretty soon one after another - and this year in particular my picks have started going all over the place and not based on a playthrough, but rather based on stats and only a 5-minute nibble - Death Tormention III being the ultimate divisive example. As I've said, I had played a large number of Doom sets from December '22 to today, but they were either already played in the League, or were very much unfitting for it in their full 32 map scope. The boards were also unfilled and, frankly, I wasn't paying much attention to this anymore. The dominant host should be someone who's committed to the League, who has played enough sets to be an objective judge on how they'd be during an Ironman run (preferably not too short!) and who's witty with obituaries, or has an alternate way to spice the leaderboard up. If I were honest with myself, at this point, I don't fill any of said criteria. Thus, after organizing the November challenge, I will step down from hosting Ironman. I will still be updating the board every month, of course, keeping track of stats, and I'll continue to participate in Ironman. I just don't feel I can keep being a good full-time host. This announcement is happening before November because I want to give the community time over how they want to progress with hosting Ironman. I'm happy to get involved in talks, too, but I don't want to drop it a month before the new season and then expect everything to solve in an instant. Good solutions take time. Thank you @Alfonzo for creating this challenge and for the support you gave me in continuing it. I also extend the thanks to every guest host for stepping up each month. And finally, I thank every single one of you who ever played a challenge. I hope you are also enjoying Ironman. Let's go for two last bangs, and then we'll be seeing each other again, but as equal participants instead. :> Essential Info Doom II (doom2.wad) Compatibility level 2, or "Doom (strict)" for ZDoom derivative ports. 11 maps. MAP12 is an unbeatable credits level. Time estimate: 2-3 hours ALERT: MAP04 has a very unfair ambush immediately after the blue bars. I won't give specifics, but be prepared. SOFTLOCK: As per usual, MAP07 can softlock regarding arachnotrons. If an arch-vile resurrects the arachnotron don't kill the latter again, otherwise you get softlocked. If you do kill the arachnotron again, you can still reach the exit through an arch-vile jump - make sure you pressed all the switches on the level before attempting this though. One can softlock on MAP11 laughably easy. (I found that out the hard way when Ironeagle played this.) THE BOSS BRAIN IS NOT OPEN WHEN YOU FIRST ENTER THE ARENA. Instead, there are six switches you need to hit around the arena. When you're back to the central building, you will have found that six bars next to the ammo stash have opened and a switch in said room. After you hit this switch, the boss brain opens. Even then, there are three barons between you and the Romero head. These can be killed with any weapon, to my understanding, but you need to save rockets, as the bossbrain cannot be damaged in any other way than rockets. Why do I say this? Both me and 2nd place that month softlocked on the final map due to not realizing we've been wasting rockets at a closed boss brain, and there's not enough rockets in the structure to remedy that error. > Download Eternally Yours prboom-plus.exe -iwad doom2.wad -file ETRNYOUR.wad -complevel 2 -skill 4 -record demo_name.lmp -warp Rules: Spoiler There are two competitions: Standard and Prepared: To compete successfully in the Standard competition: your first play of the selected WAD(s) constitutes your one and only attempt for the month. To compete successfully in the Prepared competition: your one and only attempt for the month is determined BY YOU immediately before play and may follow any prior number of active (playing the set) preparation that is strictly for practice/inspection purposes only. You cannot compete in the Standard competition after submitting a run to the Prepared competition. You may submit the first of your practice attempts to the Standard competition. UV only (excepting 1CC format), continuous recording. No pistol-starting each level. Demos (recorded using any port which can play back vanilla demo files, such as PrBoom+, GLBoom, Eternity, DSDADoom, Woof, Chocolate...), stream highlights and video recordings are the only accepted proofs. You must link to these runs in the thread. If you stream your run on Twitch, please highlight/save it so that it doesn't go missing in case someone's very late with the obituaries. No additional WADs may be loaded. Cosmetic WADs are fine if they're purely cosmetic. No inspection of the WAD(s)'s content in an editor if you are submitting a Standard run, its category 3 included. No cheat codes and no features that result in behavior beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set). This includes dynamic lights and brightmaps. If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatibility options, you must display these settings on-screen before your run. In ZDoom derivative ports, "Doom/Boom(strict)" will suffice. If you choose to stream/record your run for video rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on the first map of a set OR because a single level was selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels than their competitors will rank higher than them. You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. If the recording of your official run is interrupted due to technical difficulties, you are not permitted a second attempt. Any surviving recording may be used to register a DNF result. Accidentally restarting a level before a death exit takes you to the tally screen will stop your run immediately. You will still be registered as entering the next map (i.e. the one which you never entered) using a calculation to figure out what the intermission time would have been. If you are competing in the Standard competition, you are required to affix one of three numbers to your run informing the League of your degree of familiarity with the map/set played. Note that your evaluation should only take into consideration the content covered in your run (e.g. if you remember only one part of a level in a set you haven't played before but never reach that level, you should list your run as a [1] instead of [2]): This is a blind run. If I have played or watched any of the level/set being played before, I cannot remember any details that would offer a reasonable advantage over truly blind players. * This is not a blind run. I have familiarity with the set - played the level/set before, or watched it being played, and can remember some details that would offer a reasonable advantage over blind players. This is not a blind run. While I have not outright played it, I've watched the level/set being played via stream, demo or video after it was announced as this month's challenge. * "Reasonable" in this instance asks you to consider whether the details in question are worth committing to memory. As in, you would thank the person who gave you this information with a straight face and not expect to be laughed at for being an utter berk. Previous threads: Hide contents 2016 Spoiler 07 - Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well) 08 - Crusades (winner: Ribbiks) 09 - Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well) 10 - Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: WH-Wilou84) 11 - Perdition's Gate (winner: WH-Wilou84) 12 - UAC Ultra (winner: PjSpartacus) 2017 Spoiler 01 - Jade Earth (winner: Demon of the Well) 02 - Legacy of Heroes (winner: Roofi) 03 - Back to Saturn X E1 (winner: dew) 04 - Mapgame (winner: ClonedPickle) 05 - Vae Victus 1 & 2 (winner: Demon of the Well) 06 - Disturbia (winner: Ancalagon) 07 - Insertion (winner: Veinen) 08 - Unholy Realms (winner: Demon of the Well) 09 - Osiris (winner: Demon of the Well) 10 - Endgame & Endpoint (winner: Veinen) 11 - Oscillation (winner: Ancalagon) 12 - Doom the Way id Did (winner: kmc) 2018 Spoiler 01 - Combat Shock 2 (winner: Killer5) 02 - Coffee Break E1 (winner: Eris) 03 - Warlock's Hearth (winner: Demon of the Well) 04 - 50 Monsters (winner: WH-Wilou84) 05 - Double Impact (winner: RjY) 06 - Rush (winner: WH-Wilou84) 07 - The Darkening E1 & E2 (winner: Veinen) 08 - The Plutonia Experiment (winner: Zero-Master) 09 - Community Chest 4 - MAP20: Interstellar Sickness and MAP21: Shaman's Device (winner: leodoom85) 10 - Doom 64 for Doom II (winner: Roofi) 11 - TNT: Renascence & TNT: Resistance (winner: an_mutt) 12 - Ultimate Doom the Way id Did (winner: an_mutt) 2019 Spoiler 01 - Hellfire: Dreams (winner: Beginner) 02 - THT: Threnody - MAP10: Fomalhaut (winner: Scotty) 03 - Stardate 20X6 (winner: WH-Wilou84) 04 - Base Ganymede: Complete (winner: Vince Vega) 05 - The DWIronman League died waiting for SIGIL (winner: John Romero) 06 - SIGIL (winner: leodoom85) 07 - Vanguard & Lunatic (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Pegleg) 08 - 2017 Collection (winner: an_mutt - prep winner: Vince Vega) 09 - Revolution! (winner: NaZa - prep winner: Pegleg) 10 - Monster Hunter Part I & Part II (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Pegleg) 11 - Abcess (winner: Demon of the Well - prep winner: Steve D?) 12 - Scythe (winner: Spectre01 - prep winner: Arbys550) 2020 Spoiler 01 - Hellscape (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Archi) 02 - No Sleep for the Dead (winner: Ancalagon - prep winner: Anima Zero) 03 - Baker's Dozen (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Pegleg) 04 - Occult Secrets of the Third Reich & Biotech is Godzilla (winner: joe-ilya - prep winner: Horus) 05 - Bloody Rust (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: dt_) 06 - Vrack 1, 2 and 3 (winner: ReaperAA - prep winner: Bashe) 07 - Running Late 2 (winner: Roofi - prep winner: Pegleg) 08 - Epic (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Daerik) 09 - Hell Revealed (winner: Roofi - prep winner: Crusader No Regret) 10 - Dark Resolution 2008 (winner: Roofi - prep winner: Austinado) 11 - 2002: A Doom Odyssey: 10th Anniversary Edition Episode 3 (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Pegleg) 12 - Eviternity (winner: Daerik - prep winner: Pegleg) 2021 Spoiler 01 - Sawdust (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Daerik) 02 - Alien Vendetta (winner: Demonologist - prep winner: Anima Zero) 03 - Criticality & Miasma (winner: Daerik - prep winner: Crusader No Regret) 04 - World Orifice (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Killer5) 05 - Violence (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: ScrappyMcDoogerton) 06 - Firebox (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: 4shockblast) 07 - Scythe 2 (winner: Arbys550 - prep winner: an_mutt) 08 - Resurgence (winner: Beginner - prep winner: Suitepee) 09 - The Eye (winner: galileo31dos01 - prep winner: an_mutt) 10 - Glaive & Glaive 2 (winner: Veinen - prep winner: Tezur0) 11 - Sunlust (winner: Daerik - prep winner: nobody) 12 - H2H-XMas (winner: Daerik - prep winner: 4shockblast) 2022 Spoiler 01 - Realm of Shades (winner: mhrz - prep winner: Pegleg) 02 - Return to Hadron E1 (winner: NightTerror - prep winner: Maribo) 03 - Syringe (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: SCF) 04 - Jägermörder 1 and 2 (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Maribo) 05 - The Rebirth (winner: NightTerror - prep winner: NaZa) 06 - Man on the Moon (winner: Master Medi - prep winner: ginc) 07 - Vigor (winner: akolai - prep winner: SCF) 08 - Somewhere in Time (winner: Archi - prep winner: NaZa) 09 - Sucker Punch 1 & 2 (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Pegleg) 10 - Sharp Things (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: LadyMistDragon) 11 - Knee-Deep in the Dead + .deh (winner: NightTerror - prep winner: Lol 6) 12 - Christmas Cheer from the Chill Zone (winner: NightTerror - prep winner: NaZa) 2023 Spoiler 01 - Bury My Heart Knee Deep (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Maribo) 02 - LAZAREVENANT - 13 map WIP demo (winner: Suitepee - prep winner: nobody) 03 - Demonic Deviation (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: nobody) 04 - Beyond Revival (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Anima Zero) 05 - Malevolence (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Anima Zero) 06 - Return to Purgatory (winner: Bdubzzz - prep winner: Anima Zero) 07 - Shotgun Symphony (winner: joe-ilya - prep winner: LadyMistDragon) 08 - Mutiny (winner: Asbadagba - prep winner: nobody) 09 - Containment Area (winner: LadyMistDragon - prep winner: nobody) 10 - U N W E L C O M E (winner: Master Medi - prep winner: nobody) 11 - Absolute Dishonor (winner: NaZa - prep winner: nobody) 12 - Rowdy Rudy's Revenge (winner: Asbadagba - prep winner: Pegleg) 2024 Spoiler 01 - Black Rain, Community Chest 3 MAP12 (winner: Asbadagba - prep winner: Anima Zero) 02 - 25 Years of Doom II (winner: joe-ilya - prep winner: Pegleg) 03 - ICAR2015 (winner: joe-ilya - prep winner: Pegleg) 04 - Deus Vult II (winner: Asbadagba - prep winner: ClumsyCryptid) 05 - Suspended in Dusk & Bauhaus (winner: Asbadagba - prep winner: Shepardus) 06 - Death Tormention III (winner: Asbadagba - prep winner: ClumsyCryptid) 07 - Ancient Aliens (winner: ArchvileHunter - prep winner: none, I think?) 08 - Overboard (winner: Vytaan - prep winner: ByRntStarOEI) Edited September 1 by NaZa : softlock for map07, 16 Share this post Link to post
Andromeda Posted September 1 (edited) Category: 2 Softlocked on: MAP07 Kills: 125/129 Time on MAP06 exit: 1:18:51 Punished by my tendency to kill everything, shame because it was going rather well despite a terrible MAP01 performance. SOFTLOCK ALERT: If an arch-vile resurrects the arachnotron don't kill the latter again, otherwise you get softlocked. If you do kill the arachnotron again, you can still reach the exit through an arch-vile jump or through a precise rocket jump via the central building (haven't tested this approach) - make sure you pressed all the switches on the level before attempting this though. Edited September 6 by Andromeda 5 Share this post Link to post
CocoCaco Posted September 1 Category: 1 Died on: Map02 Kills: 131/161 Time of Death: 15:34 Spoiler Shotgunners... hey atleast I made it past map 1 this month lol Also I'm unsure why but I had a ton of missing textures, mostly in map02. Really not sure what could've caused that as I loaded the wad into DSDA as I normally do, and I've not had that happen with this port yet coco-etrnyour.7z 6 Share this post Link to post
Anima Zero Posted September 2 Died at the boss brain in map 11 at roughly the 2hr 23 minute mark. I didn't softlock myself, but I did eat projectiles like a doofus, heh. 5 Share this post Link to post
SCF Posted September 2 Category: 2 Dead on: MAP04 at 28:55 Kills: 70/125 Revenants really having it in for me these last two months with high damage rolls. This time they joined forces with an off-screen candelabra preventing me from side-stepping the missiles I plainly saw coming, which proceeded to do 150 damage in two hits. Cat 2 because I played this two years ago for IronEagle, although I didn't remember a single thing. Interestingly, my comment on IE at the time was complaining about obtuse progression, but compared to some other sets I've played since then, it really wasn't bad. Sure there might be 6 different doors to check and some switches whose purpose remains a mystery, but I was never lost. There were always places to explore. 5 Share this post Link to post
Pegleg Posted September 2 Category: 2 Dead on: Map 01 Time of death: 8:19 Kills: 71/85 Evidently I liked Eternally Yours--I selected it for IronEagle back in October 2022. It has good encounter design, good setups, and the health and ammo is plentiful enough. Once again, revenants, while not proving my direct downfall, definitely contributed to it. I thought I had a good strategy, but then the revenant had to walk where I didn't want it to. And I was fairly close to the end of the map, too. Oh well. Such is the sometimes callous nature of ironmanning. Nevertheless, I like the selection. 5 Share this post Link to post
NaZa Posted September 2 Didn't pay enough attention to my surroundings. Category 2, dead on MAP04. Shame, really, because a similar trap already happened a bit earlier, I just wasn't necessarily as concentrated as I should be. Quite a slow run, too, so I reckon that won't do me any favours. 4 Share this post Link to post
Li'l devil Posted September 3 (edited) Duke Nukem Forever'd on map 4, primarily due to not having any more time to play (I didn't expect to survive for so long), but also because I may have softlocked myself (didn't see an obvious way to progress). A very solid performance by me for once! I played map 1 cautiously, but then began totally rushing it from map 2 onward due to lack of time, and I actually managed to not die at any point. There's some pretty good gameplay in the demo as a result, by my standards anyway. Very content with the run! As for the wad itself, technically I already played a valkiriforce's map before - it was on my first comeback run for DWIronman in Absolute Dishonor (idk which maps he made there), but this was the first time I truly experienced his style. I was told he makes maps in the style of 90s wads, and yeah, I definitely see a lot of similarities. Some rooms looked really cool. I actually took a couple of screenshots during the run. Category 1 Map 3 exit time (total time): 32:10 Woof! 14.5.0 -complevel vanilla 5 Share this post Link to post
LadyMistDragon Posted September 3 Category: 1 Dead on Map 09 Kills 90/170 Time 02:17....09? Under other circumstances I might have pulled it off but welll..... 5 Share this post Link to post
Horus Posted September 3 Cat: 2 (played in Ironeagle) Dead on Map 5 Kills 178/181 Finished map 4 at 48:00 Spoiler Why exit to the next map when you can just die instead? 5 Share this post Link to post
kmc Posted September 3 Category: 1 Dead on: Map11 at 2:20:00 Kills: 153/159 Finished MAP10 at: 1:59:54 Guess I should have read the Essential Info so that I would have a clue about how to beat the map :| 6 Share this post Link to post
kvothesixstring Posted September 4 Category: 1 Dead on Map05 at 59:40 Kills: 131/181 Finished Map04 at 47:14 Died like an idiot fighting a hell knight on a staircase. I've never done so much door fighting in my life. Should have died a couple of times. Surprised I got this far tbh. Cool wad though, might finish this at some point. 7 Share this post Link to post
DisgruntledPorcupine Posted September 6 Category 1 Dead on MAP02 Kills: 59/161 Dead at: 11:48 Spoiler Oof, sneaky sneaky hell knight. Was too panicked by the revs and manc to notice that one. Wad seemed neat so far though, I still haven't played the Doom Core trilogy and most of my valkiriforce familiarity comes from Akeldama, which is a very cool set. 5 Share this post Link to post
Wolfgun Shootner Posted September 7 Category 1 Dead on Map01 Kills 58/85 Dead at 7:43 Spoiler Very disappointing run, could not find the secrets, got crushed, did not find progression, chose the wrong door, instantly panicked, died despite Megaarmor - horrible... The WAD seems fine though, I would like to play this. 6 Share this post Link to post
Asbadagba Posted September 7 cat 2 (i played it once during one of the ironeagles i think it was) dead on map11 dead at 1:38:09 152/159 kills map11 entered at 1:29:13 5 Share this post Link to post
purple_ruberoid Posted September 8 Category: 1 Died on: Map07 (softlock) Kills: 123/129 Time of Death: 2:04:12 Entered MAP07 at: 1:37:56 I was able to recover after 2HP but ... was softlocked. I killed both arachnotrons AND the archvile :( I could've even exited: I pressed all switches (I think), I saw the exit but decided to kill all monsters ... clean up habit screwed me up. Anyway, my extra-precautious style has been paid off: that's not a bad result 5 Share this post Link to post
Neurometry Posted September 10 (edited) Category 1 Died on Map 04 Kills: 86/125 Time of Death: ~8 min in the map Entered Map 04 around 20 mins in total I was streaming it and I looked at chat at the worst time and lost it right there but it got juicy at a few other points, was very fun Edited September 10 by Neurometry 8 Share this post Link to post
NuruTheDoomer Posted September 11 Category: 1 Died on: MAP04 Kills: 23/125 Time of Death: around 24:47 Entered MAP04 at: 21:12 I did expect the ambush to be there, but by then I already started walking into the trap and didn't prepare myself... Pretty fun, especially with some of those spicy encounters in the run :) 6 Share this post Link to post
lumely Posted September 19 Category: 1 Died: Map03 at 2:18 Kills: 44/109 Entered Map03 at 22:51 Spoiler Had the nukage arena mostly knocked out but lost my cool after taking some damage and put my back right up against the manc. Lost a lot of time earlier in the run due to backtracking but had a really fun time with this. 7 Share this post Link to post
dt_ Posted September 19 Cat 2 Didn't recognise the name, so I thought this was just another standard blind run. Now, I had this file on my hard drive for some reason, so there's a possibility I may have played this in the past, I didn't recognise anything at all, until map5 where I remembered dying at some point. Basically, I remembered nothing at all about this wad, but I can't in all honesty call it a CAT 1. Someone mentioned a previous IronEagle comp featuring this wad, so that may have been it. Anyway, I made it to map11, took at least 2 hours, most likely more 5 Share this post Link to post
Archvile Hunter Posted September 22 Category: 1 Survived in 1:54:59 Played on DSDA-Doom 0.28.1 This was a very well suited wad for an ironman imo. Not too long nor difficult, but just spicy enough to keep you on your toes. Progression was a little obtuse at times, but I never got stuck for too long. At the very end I was starting to worry that I had missed a switch somewhere outside and would have to go back, but fortunately that wasn't the case. Putting a barrier inside the boss brain is a kinda stinky design choice, if you ask me. 5 Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted September 23 Category: ? The first few maps seem familiar. I recall dying in a previous ironman in Map02 to some mancubus after a tight tunnel, but who knows... Dead: Map03 Time of Arrival: 13:06 Kills: 41/109 Time of Death: 15:12 Port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.2 Demo: Cause of Death: Things got hairy in the green soup with a couple of pain elementals. 4 Share this post Link to post
Suitepee Posted September 23 Category 1-ish run (I played through the first map to check it out, but the rest was blind having not played this before). Died on map 7 to an Archvile with 112/129 monsters killed on DSDA-Doom. 5 Share this post Link to post
Helm Posted September 25 (edited) cat 1 dead on map 03 Kills 95 time of death: 22.27 port: dsda doom Cause of death (CHOPPED IN HALF): Spoiler Impatience, I guess. I'm out of practice with Ironman, I had a good streak of participation a while ago but then I had massive health issues related to eyesight etc, I'm better now so I thought I'd come back to it, as I really like ironman play. Also I like valk mapsets usually, and this was fun. I ran into a lot of damage early and it was an uphill battle to recover. I really didn't need to die where I died and all it'd take would be to just run in and get the RL quickly and run out again before engaging with the rest. The muscle memory to play the game comes back fast, but the sound decision making on the fly is a non-apparent skill that takes much longer to get back to a good state. At least not a map01 death! Helm_Eternally_Yours.rar Edited September 25 by Helm 4 Share this post Link to post
mvf314 Posted September 27 This looked like fun, gave it a try. I'm trying to get rid of savescum habits, so this is a great challenge! Category 1 Died on map3, 44 kills Played on dsda-doom Spoiler Got yeeted by the archvile from the window... lucky it didn't kill me right there. I died to a surprise revrocket in the toxic pit 5 Share this post Link to post
Vince Vega Posted September 29 Category I, MAP04, died at 37:00 ingame and ~80 monsters killed. No, not the blue bars, was too self-confident =\ I felt a bit TNTish and I liked it, despite confusing progress and backtracking sometimes (two of the brand TNT features tho). 4 Share this post Link to post
vdgg Posted September 29 (edited) I couldn't resist playing valkiriforce's creations. As a warm up I replayer Death Tormention 3, dying even earlier than before... I should have treated this as a warning and not have kept playing, maybe tomorrow. Died on MAP03, awful performance. Category 2, though, as usual, if I played it many years ago, I cannot remember shit. For sure nothing from MAP02 and MAP03. Spoiler MAP01 - 4:53.63 ( 4:53) K: 75/85 I: 49/69 S: 0/2 MAP02 - 8:18.49 (13:11) K: 139/161 I: 48/76 S: 0/2 4 Share this post Link to post
Grayfox Posted September 30 Category 1 / Standard Difficulty UV Died to MAP03 at 24:01 Arrived at MAP03 at 17:30 Kill count 96/109 Port dsda-doom I am very new to ironman (I think this is my furthest result, though it nearly died at the literal spawn on MAP01.. ) but I didn't know how much work it took to put this together, watching replays, making obituaries (reading those are one of my favourite parts of it..) and thank you for a nice challenge, NaZa. (It always feels big and scary, the monthly ironman, whether I participate or not..) 5 Share this post Link to post
Crusader No Regret Posted September 30 Type 2: Submitted an attempt for IronEagle and did dabble around in it afterwards. Still didn't save me from getting whittled down in the first map. Lots of hitscan opposition, very scarce health, felt so helpless. 76/85 kills. 4 Share this post Link to post