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Which monster looks the best so far...

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i *think* i saw concept art of an arachnatron..it a blue glowing thing(looked like plasma rifle to me :D ) coming out of its mouth so...

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Birdman followed by the Hell Knight. I would rate the 'pinky' if it wasn't for the tiny hind legs.

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goto planetdoom and for a screen of the spide mastermind is that shot.. also somewhere else, but cant rememebr where, i saw that shot and the site said it was a concept image of the spider mastermind..

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dEaThMaStEr said:

goto planetdoom and for a screen of the spide mastermind is that shot.. also somewhere else, but cant rememebr where, i saw that shot and the site said it was a concept image of the spider mastermind..

Well none of the sites you visit know anything. It's all speculation.

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That's a concept art of the Aracnotron, it was confirmed at the first E3 showcasing D3. Planetdoom doesn't know what they'er talking about, they used to call the trites crawler's. notice how it has a plasma rifle patruding out of the mouth wtih green lighing.

My favorite Pink demon folloed by the Hell Knight. I think it's only fare to compare the in game models that we'ev seen so far, cause the lost souls were one of my top favorites until I say the ingame version. that's not to say it doesn't look good, just a little less intersting to bump it down to 3 places.

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Shapeless said:

That's a concept art of the Aracnotron, it was confirmed at the first E3 showcasing D3.

Do you have a link to confirm this? If I had to guess, I'd say it's the Spider Mastermind's concept art. It looks too massive and impressive to be the Arachnotron. I know that the Arachnotron had a plasmarifle and that the Mastermind had a big chaingun in the original Dooms. But they might have changed that for Doom 3, since the plasmarifle is actually stronger than the chaingun.

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I agree that it could be very well the Spider Mastermind with a Plasma Gun (it looks like a boss, not like a trooper), but where have you heard the Plasma Gun is stronger then the Chaingun? Or do you mean the Assault Rifle?

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I think its the spider mastermind too cause i mean.. that doesnt look like some nothing creature.. something about the pic looks much more... robust.. :D and also, a giant brain with a chaingun... i never rreally liked that.. now a giant brain with a plasma gun.. THATS better! :D

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Tetzlaff said:

but where have you heard the Plasma Gun is stronger then the Chaingun? Or do you mean the Assault Rifle?

I meant the original Dooms. In Doom and Doom 2 the plasmarifle is a little stronger than the chaingun.

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Trikk said:

Concept art != screenshot

That's irrelevant. When id stated that they weren't gonna release screenshots, it was to make it clear that they were not gonna show any bosses before release - that's perfectly logical.

Hence, that concept sketch is not the Spider Mastermind. I'll eat my goddamn hat if it turns out that I'm wrong here (and I don't even have a hat!).

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dsm said:

That's irrelevant. When id stated that they weren't gonna release screenshots, it was to make it clear that they were not gonna show any bosses before release - that's perfectly logical.

Hence, that concept sketch is not the Spider Mastermind. I'll eat my goddamn hat if it turns out that I'm wrong here (and I don't even have a hat!).

lol good point...and do want me to buy you a hat? just incase? :P :P :D

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Zell said:

lol good point...and do want me to buy you a hat? just incase? :P :P :D

Nah, I'll just find something else to eat instead ;-P
Hmm, pigeon tasty? Me wants find out! :-D

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Why would you think the Aracnotron or what ever you want to call that thing, is huge?
it looks huge cause it's a close up. but there's nothing in theat shot like a human near by to sugest he's huge.

And id is now making all the original monsters stronger and meaner..just look at the Hell Knight.

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I agree with shapeless, it is just a close up, it may be the size of a trite for all we know :D i hope it is the arachnatron, then the spider mastermind might look even more intense!

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well, thats kinda what im sainyg here.. that pic looks too cool for an aracnatron.. I dont think that would look very good if it was shrunk to the size of one. I think that image would look much better all big an blown up to the size of the spider.. :D

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My guess is the Aracnotron will me at least slighly bigger then the pink demon. They wouldn't make it the same size as the trites cuase the trites are suppose to be like headcrabs and scare you by startling you when they jump out of dark corners. While the Aracnotrons are more like mini tanks ..Im just guessing.

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I think the recreation of the Revenant looks the best. It's the same as in Doom II, but looks better.

btw, I think the arch vile looks like carmack....if you watch the ati video card presentation with dungeon siege, asherons call, and doom III, the arch viles face (arch vile model behind carmack)looks alot like carmacks. but thats just my opinion.

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Princessshanobi said:

I think a lot of people will disagree but IMO the Arch-Ville looked better before.... though the Hell Knight and Lost Soul are great

I agree with all that you said with the exception of the Lost Soul comment. Granted, the LS looks Geigeresque, which is neat, but on the whole, I'd have to adhere to the belief that it is ghey.

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Job said:

I agree with all that you said with the exception of the Lost Soul comment. Granted, the LS looks Geigeresque, which is neat, but on the whole, I'd have to adhere to the belief that it is ghey.

Cant agree with you less.. :D I think the lost soul looks great.. Actually, i think they ALL look great, arch vile and all! Lost soul looks like something that could truly be painful as it bites into you.. I just say ouch when i look at those teeth!! :D

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Funeral Fog said:

They did, I might be banned, but in the alpha, in the monsters definition file there is a thing there for the caco, AND the baron, and the maggots and crap.

So caco is for sure coming back, unless there was a last minute decision, but i'd rather wait and see that for myself, along with the rest of the monsters, no more new screenshots kthxdie.


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The archvile seems unfinished, it has so many freaking edges and some of its body parts feel awkward, the imp has too many edges as well, and they're both too complex with all the ripples and skin textures and such.

They definitely did a nice job on the pinky demon and the revenant; relatively simple, and very polished.

The hell knight is just unstoppable though, it's so huge and bulky and menacing. It also seems polished although there are a couple extra textures on it, but that's not such a big deal. It's definitely my favorite.

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Is it just me or have most people forgotten about the ghost-face-like monster from the scenes in the very first clip of demonstrating of Doom 3 technology? Apparently most Doom 3 sites don't mention of it much or at all

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