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Mr. Woot

archvile for doom 3 possibly?

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That's a mixup of two previously released images. Yes, that is the Archvile. There's a better picture of him out there somewhere.

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Yeah seen that one ages back, i think doomworld has a pic of him if i recall from a PC mag, unless thats gone?, which is most probably (can't be boshed to check).

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I hope the d3 archie is as creepy as the last... my least fave monster. Cept this dude has eyes... big change I think.

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The coolest part of the vile was the conjuring. If this guy doesnt raise his arms up and pull fire out of thin air, then there will be cause for disappointment.

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I hope the Archvile will still be able to resurrect at least the possessed soldiers - I know it won't ressurect demons since they evaporate after getting killed, but I don't suppose zombies or those "Z-sec" guards evaporate and the resurrecting ability would look truly sweet in the Doom 3 engine if made relatively true to the original effect (backwards death animation).

A man can dream.

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dsm said:

if made relatively true to the original effect (backwards death animation)

I believe that D3 uses ragdolls? If so, the only real way this could be done is slowly tweening the model from it's ragdolled position to it's standing pose, or to a "on floor ready to get back up" pose.

I guess it's all up in the air.

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Trasher][ said:
I believe that D3 uses ragdolls? If so, the only real way this could be done is slowly tweening the model from it's ragdolled position to it's standing pose, or to a "on floor ready to get back up" pose.

I guess it's all up in the air.

Heh, I didn't actually mean that e.g. an imp blown backwards would fly upward in exactly the same way it died.
More like, the corpse is pulled up from the ground by some magical force - almost like the reverse of it falling down - all the while its wounds close and heal.

Something along those lines would look cool - especially acompanied by sweet lighting effects.

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Yet another monster that sucks and has absolutely nothing positive about it whatsoever.

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/me smacks AndrewB

I found the Arch-Vile to be a fearsome opponent in Doom2, and Final Doom. ESPECIALLY Final Doom, I think Plutonia, that "trapped" level where it is full of nothing but Arch-Viles in a maze.

Try beating THAT map on nightmare mode.

I believe it'll be a pretty fun adversary, and regardless of the scare factor, the adrenaline gets pumping when you face one!

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S1lent said:

It never did to begin with.... :-P

dude your insane you walk in a room here that guys taunt your like oh man im fucked hahaah :D

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aNtihero said:

dude your insane you walk in a room here that guys taunt your like oh man im fucked hahaah :D

It never looked scary, but that doesn't mean that it wasn't scary. It was more scary in terms of what it could do. Looks-wise, it seemed pretty generic to my eyes.

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Laguna said:

I believe it'll be a pretty fun adversary, and regardless of the scare factor, the adrenaline gets pumping when you face one!

Yes, you can't make something look scary. It just has to be scary. I just think that FPS and horror do not combine well as genres.

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AndrewB said:

I just think that FPS and horror do not combine well as genres.

Nope, there's nothing less frightening that having a monster right in front of you. 3rd person is so much more realistic,immersive and scary.

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That's like saying that movies like Scream are more immersive and scary because everything is shoved in your face.

There is nothing scary about it because I don't CARE about the Doomguy. If he gets eaten by some gray jumping muscular demon 10 seconds into the level, what does it mean? It's incredibly predictable and boring.

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What exactly is your point? You want Doomguy to have a wife, two kids, and labrador before you feel motivated to help "him" fight the nasty monsters?

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Didn't people also complain about motion sickness in the game because of how "Real" it was back then?

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AndrewB said:

That's like saying that movies like Scream are more immersive and scary because everything is shoved in your face.

No. The paralell I was drawing, based on your argument, was between first and third person view (The only two, unless your more easily scared by side scrollers ; P) in games. Is it more frightening to have something jump at a person on the screen that your playing as, or directy as you? Your game to movie comparison is irrelevent.

There is nothing scary about it because I don't CARE about the Doomguy. If he gets eaten by some gray jumping muscular demon 10 seconds into the level, what does it mean? It's incredibly predictable and boring.

Based on this statement, one could wonder why do you even like Doom?

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