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Am I the only one looking forward to the scream from Berserk?

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I remember an interview a while ago about berserk in multiplayer and how the player who picks it up runs around screaming his head off. I swear, this weapon will have more then one advantage besides the punching. If I see some guy running down the hall at me, arms flailing, screaming like a psycho, like the guys from Serious sam who have the bombs for heads, I'm going to burst out laughing and get instagibbed as a result. Multiplayer in general sounds like a lot of fun for this game :)

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I read that they tried to make it have the same affects as "Bloody Eye" from the popular anime "Cowboy Bebop" (Episode 1). So that means stuff's going to be REAL blurry and distorted but IT STILL SOUNDS COOL!

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Bleh. Cowboy bebop...

I'm looking forward to hearing the scream, and i'd say it suits the powerup. But still i don't need the player to scream for me when charging at someone. :P

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I dunno, the scream might be cool at first, but if it's constant....thats gonna get really irritating after a while.

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S1lent said:

I dunno, the scream might be cool at first, but if it's constant....thats gonna get really irritating after a while.

Hopefully they'll make it so that the scream will only be in the MP mode, otherwise bleh.

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May be it's just when you attack or run, if so it would be as firing a gun. Surely the sound is good, I'm sure that it's not going to be annoying. Anyway, what I hope is that you can select a weapon while you're using the beserker.

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To Alientank:

"AHHHHHHhhhhhhhAHHHHH" --- Comes running at him with...er...something.

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Vegeta said:

Anyway, what I hope is that you can select a weapon while you're using the beserker.

The berserk powerup in the MP Quakecon demo enhanced ranged attacks as well as melee attacks, although it only doubled up the damage for the ranged attack, whereas the melee attack was like 30x its original power meaning instant death to any unfortunate player to be hit by it.

So that means that not only can you use guns while berserk, but even the guns are more powerful for the duration of the powerup (think Quad damage, but toned down to just "double-damge" with an insane damage bonus to melee weapons).

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doomedout said:

To Alientank:

"AHHHHHHhhhhhhhAHHHHH" --- Comes running at him with...er...something.

*has 5 simultaneous heart attacks from hilarity*

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It might be like Serious Sam's headless enemies. Imagine that but as the doomguy LOL.

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You said that there would be various berserk effects, like blur, swaying, stuff like that. But what if they included something where Doomguy kind of... looses control. Doesnt respond as well to the controls, and rather acts on his own accord in some situations. Like, for example, you see an imp, rather than ignoring it and going after another enemy, the imp is closest so doomguy lunges at it. I mean, not to the point where you cant really do much except watch while in berserk, i just mean, maybe you'd have a little less control over your steroid packing butt.

I really dont know if that'd be a good or bad thing, whether it was included or not

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Combustable said:

You said that there would be various berserk effects, like blur, swaying, stuff like that. But what if they included something where Doomguy kind of... looses control. Doesnt respond as well to the controls, and rather acts on his own accord in some situations. Like, for example, you see an imp


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Combustable said:

You said that there would be various berserk effects, like blur, swaying, stuff like that. But what if they included something where Doomguy kind of... looses control. Doesnt respond as well to the controls, and rather acts on his own accord in some situations. Like, for example, you see an imp


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It would be way cooler playing multiplayer, being invisible and running around screaming like Michael Jackson when he squeezes his balls. The other player would be so lost. :)

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Lutrov71 said:

It would be way cooler playing multiplayer, being invisible and running around screaming like Michael Jackson when he squeezes his balls. The other player would be so lost. :)



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Combustable said:

Doomguy kind of... looses control. ... Like, for example, you see an imp, rather than ignoring it and going after ... the imp is closest so doomguy ... it. I mean, not to the point where you cant really do much except watch while ..., i just mean, maybe you'd have a little ... packing butt.

You dirty dirty man

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S1lent said:

I read that they tried to make it have the same affects as "Bloody Eye" from the popular anime "Cowboy Bebop" (Episode 1). So that means stuff's going to be REAL blurry and distorted but IT STILL SOUNDS COOL!

I didn't know that, but if it's true then berzerk will be even cooler.

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The scream sounds cool if its not constant. Maybe you should scream a bit when you pick "it" up and when attacking, but thats it.

Sneaking up on someone and only screaming as you attack would be sweet.


"What was that?!?..." Looks left... looks right... Steps around the corner...


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After experiencing it at the last Quakecon, I have to say it's one of the coolest effects in the game (at least from what we were able to experience). The screaming effect isn't annoying, but the way it blends into everything else is a heart-pounding adrenalin rush.

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Actually, I would want the doomguy to go running around kicking down doors and saying "Knock knock" And when he kills an enemy, he would say "Here comes the night train!" And perhaps when he loses his berkerker strength he says "I need a gun, I need a really big gun."

That would be priceless

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