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(Cough) ...Segs?

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I browsed a page full of threads that contained the word "segs" and didn't find the answer to my question.

I know what the seg limit is, but how do I reduce them?
What are segs basically, and what causes them to pile up so rapidly?

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I think it's the amount of interacting different flats present in your level. Whenever you add a new (sub)sector, the SEGS count increases. You can limit this increase by merging seperate sectors with the same properties in eachother's vicinity into one sector. In my editor you can only see the proper SEGS count after a nodesbuild.

For example, if you have a sector A and you insert 20 similar new sectors into A you get an increase in the SEGS count. But, if you merge these 20 sectors into one sector B (because they all have the same properties, why waste sectors?) you'll find that the SEGS count has still increased but less than before.

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From the BSP FAQ:

When the level is saved by the editor some new information is created including the BSP tree for that level. Before the BSP tree can be created, all the sectors have to be split into convex polygons known as sub-sectors. If you had a sector that was a square area, then that would translate exactly into a sub-sector. Whereas if that sector was contained inside another larger square sector, the larger one would have to be split into four, four sided sub-sectors to make all the sub-sectors convex. When more complex sectors are split into sub-sectors the linedefs that bound that sector may need to be broken into smaller lengths. These linedef sections are called segs.

All segs have starting and ending points in vertices. I have found that in my maps, the segs count stays about 10-20% higher than the sidedefs count.

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