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What are the spheres anyway?

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What the heck are soulspheres, megaspheres and the like anyway? Are they magic incorporeal orbs? Are they solid? Are they filled with liquid like water balloons? What does doomguy actually do with them, eat them? Or does he just like, absorb them magically or something? How does he get health from them? The more I think about it the less sense it makes.


My personal theory is that they are filled with health juice like water balloons and doomguy slurps the liquid from them like how I slurp hot chocolate in the morning.


This post brought to you by the “I’m about to go to sleep but I’m also thinking about doom” part of my brain.

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The mega spheres and soulspheres are orbs of the blood of an ancient elder demon, and it flows into your body as you walk over it.


The health bonuses are LSD vials.

Edited by AdministrationCenter21

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Well they float, so obviously it's some sort neutrally or slightly positively buoyant gas. Possibly whatever Pain Elementals and Cacodemons use to float about.

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In my opinion:
they DO Have like some liquid inside them but if you like put your hand through it, your hand is gonna phase through.

i think doomguy like gets near the spheres and it gets sucked into his soul, as for the fluid inside of the spheres, i believe its like life fluid, its like made of healthy souls and doomguy absorbs the souls and gets big and strong


eat your vitamins and drink your souls

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I think they are the antithesis of lost souls, souls that went to hell after dying but not evil enough to become lost souls and are tortured by demons, I suppose they manifest in techbase due to the demonic presence and death of your companions, so when Doomguy finds them they let him consume them (giving him powers or healing in the process) so they can rest in peace or be one with him?

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I think he'd break them which then causes the sphere spirits to access Doomguy's body with each invidual effect.

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5 hours ago, Logamuffin said:

How does he get health from them?


He gets health from them the way you interpret he gets health from them.



Not even sorry.


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doomguy is the type of person who, when walking past a tree, stops a while to place their palm on it and close their eyes

very spiritual and welcoming of the metaphysical

normal people would just bonk their head on a soulsphere but doomguy truly _gets_ it

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dunno what the rest are but i do know that soulspheres are the things that lay health bonuses

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My headcanon has always been that the soulspheres are the souls of the people that the demons have killed. Picking them up gives Doomguy energy because the souls are grateful to be rescued and give some sort of spiritual assistance.


The other spheres are demon magic things.

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I think the spheres are like... thin, fragile orbs (maybe like the texture/stability of ice) that contain souls inside them, hence the name "soulsphere". the souls just give you powerups cause they like you. 

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2 hours ago, Jayextee said:

I think this was answered, kinda.


Doom Eternal's DLC also kind of answers this by introducing the life spheres - orbs which contain the essence of godlike entities. Doomguy absorbing them to supercharge his health seems plausible.

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Fascinating theories all, doomers.


I've thought about this question a bit more and I think I have the answer. The Soulspheres are big water balloons filled with the same stuff that the health bonuses are filled with. Health juice or whatever. Except like, gallons of the stuff, enough for Doomguy to get 100 health from them. Like so, observe:




The face could be decorative then. Companies are putting all sorts of weird stuff on their packaging these days... Also the other spheres could be filled with other flavor liquids. Mmm, invulnerability flavor.. My favorite!

9 hours ago, hexagonopus said:

doomguy drinks the gatorade from the top, where theres a little circular hole

This person gets it.

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Real queation is: how big are they? Assuming they are the size they appear in game, they look super big, maybe almost the size of a bowling ball. I don't think he could eat them If they are that big.

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Just now, DoomGappy said:

Real queation is: how big are they? Assuming they are the size they appear in game, they look super big, maybe almost the size of a bowling ball. I don't think he could eat them If they are that big.

He could definitely drink them though. Doomguy’s a big boy, has had some beers probably. He can no doubt chug with the best of ‘em.

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Always thought they were spirits manifested inside spheres.

  • Soulsphere: A restless human soul.
  • Megasphere: A mancubus soul.
  • Invulnerability: An ancient demon soul.
  • Blursphere: A spectre soul.
Edited by Solmyr

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