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What was the 1st website you ever visited?

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Might have been Mr Doom. Go on, click on that link. It's truly a work of art.


My first experiences on the Internet weren't with the web though, as Compuserve worked differently. The web browser Mosaic was a bit crappy too, so I didn't use it much. The Usenet groups were also accessed in a non-web manner.


Edited by Grazza

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Technically, whatever OzEmail's WWW homepage was in early 1995.


Immediately after that, Netscape's site to get a browser that wasn't text only.  Because OzEmail's in-buit functionally just gave you the text-only browser, Lynx.

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i remember some web 1.0 site about magic the gathering but i don't remember what it was called
there were mirage-era deck lists and rules referenced from bethmo n such things, times new roman and 4x Incinerate everywhere

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53 minutes ago, Mr. Freeze said:

Probably GameFAQs 



Or OverClocked Remix (then still in its second [third?], bluer incarnation).

Or a search along the lines of "Where do I download Secret of Mana 2?" and the subsequent dodgy af sites where I was first introduced to emulation :3

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Would like it to be something more interesting, but it was probably Google lol.

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I know the first site I looked up was a Banjo Kazooie website that may or may not have been official. Then I think I browsed Cheat Code Central when that was the hotness.


I miss the old internet.

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Jeez... I've been online since like 1996. It was probably an early search engine like Excite.

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41 minutes ago, DJVCardMaster said:

I think it was "Minijuegos .com", classic flash game site from here. I just checked and it still exists!

el mio fue macrojuegos.com

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First website I remember accessing was some person’s website who hosted dinosaur coloring pages. I think the local library had recommended it to me and I had to enter the whole web address to get there. I was probably three or so. Dunno what it was called and I’m reasonably confident it doesn’t exist anymore - I’d love to find it again if it did!

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to be honest...I can't even remember it's been so long. If I had to guess it was probably some shareware site or one of the ancient search engines of the time.

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outside of like the Netscape home page at my friend's house? Probably something like cccentral.com like the first post in the thread(I think it was GamePro or some other magazine which mentioned cheatplanet). Through that was discovered GameFAQS and thusly no need to ever buy an expensive strategy guide again!!

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I'm not certain but a good guess would be noggin.com. Not around anymore but loved it as a kid.

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It's so long ago that I can't possibly remember - in 1995, I think. Or 1996? A good candidate would be a search engine from that period, Altavista or something. Other than that it must have been some sort of gaming site (could have well been Doom-related!) or Metallica fan page or something.

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They would let us try out the internet one time in grade school and I remember me and some class mates looked up the websites of tv channels. Probably the only time I can recall when such a trip to a computer room in school didn't end in someone bricking a pc with viruses from trying to download porn or pirated games.

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After AOL's homepage, I think it was WebCrawler that I visited on my friend's computer; not 100% sure as it was almost 30 years ago.

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On 9/7/2024 at 12:54 AM, Murdoch said:

Jeez... I've been online since like 1996. It was probably an early search engine like Excite.

Yeah, training course at work in 1993 for me; we learned webcrawler, one of the very first search engines, which actually still exists! This was all on Netscape. No chance of remembering which real page (i.e., not a search engine) I ever saw, after nearly thirty years. Been using the internet before that in the form of newsgroups since 1988, though.


Addendum: For those who don't know them, newsgroups were kinda like Discord in that they had channels (which were called 'groups') and servers (but the same group could be hosted on many servers but not all); however, due to the limited tech of the time, it was a text and command interface only; you could share binary media (apps, pictures, sounds, etc) but in a clunky way that wasn't easy to use.

Edited by Martin Howe

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24 minutes ago, Martin Howe said:

which actually still exists!


That's impressive. I remember the name, not sure I ever used it.


25 minutes ago, Martin Howe said:

This was all on Netscape.


Yeah Netscape was definitely the first browser I used.


26 minutes ago, Martin Howe said:

Been using the internet before that in the form of newsgroups since 1988, though


That's impressive too. Very early days. I checked out the old Doom newsgroup not long ago for the lols. Funny reading things you once wrote and thinking "wow... I do not remember writing that at all".

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On 9/7/2024 at 4:10 AM, Martin Howe said:

Yeah, training course at work in 1993 for me; we learned webcrawler, one of the very first search engines, which actually still exists! 

 My older brother was in collage at the time for computer engineering and was able to get us set up as early access beta testers for webcrawler.


 On topic though my very first experiences were with MUDs. Good times as a kid. 😀

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