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Messed up monsters

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Not many imo, the designer has done a nice job recreating these monsters, i would still have liked the lost soul to have had a skull instead of a human face but thats about it.

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I'd have to say they messed up on the spider things, I think they look lame and dont fit in.

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i dont think the archvile should have a face with human features.

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The archvile looks completely bland and generic to me. Maybe it'll look different in motion (I doubt it).

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Hmm, I used to think they messed up the pinky by giving it mech hind legs, but I've later realized the scare factor potential in that.

Oh yes and I can't say I like that they gave the Archvile glowing eyes. I'd have preferred if they had made it eyeless.

But no, I don't really think they "messed up" any of the monsters - there are a few monsters I'd have preferred slightly different, but overall, they've improved the oldies imo.

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dsm said:

Oh yes and I can't say I like that they gave the Archvile glowing eyes. I'd have preferred if they had made it eyeless.

Maybe having it look like skin grew over and covered the eyes would be interesting in some way.

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The lost soul, I don't like its cyber implants.

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i hope they left the birdman monster in, because it was the tightest looking one that ive seen so far.

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Lectrix said:

Not many imo, the designer has done a nice job recreating these monsters, i would still have liked the lost soul to have had a skull instead of a human face but thats about it.

I've said this a enough times already, as far as the "LOST SOULs", They DON'T need those "BIO MECHANICLE" versions, when on the 1st e3 trailer showed those "REAL" lostsouls(*GHOSTSOULs as "I" call'em) spilled out the gateway, phazes through solid walls and possessed that security guard. Even though thats most likely a "scripted sequence" of the plot of the game, seeing THAT made me relise the REDUNDANCE of the bio mechs. The game does'nt need'em.

If ONLY id would examine my idea I had for the lostsouls in previous posts........


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tsareppsun said:

If ONLY id would examine my idea I had for the lostsouls in previous posts........


Wow, honestly no one probably gives a shit, imagine that?

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Goliath said:

I don't like the commando. or the guy with the tenical. he doesn't look very scary.

I rather like those. Im glad to see some non-standard zombies.

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Archvile... this monster has a bigger potential then what they made out of it, now it looks just like your generic Giger-esque alien freak. But the other monster designs are excellent.

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tsareppsun said:

I've said this a enough times already, as far as the "LOST SOULs", They DON'T need those "BIO MECHANICLE" versions, when on the 1st e3 trailer showed those "REAL" lostsouls(*GHOSTSOULs as "I" call'em) spilled out the gateway, phazes through solid walls and possessed that security guard. Even though thats most likely a "scripted sequence" of the plot of the game, seeing THAT made me relise the REDUNDANCE of the bio mechs. The game does'nt need'em.

If ONLY id would examine my idea I had for the lostsouls in previous posts........


You're right that the "old skull lost souls" are still in ...sorta, but they don't make the mechies redundant in any way. The ghost skulls are just in to give a cool visual explanation to why guards get possessed and shit, but there's still a need for a physical lost soul enemy that you can shoot (I doubt the ghost skulls are shootable because they can move through solid objects).

I think the bio mech lost souls are cool - I hated them at first because I wanted them to resemble the old, fiery skulls a bit more, but then I saw that the old skulls are still in, just filling a different function, so I've got my eyes open for the scary potential of the mech souls.
People can say what they want, but I think the mechie souls look awesome. Seeing this thing rush at you at great speed with a truly frightening scream and its mouth wide open, baring those ugly teeth is bound to affect me.

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Oh shit! You think they got the 'possesing souls' from my first fanfic? A long shot, but I don't usually have great ideas.

About Mecha Lost Souls - Well they already have normal lost souls, but they can't damage anyone if the subjects resist the possesion. So I guess this version was created to counter the threat of mental resistance as well as cause havoc with various systems.

About Generic mosters/features - Who cares? Fire, horns, spikes, the colour red and goats (for some reason) are all generic and they worked for the origional.

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Janderson said:

About Generic mosters/features - Who cares? Fire, horns, spikes, the colour red and goats (for some reason) are all generic and they worked for the origional.

I agree wholeheartedly, I just don't understand why people slam the Doom 3 monsters as being generic. Show me a monster, any monster, that's not 'generic'.
And certainly, the classic Doom monsters sure weren't any less generic; the Baron was as clichéed a demon type as you could come across with its goat features and hooves, the caco was a ripoff of the Beholder, the imps were pretty basic too with their spikes, red eyes and ability to throw fireballs and the pinkies weren't too spectacular either with their basic melee biting attacks.

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Janderson said:

Oh shit! You think they got the 'possesing souls' from my first fanfic? A long shot, but I don't usually have great ideas.

I dont think so man. I think possession is what iD had in mind in the first place. how else would there be all those zombies lumbering about?

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dsm said:

You're right that the "old skull lost souls" are still in ...sorta, but they don't make the mechies redundant in any way. The ghost skulls are just in to give a cool visual explanation to why guards get possessed and shit, but there's still a need for a physical lost soul enemy that you can shoot (I doubt the ghost skulls are shootable because they can move through solid objects).

Yeah, Your ON POINT about having a SOLID version to be able to shoot and kill. The photo paintings looks far more SCARY than the actual ingame versions. I would've liked id to do some slight changes though, like make the face MUCH LESS human looking, and much more DEFORMED and MISHAPENED with little bits of hair sprouting out the sides(*NOT ALOT OF HAIR LIKE SOME STUPID-ASS WIG!!) mind you just some slight patches here and there becuse(TO ME) it would look very CREEPY especially when it's SILHOUETTED against a litted background. The eye sockets should've been large blacken pits with glowing centered eyes. Get rid of the NOSE and make it a deep socket, the NEEDLE-like teeth is GOOD as long if it has a crooked HIDIOUS GRIMACE that could open real wide as it closes in to bite. I don't even mind the skin on it's face if only you can RIP some juicy chunks off with a well placed shotgun blast! HAH!

As for the COMMANDO ZOMBIE, that tenticle thingy on it's arm, the last time I've touched a tenticle that looks anything remotely like that was of a dead octopus and it was all soft and mushy, therfore I'm not really impressed with it as monsters attack weapon, since it's soft and mushy like an octopus all it does is hit you a knock backwards,PSST! BIG DEAL. even if it can whipout a LICK you at about 20 paces. id should've at least put some kind of point or a bladed HOOKCLAW similar to a Raptor's toe claw at the end of the tenticle, at least when it lashes at you the claw can slash the hell out of you and SPILL you all over the place! And better YET, hook you like fish and pull you inclose so he could VOMMIT a custic or toxic BILE in your face and burn/melt your face off!! And to finsh the attack it'll knock flat on your back(*with your face smoking)with that clumsy SIDE KICK of his. LOL!!

As for the IMP, I'm still NOT FEELING those multiple bug eyes. And I really wished id would put back those spikes sticking out it's body. It gave the imp a visual identity you don't see anywhere else, You know? I really can't discribe it, but the spikes sticking out it's body it really gave it more personality. Made it stand out on it's own as a distintive "DOOM" badguy. People didn't really seem to RESPECT the imp in Classic DOOM because it was considered the LOWEST of the Horde, you could beat'em down with punches or splatter it with a charging punch and it's fireballs could easily be side stepped using the zigzag method. But I sure's hell BET players will NOW FEAR and RESPECT this new D3 IMP though. This new imp will FUCK YOU UP really QUICK if you don't put it down fast enough...HUH!!!

Oh, And one more thing, And this is to "Melfice" or(Mr. NO ONE), I don't mind people HERE not giving a shit about my ideas for D3. They were really put out for id to read and there's some clear evidence that id is reading and using at least SOME of our ideas from this forum, including mine. Just reading all the various previews from those other gaming sites clearly show it. But since you couldn't come up with a more clever comment then "NO ONE GIVES A SHIT" about your ideas. Then do me a SOLID. Take your SNIDE REMARKs and shove'em you know where with NO VASELINE, than churn it a few hours! OK BIIAATTCHHH!!

Don't let the sliding door HIT'CHA where PIG DEMON should've BIT'CHA!


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Janderson said:

I don't know whether to worship you or laugh at you.

Heh, you laugh at people like him. [sarcasm]You know they're the ones that should lead us all, ya know? All hail the...[/sarcasm] stupidity.

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OMG i DONT know whERe HOW to USE the capsLOCK BUTTon!1

I personally rather like the new lost soul, it fits the changes made throughout the whole game. Those transparent jobbies in the intro are nothing more than red transparent thingies.

No, id software will NOT listen to YOUR suggestion ABOUT making THEM the REAL lost SOULS. Nevar. NEVAR.

btw, what are the chances id members even come here to look for ideas for their game? Next to none. It would be more effective to go lobby outside the id offices with signs. Im serious. Do it.

Or, get a fucking life.

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tsareppsun said:

As for the COMMANDO ZOMBIE, that tenticle thingy on it's arm, the last time I've touched a tenticle that looks anything remotely like that was of a dead octopus and it was all soft and mushy, therfore I'm not really impressed with it as monsters attack weapon, since it's soft and mushy like an octopus all it does is hit you a knock backwards,PSST! BIG DEAL. even if it can whipout a LICK you at about 20 paces. id should've at least put some kind of point or a bladed HOOKCLAW similar to a Raptor's toe claw at the end of the tenticle, at least when it lashes at you the claw can slash the hell out of you and SPILL you all over the place! And better YET, hook you like fish and pull you inclose so he could VOMMIT a custic or toxic BILE in your face and burn/melt your face off!! And to finsh the attack it'll knock flat on your back(*with your face smoking)with that clumsy SIDE KICK of his. LOL!!

Ever heard the sentence: "Nothing is what it seems"?

I think it's silly to judge something on how it looks - the tentacle is supposed to look creepy and disgusting, but just because it looks wet and mushy, there's no telling if it isn't hard enough (along with being elastic) to create a dangerous whiplash effect on you. I used to have nothing but scorn towards whips when I was a kid - then one day, somebody used a wet towel against me and with the pain I felt, I saw the light.
And just because it looks like an octupus' arm, there's no telling if it is. There are plenty of things in real life that look harmless, but turn out to be more "hostile".

Trust me, that tentacle is believable enough as a painful weapon without having clichéed spikes all over it.

As for the imp, they removed the spikes so to make it a more agile and mobile creature. If it had its old spikes, it wouldn't be able to crawl on ceilings, walls and the floor, because the spikes would be in the way.
The spider eyes perfectly fit the new imp, considering its creepy, spider-like behaviour.

Oh and let go of the fucking caps lock key why don't you.

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Lectrix said:

Not many imo, the designer has done a nice job recreating these monsters, i would still have liked the lost soul to have had a skull instead of a human face but thats about it.

yeah same here.

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tsareppsun said:

my ideas for D3. They were really put out for id to read and there's some clear evidence that id is reading and using at least SOME of our ideas from this forum, including mine. Just reading all the various previews from those other gaming sites clearly show it.

Do you have any prove? I'm 100% sure that if id used some ideas from fans, they never used ideas from you. Let's see..
tsareppsun: "LOLZ tHey'd ad MONstR's THat LooKZ lke fUkin fLeminG ZkuLlz, LOL.."

id Software: Oh this is very clever, we must do it!
Heh, no way!

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dsm said:

I agree wholeheartedly, I just don't understand why people slam the Doom 3 monsters as being generic. Show me a monster, any monster, that's not 'generic'.

Far cry's monsters are genertic. HL2's aren't completely creative either; (read:starship troopers)

Lectrix said:

Not many imo, the designer has done a nice job recreating these monsters, i would still have liked the lost soul to have had a skull instead of a human face but thats about it.

I'm happy with it, its face looks like a pinless Pinhead to me.

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Vegeta said:

Do you have any prove? I'm 100% sure that if id used some ideas from fans, they never used ideas from you. Let's see..
tsareppsun: "LOLZ tHey'd ad MONstR's THat LooKZ lke fUkin fLeminG ZkuLlz, LOL.."

id Software: Oh this is very clever, we must do it!
Heh, no way!

Was this suppose to be some kind of funny? A joke? Umm, My mistake I guess I forgot that I was suppose to LAUGH! Hand me my script again.....? Advice, Don't quit your day job. Then again you should fit right in doing standup on COMEDY CENTRAL. (;P)

Ok, now to answer the prof thing. This is difficult because I'll have to go back through all my post on the search page a pull-up not only my posts/replies and there are some post/replies from others here whose ideas they've decribed going way back as far as 2000 and I don't remember those people's name but I do remember their ideas. But here's a few quickies WE brought up years ago and as the game getting closer and closer to finish, these things have been put in. Not all these ideas are mine but I do remember reading some of these from others.........

1)UAC characters-This thread has been erased off my post archive, I wonder why?
2)Marine now has an ASSAULT RIFLE
3)Marine now also has a stanima bar
4)Game has reload anime for weapons
5)Marine uses handgrenades
6)ambient sounds/music
these are just off the top of my head and if I dig further I know they'll be others........

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