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The DWIronman League dies to: Eternally Yours

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Category: 2

Softlocked on: MAP07

Kills: 125/129

Time on MAP06 exit: 1:18:51


Punished by my tendency to kill everything, shame because it was going rather well despite a terrible MAP01 performance.





If an arch-vile resurrects the arachnotron don't kill the latter again, otherwise you get softlocked. If you do kill the arachnotron again, you can still reach the exit through an arch-vile jump or through a precise rocket jump via the central building (haven't tested this approach) - make sure you pressed all the switches on the level before attempting this though.

Edited by Andromeda

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Category: 1

Died on: Map02

Kills: 131/161

Time of Death: 15:34



Shotgunners... hey atleast I made it past map 1 this month lol


Also I'm unsure why but I had a ton of missing textures, mostly in map02. Really not sure what could've caused that as I loaded the wad into DSDA as I normally do, and I've not had that happen with this port yet



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Category: 2

Dead on: MAP04 at 28:55

Kills: 70/125




Revenants really having it in for me these last two months with high damage rolls. This time they joined forces with an off-screen candelabra preventing me from side-stepping the missiles I plainly saw coming, which proceeded to do 150 damage in two hits.


Cat 2 because I played this two years ago for IronEagle, although I didn't remember a single thing. Interestingly, my comment on IE at the time was complaining about obtuse progression, but compared to some other sets I've played since then, it really wasn't bad. Sure there might be 6 different doors to check and some switches whose purpose remains a mystery, but I was never lost. There were always places to explore.

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Category: 2

Dead on: Map 01

Time of death: 8:19

Kills: 71/85




Evidently I liked Eternally Yours--I selected it for IronEagle back in October 2022. It has good encounter design, good setups, and the health and ammo is plentiful enough. 


Once again, revenants, while not proving my direct downfall, definitely contributed to it. I thought I had a good strategy, but then the revenant had to walk where I didn't want it to. And I was fairly close to the end of the map, too. Oh well. Such is the sometimes callous nature of ironmanning. Nevertheless, I like the selection.

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Didn't pay enough attention to my surroundings. Category 2, dead on MAP04. Shame, really, because a similar trap already happened a bit earlier, I just wasn't necessarily as concentrated as I should be.




Quite a slow run, too, so I reckon that won't do me any favours.

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Duke Nukem Forever'd on map 4, primarily due to not having any more time to play (I didn't expect to survive for so long), but also because I may have softlocked myself (didn't see an obvious way to progress).


A very solid performance by me for once! I played map 1 cautiously, but then began totally rushing it from map 2 onward due to lack of time, and I actually managed to not die at any point. There's some pretty good gameplay in the demo as a result, by my standards anyway. Very content with the run!


As for the wad itself, technically I already played a valkiriforce's map before - it was on my first comeback run for DWIronman in Absolute Dishonor (idk which maps he made there), but this was the first time I truly experienced his style. I was told he makes maps in the style of 90s wads, and yeah, I definitely see a lot of similarities. Some rooms looked really cool. I actually took a couple of screenshots during the run.


Category 1

Map 3 exit time (total time): 32:10

Woof! 14.5.0 -complevel vanilla



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Category: 1

Dead on: Map11 at 2:20:00

Kills: 153/159
Finished MAP10 at: 1:59:54

Guess I should have read the Essential Info so that I would have a clue about how to beat the map :|


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Category: 1

Dead on Map05 at 59:40

Kills: 131/181

Finished Map04 at 47:14


Died like an idiot fighting a hell knight on a staircase. I've never done so much door fighting in my life. Should have died a couple of times. Surprised I got this far tbh. 



Cool wad though, might finish this at some point.

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Category 1

Dead on MAP02

Kills: 59/161
Dead at: 11:48



Oof, sneaky sneaky hell knight. Was too panicked by the revs and manc to notice that one. Wad seemed neat so far though, I still haven't played the Doom Core trilogy and most of my valkiriforce familiarity comes from Akeldama, which is a very cool set. 


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Category: 1

Died on: Map07 (softlock)

Kills: 123/129

Time of Death: 2:04:12
Entered MAP07 at: 1:37:56



I was able to recover after 2HP but ... was softlocked. I killed both arachnotrons AND the archvile :(
I could've even exited: I pressed all switches (I think), I saw the exit but decided to kill all monsters ... clean up habit screwed me up.

Anyway, my extra-precautious style has been paid off: that's not a bad result

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Category 1
Died on Map 04
Kills: 86/125
Time of Death: ~8 min in the map

Entered Map 04 around 20 mins in total


I was streaming it and I looked at chat at the worst time and lost it right there but it got juicy at a few other points, was very fun

Edited by Neurometry

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Category: 1

Died on: MAP04

Kills: 23/125

Time of Death: around 24:47

Entered MAP04 at: 21:12




I did expect the ambush to be there, but by then I already started walking into the trap and didn't prepare myself... Pretty fun, especially with some of those spicy encounters in the run :)

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Category: 1

Died: Map03 at 2:18

Kills: 44/109

Entered Map03 at 22:51





Had the nukage arena mostly knocked out but lost my cool after taking some damage and put my back right up against the manc. Lost a lot of time earlier in the run due to backtracking but had a really fun time with this.


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Cat 2


Didn't recognise the name, so I thought this was just another standard blind run.  Now, I had this file on my hard drive for some reason, so there's a possibility I may have played this in the past, I didn't recognise anything at all, until map5 where I remembered dying at some point.  Basically, I remembered nothing at all about this wad, but I can't in all honesty call it a CAT 1.  Someone mentioned a previous IronEagle comp featuring this wad, so that may have been it.


Anyway, I made it to map11, took at least 2 hours, most likely more

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Category: 1

Survived in 1:54:59

Played on DSDA-Doom 0.28.1



This was a very well suited wad for an ironman imo. Not too long nor difficult, but just spicy enough to keep you on your toes. Progression was a little obtuse at times, but I never got stuck for too long. At the very end I was starting to worry that I had missed a switch somewhere outside and would have to go back, but fortunately that wasn't the case. Putting a barrier inside the boss brain is a kinda stinky design choice, if you ask me.

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Category: ? The first few maps seem familiar.  I recall dying in a previous ironman in Map02 to some mancubus after a tight tunnel, but who knows...

Dead: Map03

Time of Arrival: 13:06

Kills: 41/109

Time of Death: 15:12

Port: DSDA-Doom 0.27.2

Demo: noisy_ETRNYOUR_ironman.zip


Cause of Death:

Things got hairy in the green soup with a couple of pain elementals.

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cat 1
dead on map 03 
Kills 95
time of death: 22.27
port: dsda doom 

Cause of death (CHOPPED IN HALF):


Impatience, I guess. I'm out of practice with Ironman, I had a good streak of participation a while ago but then I had massive health issues related to eyesight etc, I'm better now so I thought I'd come back to it, as I really like ironman play. Also I like valk mapsets usually, and this was fun. I ran into a lot of damage early and it was an uphill battle to recover. I really didn't need to die where I died and all it'd take would be to just run in and get the RL quickly and run out again before engaging with the rest. The muscle memory to play the game comes back fast, but the sound decision making on the fly is a non-apparent skill that takes much longer to get back to a good state. At least not a map01 death!



Edited by Helm

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This looked like fun, gave it a try. I'm trying to get rid of savescum habits, so this is a great challenge!


Category 1

Died on map3, 44 kills

Played on dsda-doom



Got yeeted by the archvile from the window... lucky it didn't kill me right there. I died to a surprise revrocket in the toxic pit



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Category I, MAP04, died at 37:00 ingame and ~80 monsters killed.

No, not the blue bars, was too self-confident =\


I felt a bit TNTish and I liked it, despite confusing progress and backtracking sometimes (two of the brand TNT features tho).



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I couldn't resist playing valkiriforce's creations. As a warm up I replayer Death Tormention 3, dying even earlier than before... I should have treated this as a warning and not have kept playing, maybe tomorrow.


Died on MAP03, awful performance. Category 2, though, as usual, if I played it many years ago, I cannot remember shit. For sure nothing from MAP02 and MAP03.



MAP01 - 4:53.63 ( 4:53)  K:  75/85   I: 49/69  S: 0/2 
MAP02 - 8:18.49 (13:11)  K: 139/161  I: 48/76  S: 0/2 



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Category 1 / Standard

Difficulty UV

Died to MAP03 at 24:01

Arrived at MAP03 at 17:30

Kill count 96/109

Port dsda-doom


I am very new to ironman (I think this is my furthest result, though it nearly died

at the literal spawn on MAP01..

) but I didn't know how much work it took to put this together, watching replays, making obituaries (reading those are one of my favourite parts of it..) and thank you for a nice challenge, NaZa. (It always feels big and scary, the monthly ironman, whether I participate or not..)



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