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Doom3 to be shown at E32004 (Playable XBOX version)

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Read them and it all sounds good, too bad i aint gonna be at E3 to play the X-box version :(
Although the PC version not being at E3 is quite promising, but i shoudn't hold my breath as we have done month after month.

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The PC version was already at quakecon, and if they showed exactly the same demo again at the next major show people would think development was stuck or they where stalling, so instead they will port the demo to the XBOX and show that instead hehe

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The only hell part of doom 3 is that its not out yet and that X-box has coop.

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Another feature present in the demo is that most enemies will disintegrate after you kill them. This may seem like it's also done for memory concerns, though the developers mentioned that the PC version would include this feature as well, since it fits in with the story. Either way, there is an impressive effect as they disintegrate where you can see their insides and skeletal structure.

Too cool.

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I've often wondered...what's the going price on a ticket to E3 anyway? I'm positive it's steep, but just how steep?

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Century said:

I've often wondered...what's the going price on a ticket to E3 anyway? I'm positive it's steep, but just how steep?

Can't go unless you work in the game industry in some respect. And it's like $300 for a standard pass or something.

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Vegeta said:

even if it isnt, it looks pretty creepy to me.

from the xbox ign article: Of course, these creatures are now realized in full graphical glory so Hellhounds are now snarling zombie dog beasts that seem frighteningly real and the fireball flinging Imps hurl heat that zips past, lighting the way and exploding on impact.

hellhounds? snarling zombie dogs?

e3 is may 12-14....I have a good feeling doom3 will be out shortly after e3.

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Linguica said:

Can't go unless you work in the game industry in some respect. And it's like $300 for a standard pass or something.

What do you do in the gaming industry?

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Scuba Steve said:

What do you do in the gaming industry?

I pretend to work for various websites and get passes from them, of course.

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"DISINTEGRATING CORPES" AAWWW DAMN IT!! I knew it! I knew this was gonna happen. I remember expressing my FEAR on this by discussing this question in post ways back and everybody SWORE that the D3 engine could easily handle permenate corpes and area wreckage. Even though they said this happened on the XBOX version. They clearly stated that the PC version's will have the same effects. The bodies will disintergrate by the skin melting off then you'll see the inards and than the bones as it fades away from view, HMMPH!! That's just their way of "SUGAR COATING" the effect and the fact that the engine just can't handle it without disrupting the framerate.


OH WELL, So much for my hopes of MOPE'n around the levels after I've "CLEARED IT" and marveling at my BLOODY HANDY WORK!


Don't get me wrong peeps, I STILL WANT TO OWN THE DAMN GAME!!


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The only real problem I see with disappearing corpses is the lack of fear it will cause. Part of the creepyness of the Beta was not knowing if the dead corpses of the Zombies would rise up one more time or not. If they dissolve, it kills that effect.

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Scuba Steve said:

The only real problem I see with disappearing corpses is the lack of fear it will cause. Part of the creepyness of the Beta was not knowing if the dead corpses of the Zombies would rise up one more time or not. If they dissolve, it kills that effect.


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Scuba Steve said:

The only real problem I see with disappearing corpses is the lack of fear it will cause. Part of the creepyness of the Beta was not knowing if the dead corpses of the Zombies would rise up one more time or not. If they dissolve, it kills that effect.

The zombies will probably rise up once or twice - after which, the corpse will dissolve.

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Well, I don't like the idea either, of not being able to ragdoll-kick around dead bodies. But they didn't say that ALL enemies will disintegrate, did they?
+ There are zombies and other foes in the trailer, that don't disapear (although this might be subject to change, of course)

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Im sure they wont disintegrate right immediately after you kill them, that would be cheesy. and hopes for them to come alive again a couple times, hopefully they will only dissappear when you arent looking,.

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Zombies don't disintegrate - only demons (which I might add makes perfect sense). It was mentioned in a different X-Box Doom 3 article/review a while ago.

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They have to stick around long enough for the arch-vile to resurrect them. :(

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I think that vile teleports in monsters out of thin air rather then resurrection.

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IGN said:

DOOM 3 will ship on Xbox shortly after the PC version, which should ship in late fall.

Umm there wrong right?

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how i will take part in e3 from my home; i download Guild Wars demo which is available for public play in 12-14 may, as it will be shown in e3. then ill find people playing it from there and ill ask stuff about doom3 happenings in e3 :)

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Despite Doom3(pc) not being shown: Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits attend as speakers. (I don't know wether any of the id guys will show off the xbox-version). Maybe they will anounce a releasedate there (I should't have typed this - it would be too good to be true)

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