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When did you first discover Doomworld?

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it was love at first sight, mid-2022, literally for Lullaby.pk3.


For context: I've seen a James Paddock video (Totally unaware who he was back then) , "ANYONE can make a DOOM map." .  In the first seconds into the video I was astonished by its looks and ended up here.


After that, I was coming back every once in a while, progressively until I realized my visits were part of my daily routine, which resulted in my decision to register once and for all after a long time.


General, Maps releases and dev. (formerly known as WAD Releases ... ), Source Ports, and Speed Demo (when DSDA was updated here), are my favorites subforums.


Now I'm here, excited for the 30th anniversary (again) :)



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I was curious on what Doom shit was out there, found it through a link on Doomwadstation and tried to load it on the school's library computer (2011 I think?)

The computer was so shit that it bombed out and I couldn't close the page, we weren't supposed to use the computers for anything outside of work so rather than get caught I hard reset the power (pulled the fucking plug out).


Good memories.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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I was at least aware of Doomworld since 2018. I think I first stumbled upon this place from a thread on here by BPRD, advertising one of his Commander Keen mods. I almost never lurked here at that point as I barely played Doom back then. I only seriously started lurking this place a couple months before I joined, which is when I really started getting into Doom stuff in general. It was inevitable that I'd join eventually, but the thing that ultimately pushed me to do it was getting a few fairly unimpressive speedrun world records for Chex Quest.

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As I've said on here before, I took a break from Doom from 2000 - 2016, when I came back. Of course, from 1995 - 2000, I didn't really even know there was a community out there; I was just in my own little world. I spent a day back in 2003/2004, and I found Dr. Sleep's Apothecary. But in mid-2016, for some reason, I thought about Doom and decided to get back into mapping. Unfortunately, I didn't have the game anymore (the 3.5" disks were at my parents' house, but it turned out they had corrupted sectors anyway), but I found out about Chocolate Doom and Freedoom. In the process of looking for information about them, I stumbled across this place called Doomworld sometime in mid-2017.


I eventually started lurking, but I stayed to the threads in the Doom Editing subforum and threads there. I finally joined in September 2017 to answer one question* about Eureka, and I've been here ever since.


* That's why I found the "Registered just to make one post" title funny--because I had registered to do just that. Of course, that title has since changed to "New Member," but I always got a chuckle out of the original and out of Fraggle's custom title of "Registered just to make two posts" (before he became "the Kevin Bacon of Doom").

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Think I found Doomworld shorty after the last mass extinction event.


Uhh actually, I found Newdoom first because of a Google search for some new doom game (what was to become Doom 3). First I heard of Doomworld was during a time that King REoL was bitching about it on the Newdoom forums, for some odd reason. Maybe he got his big toe caught in the Doomworld elevator or his friend Lester sat on REoL's slum diorama. That was a thing actually, since he used to make elevator videos and made sure we all knew about it. Anyways in 2000 I drifted over here in December and signed up and haven't been the same since. Good times.

Edited by Doom_Dude

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I don't recall exactly how I found Doomworld, but it was sometime around 2001ish I think. I had been playing Doom since the mid-90s and was looking for more Doom stuff. I might have found it via WolfenDoom, as I spent a lot of time back then playing Laz's Doom WADs and MacWolf mapsets. I registered here in January 2002 after lurking for a while and marveling at the hosted project sites, especially Doom Resurrection. (Lurking unfortunately did not help my posts get any better. I was in middle school, it went about how you'd expect.)

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I knew about this site since like 2017 when I completed Doom '16 but didn't make an account until winter 2019. It was all downhill from there.

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I showed up here in mid 2016 when I was first getting into my hyperfixation on playing mods for the game. 8 years later, very little has changed.

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Somewhere around April 1998, I probably found it on WebCrawler search, along with DoomNation, DoomShack, and a 4th site I can't remember the name of.

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I first discovered Doomworld when I found out some of the mods I was about to download resides here and when I was reading on their infamous WADs list. I stuck in the ZDoom Forums for a while until I was informed by @Kinsie that he moved here because of some terrible things going on the ZDoom Forums, so I decided to migrate here as well. Plus some of the people seems to be easier to get along with than in the ZDoom forums.

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I think I browser here the first time in 2015. That was the first time I was actually trying to map.

Nothing came of it back then, but I hope to get some stuff out there this time ;)

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On 9/19/2024 at 5:50 PM, Stupid Bunny said:


and my answers now are almost exactly the same lol

Good taste is good taste XD

I found this place in 2019, I think? I lurked for a while. After trying out making levels in Doom Builder 2, I joined up. Love the community here.

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Guesstimating, I would say around when I was 10 or 11.


Whenever, we had access to Immoral Conduct, Don's Challenge, Batman Doom, Ghostbusters Doom and the Wolfendoom series. Whenever Mordeth was a demo and Hellstorm that was never released but had access to what you will experience.


I would say between 2000 and 2002.


Good times.


I would just come here to download maps or mods. But I joined y'all around 2018 when I started Ultimate Jazz Jackrabbit Doom.

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Trying to find tutorials on how to do stuff when making maps would almost always lead me here if there wasn't a video. I looked here a bit and thought it was interesting so I made an account.

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I found the site in 2016 some time after Doom(2016) release. I think it was through some mention about the site on Youtube 
I created an account in 2018. 

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Four years. This forum is a goldmine for fans of Doom games, and also miscellaneous videogames, with a lot of Geeks and Nerds. Before, from 2011 to 2016, i was on the Canard PC forum, i met ducon and Olipro, fans of Classic Dooms, but i quit because it became a shitty forum with moderators absolutely detestables. I'm also on NoFrag, a quality website dedicated only to First Person Shooters.

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On 10/5/2024 at 2:57 PM, BassSlapper89 said:

Whenever Mordeth was a demo


Going a bit offtopic, but I'm not sure why people keep saying this? It's a finished standalone episode.

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I wanna say my first visit was when there was still a Picture Of The Day on the front page, and it was some non-terrible sprite remakes of Goldeneye weapons with Duke3D hands, possibly by Scuba.

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From the start. I don't remember first encountering Doomworld but I remember personalities like Linguica and Dukrous from back at the dawn. At some point I lost/forgot/abandoned my original account, don't even know what the username was. I regret not having a way-back registered date anymore. :)


The main memory I do have from those days is the first source ports hitting. Doom Legacy is the one I remember liking. It was a big deal to get 3D accel in Doom back then, goofy as it ended up looking. I was also involved with a TC modding group around that timeframe.



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This doesn't quite answer your question but I feel like it is relevant. Lately I've been getting pretty tired of social media. Back in the day Facebook groups were a pretty great way for me to discuss hobbies but besides that I really haven't been satisfied with social media lately, especially with websites like Twitter going down the drain. Here has been like, the perfect magic potion for what I've been craving. It's very deep into a niche community which is great because everybody will know what everyone is talking about it in here. I've been missing proper website browsing with one site being a regular home and this has absolutely been scratching all those itches too. As far as directly answering your question eh probably just whenever I was troubleshooting stuff or looking for info way back when, only recently though have I been an active user.

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