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doom looks good in perls

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well i a thinking of getting into a project that would teach me alot about programing and operating systems.
so i have decided to use doom.
What i want to do is make a doom port useing, for the most part, perl. yes i know it is an interpeted language.

so i am asking, can such a language be used to make a doom port? I am assuming yes as i have seen a number of perl games out there

Can any, if not most or all, Code be used? duh i know it would need modified to be used my this language. Or would i have to start from scratch?

how many lines of code does plain doom.exe have?

reasons for me choosing doom.
1. its my favorite game!
2. source is avalible and millions have used it, seen it, or played with it.
3. Many programmers on many levels understand it, so finding help is not hard.
4. older based game, many systems and i have room to learn code and efficientcy
5. Still a large fan base.
6. did i mention its my favorite game.

to learn amd i mean learn u have to take on a big project. I have no illusions of this being easy and quick.
so if i am the first to do this i shall choose a name for the project. if not, who is doing this and i would like to simply learn how.

as of now my goal is to make a 100%original doom.exe compatible port useing perl. however bug fixes are a good idea and effecientcy.

anyways help me out and reply, or email at stoutlinux@earthlink.net

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erm okay phew I'm done now.

right, so there are 62 .c files in the original doom source which comprise of a total of 1,077,004 bytes (1 byte is a character), however each of them have a 743 char comment with the license on them (which may be longer now since I don't think I have the gpl source) so subtract 46,066 chars and you're still above 1 million chars. And this doesn't include any of the header files.

also it'll run slow as shit, so perhaps you're better off programming something not quite as hard as a 3d engine.

also on a side note, if you're going to make a 3d engine, Doom is the absolute last place you should start. the codebase is an absolute mess and much of it is just about the exact opposite of what you really should do.

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Try with Cube instead.

Get it here: wouter.fov120.com/cube/masterserver

Firstly it is freeware and open source (under the ZLIB resource so your final product must be clearly marked as a derivative work).

Secondly it is reportedly one of the simplest semi-modern 3d engines around.

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Little Faith said:

Try with Cube instead.

Get it here: wouter.fov120.com/cube/masterserver

Firstly it is freeware and open source (under the ZLIB resource so your final product must be clearly marked as a derivative work).

Secondly it is reportedly one of the simplest semi-modern 3d engines around.

Um...Cube isn't a programming language...

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Your best bet is to modify the original doom source to use perl as an extension language: describe the game behaviour in perl or some other high level language and do the rendering (which needs more speed) in C. Then you end up with something similar to what Quake does with QuakeC. I'm pretty sure theres an API to embed the perl interpreter in C programs.

I've actually thought of doing something like this before, although if I did it I would use Ruby.

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boris said:

OMG let's port Doom to a linux shell script!!!!!11

Interesting, start thinking of playing doom blindly, so you're using monster sounds. And later on, a selection of the best maps will be send to some organisation of blind people which will lead to the first first person shooter for blind people.
More realistic would be a port that combines an element of chess with doom.
Where you can program movement and shooting in advance and then running it and see how well everything goes.

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I'm gonna put a really rough estimate for DOOM's line-of-code count at 100,000. It may have more, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't have less.

Eternity has about 120,000 lines of code, so I'm basing the really rough lower limit on that.

perl is very non-source-compatible with C, also. So yeah, you'd have to rewrite the entire thing, more or less ^_^

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