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Weird skybox glitch (limit reached, or corrupted map?)

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Hi, I have this weird glitch when testing my map. I'm using Ultimate Doom Builder. Map options: GZDoom (Doom 2) UDMF.

When testing the map I get a section of skybox in a place where there's no sector shaped like that. In the editor the glitch is not present, also not when using enhanced rendering.


My guess is that either my map got corrupted, or I've reached some kind of limit. I'm working on a rather large room with lots of detail (many lines and lots of shading).

Is there a way to find out what's causing this? I've read somewhere there are limits to the amount of lines you can have in a map, but I haven't found out how to check a map's statistics in that regard.



Dropbox link to WAD






sc Doom Builder.jpg

Edited by IkonHero

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If your map doesn't fit inside a 32768 * 32768 box, then it's too big, because the nodebuilder uses the highest bit as a negative flag to do calculations, so if the map goes so far highest bit can be flagged both as a positive and an negative number, the engine can't tell the difference, and glitches like this happen.


The same behavior can happen if your map isn't that big, but just has monster closets or control sectors which are 32768 units or more father away from the far edge of the map area. In which case, just move those parts closer.


If neither of those things are the case, then it could be a case of the nodebuilder not understanding, in which case, switch to a different nodebuilder.

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I checked, my map is approximately 9k by 6k in size. Is there a limit to ceiling and floor heights too?

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With UDMF, you won't be hitting any practical limits any time soon, given the size and geometric simplicity of your map. This glitch happens occasionally, most often with sectors that have a complex shape. It usually helps to divide the offending sector into smaller, simpler shapes. Doesn't have to be a lot, just a few splitting lines near the problematic section will probably help.

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3 minutes ago, Aurelius said:

With UDMF, you won't be hitting any practical limits any time soon, given the size and geometric simplicity of your map. This glitch happens occasionally, most often with sectors that have a complex shape. It usually helps to divide the offending sector into smaller, simpler shapes. Doesn't have to be a lot, just a few splitting lines near the problematic section will probably help.

I tried it, and with adding 4 lines to the weirdly shaped sector, cutting it in 4 pieces, seems to have solved it for now. Thanks! Will let you know if I dive into other problems.

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If you're still working on the map IMO the best approach is to just ignore the holes for the time being and only try to fix them once your map is finished. While adding geometry the nodebuilder is likely to split your map differently, and the holes might disappear on their own (and nother might show up).

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I'd second to what @boris said. I was once working on a heavily detailed map and the nodebuilder screwed itself over midway. Ignoring the error, I continued on with the map and the errors disappeared after a while of adding more and more geometry.

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The "holes" disappear after copying the sectors





and pasting them back over the original sectors

Result in GZDoom





Edited by Kappes Buur

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Thanks all. The map is far from finished as of now, so I guess it will be o.k. eventually.

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