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Doom 3 Imp

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Hippies pfft.

In conclusion, the Doom/Doom 3 monsters are aliens. End of discussion unless you really want to be wrong.

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Fredrik said:

Hippies pfft.

In conclusion, the Doom/Doom 3 monsters are aliens. End of discussion unless you really want to be wrong.

Funny, John Carmack thinks otherwise, but Hell, he's just the programmer anyway ;-)

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I thought it was the marine who thought they were from hell because of what these monsters did to his fellow marine's? So there is still the possility they are alien's, but are so vile it would seem they are from hell? But thats just me... so yes as chilvence said "alien's from hell".

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I still don't understand why this is a topic. "Are they aliens or demons?" Not that hard to figure out, fellas...

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Prime said:

I still don't understand why this is a topic. "Are they aliens or demons?" Not that hard to figure out, fellas...

Obviously it is, old friend - and I suggest you and I leave it be.

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They're not aliens. Where the hell did that come from?

Also, the whole cybernetic mechanism of the demons still sounds odd to me to this date. Just doesn't sound right to me, even though hell still might be an abstract concept (open to various interpretations). Still the whole cybnertic look...just never has added up for me I guess. Although...CYBIEEEEEEE

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In the most literal sense of the word, they are aliens (from hell). But if you aren't up for being completely nit-picky, demons is fine since the word has generally come to mean "creatures from hell".

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They are all from hell, even the mancubus.

The Icon of Sin can't spawn former humans because they are not from hell. If the mancubus where from other planet, they wouldn't be spawned. The Cyberdemon and Spidermastermaind are not spawned because of game balance.

May be the original idea was to make the mancubus an alien, but in the final version, they are from hell.

Just look at the sky in the last ten maps of DOOM 2, it doesn't look as an alien planet.

The hidden doorway at the end of Inferno.

They are from hell, and I like it in that way. Space aliens are boring.

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As long as nobody calls 'em "The Freds"


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Or better yet call em DSM's LOL. :D
Naaa, i don't care what they are, all i know is, i can't wait too kill them. Plus the storyline will most probably answer the question of this thread.

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Vegeta said:

They are all from hell, even the mancubus.

Why are you arguing with the creators?
Seems kinda silly, doesn't it? :P

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