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US policestate

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Has anyone seen 9/11: The road to tyranny? It is a film quite similar to Farenheit 9/11 I've heard. I've just seen it and I'm quite impressed. Alex Jones, the narrator, is possibly even more annoying than Michael Moore, but that doesn't take away that this movie comes across as a warning for what might come. Not all the evidence presented in this film is striking, some of it is nothing but suggestive, but it does leave you with some questions.

9/11: The road to tyranny explores the way the US police is turning into a military system, Bush's Taliban ties, terrorism cover ups, liberties being taken away, facts being swept under the rug and government control. Or, is it all just a bunch of anti-American BS made by another American like mr. Moore? I'll let you judge.

After seeing this film, what do you think of the way the US is heading?

PS: The film I've linked to has no copyright. Alex Jones wants everyone to see it.

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I know of this film that you are talking about and I have seen it before. I think that it is a bunch of BS. It is just a couple of liberals who got their hand on some goverment infomation, not all of it just a little bit and then they go out and make spectulations on goverment cover ups. Know im not going as far to say that George Bush is a good president, because I don't think that he is but to say that the US, the greatest country in the world would have links to terrorism is just plain stupid. See people just want to have something to critize. People always complain out how things could get better, but what they never think of is what would happen if things get worse or that things could get worse. People just don't understand what it takes to run a country like this one. If you ask me if there is "cover ups" or money given out to groups that the "country" wouldn't approve of I would say yes that does happen but I'm confindent that it is done for a reason of national sercurity.

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Goliath said:

Know im not going as far to say that George Bush is a good president, because I don't think that he is but to say that the US, the greatest country in the world would have links to terrorism is just plain stupid. See people just want to have something to critize. People always complain out how things could get better, but what they never think of is what would happen if things get worse or that things could get worse. People just don't understand what it takes to run a country like this one. If you ask me if there is "cover ups" or money given out to groups that the "country" wouldn't approve of I would say yes that does happen but I'm confindent that it is done for a reason of national sercurity.

In the past, America has supplied Iraq with weapons and Bin Laden and his followers military training, amongst other things, so it wouldn't surprise me if America had links to terrorist organisations. And we all know who the biggest terrorist is anyway *points at Bush*

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zarkyb said:

In the past, America has supplied Iraq with weapons and Bin Laden and his followers military training, amongst other things, so it wouldn't surprise me if America had links to terrorist organisations. And we all know who the biggest terrorist is anyway *points at Bush*

Right, we gave money to Castro and hell we are giving money to Pakistan. But the only reason we gave money to those people is to fight the Soviet Union, and communism which at the time we all thought that communism was very real threat to the US and its allies.

And yes we are the best country in the world Mr. Canada. Well take your country any day of the week, like those mounties are really going to stop us. :)

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Goliath said:

And yes we are the best country in the world Mr. Canada. Well take your country any day of the week, like those mounties are really going to stop us. :)

Indeed? Funny, but it seems you have a small problem with a certain Middle-Eastern country called ...what was it now...Iraq?

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Goliath said:

Right, we gave money to Castro and hell we are giving money to Pakistan. But the only reason we gave money to those people is to fight the Soviet Union, and communism which at the time we all thought that communism was very real threat to the US and its allies.

Who's going to be America's "enemy" tomorrow? :P

Goliath said:

And yes we are the best country in the world Mr. Canada. Well take your country any day of the week, like those mounties are really going to stop us. :)

First off, you mean miss Canada. Secondly, you know it isn't all about wars right? Just because you have a big army and hi-tech weapons doesn't make you any better of a country. In fact, I'd hate to live there... I'm not a fan of the American lifestyle. You're one of those people who think that just because you have a bigger intercontinental penis than most, it makes you a better country. I can't wait to see your face when you realise wars and violence don't solve everything.

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Goliath said:

And yes we are the best country in the world Mr. Canada. Well take your country any day of the week, like those mounties are really going to stop us. :)

I never said Canada was the best country in the world either. I can say we tend to have a more peaceful happy go lucky attitude though. Of course there are exceptions... like Doom Anomaly. What a happy american.

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zarkyb said:

Who's going to be America's "enemy" tomorrow? :P

First off, you mean miss Canada. Secondly, you know it isn't all about wars right? Just because you have a big army and hi-tech weapons doesn't make you any better of a country. In fact, I'd hate to live there... I'm not a fan of the American lifestyle. You're one of those people who think that just because you have a bigger intercontinental penis than most, it makes you a better country. I can't wait to see your face when you realise wars and violence don't solve everything.

No but the fact that we have the most we developed ecomony that is unrivaled by any country. The fact that yes we are the strongest military power house in the world and the only reason that you (Canada) and every other country that enjoys modern freedom is because of us. Sure we have our problems but so do you. (Canada has the highest crime rate of almost all the modern counties.) Also every dollar used through out the world is based or supported by the US dollar. Sorry to tell you this so bluntly but without the US playing bad guy you wouldn't even exist. We would all be speaking German or some crazy commy talk.

P.S. do you know that we are a world power by obligation. Why do you think that the US troops make up 80% of the UN peace keeping force. Humm because we are the only country with the balls to step up and us their power in the right way.

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Disorder said:

So did anyone just see that film mentioned in my post?

Yes, I can say I have actually watched it twice now.

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Goliath said:

I know of this film that you are talking about and I have seen it before.

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The united states sucks monkey dung and can kiss my balls. First chance I get I/m outta here.

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Goliath said:

No but the fact that we have the most we developed ecomony that is unrivaled by any country. The fact that yes we are the strongest military power house in the world and the only reason that you (Canada) and every other country that enjoys modern freedom is because of us. Sure we have our problems but so do you. (Canada has the highest crime rate of almost all the modern counties.) Also every dollar used through out the world is based or supported by the US dollar. Sorry to tell you this so bluntly but without the US playing bad guy you wouldn't even exist. We would all be speaking German or some crazy commy talk.

P.S. do you know that we are a world power by obligation. Why do you think that the US troops make up 80% of the UN peace keeping force. Humm because we are the only country with the balls to step up and us their power in the right way.

I'd reply right away, but I have to get some fresh air first to avoid suffocation.

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Melfice said:

The united states sucks monkey dung and can kiss my balls. First chance I get I/m outta here.

where are you going to go? There is a reason why we are the strongest country in the world.. uh.... because we are the best.

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Goliath said:

(Canada has the highest crime rate of almost all the modern counties.)



AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha....

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oh yeah...

but to say that the US, the greatest country in the world would have links to terrorism is just plain stupid.

Do you choose not to look at history?

Goliath said:

Canada has the highest crime rate of almost all the modern counties.

care to back that up?

Sorry to tell you this so bluntly but without the US playing bad guy you wouldn't even exist. We would all be speaking German or some crazy commy talk.

Now THAT isn't a bit racist...But you're right, I forgot that the US single handedly defeated hitler, nazi germany, fascist italy and imperial japan...those other nations weren't involved

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Quast said:

oh yeah...

Do you choose not to look at history?

care to back that up?

Now THAT isn't a bit racist...But you're right, I forgot that the US single handedly defeated hitler, nazi germany, fascist italy and imperial japan...those other nations weren't involved

I do look at histoy, and first of all are you trying to tell me that "those other countries" could have won the war without the US war machine. Cause if your saying that hold on and I will go and join Fredric in LMAO.

Okay I worded that wrong, I ment per person Canda has the highest crime rate. Ofcourse US has more it has a hell of alot more people. But i will get the ratios posted another time. If you ask me if there is "cover ups" or money given out to groups that the "country" wouldn't approve of I would say yes that does happen but I'm confindent that it is done for a reason of national sercurity. Or back in "HISTORY" it was done to combat the communist goverments around the world. Are you saying that we shouldn't have done that.

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Goliath said:

Cause if your saying that hold on and I will go and join Fredric in LMAO.

Laugh at yourself?

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Goliath said:

I do look at histoy, and first of all are you trying to tell me that "those other countries" could have won the war without the US war machine. Cause if your saying that hold on and I will go and join Fredric in LMAO.

No one could say. The US joined late in the war when germany was effectivly wasted. Quite frankly i'm positive the soviets could've pulled it off with ease. If that would've happened the soviets might had controlled all of europe. The problem I have is people thinking (or at least implying) that WWII was the US vs. germany and japan

Okay I worded that wrong, I ment per person Canda has the highest crime rate. Ofcourse US has more it has a hell of alot more people. But i will get the ratios posted another time.

back this up with actual statistics plz

Or back in "HISTORY" it was done to combat the communist goverments around the world. Are you saying that we shouldn't have done that.


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Okay you don't really no what you are talking about so Let me tell you. Great Britan was 4 weeks from falling to the Germans. The Soviets Would not have one the war with out us. Bottom line the three main allies were all needed to win the war. And even though we weren't in the war for the first three years the lend lease act was giving up to 50 ships a month to the Allies. Not only that but our planes and food and other hardware like guns, trucks, and builing suppiles were all given to allies. The only reason we even beat the Germans is because the US and Soviets split their forces on two fronts. The germans had better tanks and planes than both of us. The only reason we beat them is because of mass production on our part and 60 million troops on the soviet part. (3 out of every 5 dead people in WWII was a soviet troop). And on the Asian front we had almost no help. Sure we had Australia helping us but.... it was really us who died and fought.

Or back in "HISTORY" it was done to combat the communist goverments around the world. Are you saying that we shouldn't have done that.


back that up with more than just a yes, would you like to live as a communist.

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Goliath said:

Bottom line the three main allies were all needed to win the war. And even though we weren't in the war for the first three years the lend lease act was giving up to 50 ships a month to the Allies.

I won't argue about that. Like I said though, No one can really say...its all hindsight

back that up with more than just a yes

I saw the communist remark before you edited it out :)

The most glaring examples would be the us monetary/weapons/trianing support of bin laden during the soviet/afghan war...or iraqi support during the iraq/iran war. Do you think it's ok to give handouts and have that end up stabbing you in the back at some point?

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Disorder said:

So did anyone just see that film mentioned in my post?

I saw the first ten minutes and stopped it after the narrator told that "they" needed a bigger war than WWI because "they" (the UN?) wanted to put a New World Order in place, so they started WWII.

What a load of BS. But from a socio-economic-filosofy standpoint it is kinda interesting to see these kind of films. It shows:

1. Uneducated people get more paranoid than educated.
2. Bad film makers use this US/Paranoia thing to get famous.

I based all these facts on official sources.

The author of this post listend to: Sugarcubes - Birthday while typing.

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Goliath said:

And even though we weren't in the war for the first three years the lend lease act was giving up to 50 ships a month to the Allies. Not only that but our planes and food and other hardware like guns, trucks, and builing suppiles were all given to allies.

You, Sir, are a buffoon. GIVEN? The UK only finished paying the exhorbitant price the U.S. charged them around a year ago.

The total British War expenditure in U.S.A. has been estimated at £2,400,000, 000 ($4,320,000,000). Britain borrowed approximately £1,000,000,000 ($1,800,000,000) from America, which was spent in America, and the materials purchased were passed on to the Allies. Britain could have borne her own War expenditure, this debt to America was incurred on behalf of the Allies.

At the end of the War, it has been estimated that Britain was owed by other European Nations, £3,400,000,000 ($6,120,000,000). £588,000,000 was owed by Russia and it had to be written off as a bad debt. These figures do not include any reparations from Germany.

It was not in a spirit of pure philanthropy, but because she considered it a sane constructive policy towards world trade revival, that Britain agreed to cancel all her War Debts, except the amount she herself had to pay to U.S.A. When she gave this undertaking she sacrificed £1,000,000,000.

Britain has received from her debtors only half the amount which she has paid to U.S.A., the other half has been met by British Taxpayers and amounts to £134,000,000 and when interest is taken into account, the sum reaches £200,000,000.

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fodders said:

You, Sir, are a buffoon. GIVEN? The UK only finished paying the exhorbitant price the U.S. charged them around a year ago.

The total British War expenditure in U.S.A. has been estimated at £2,400,000, 000 ($4,320,000,000). Britain borrowed approximately £1,000,000,000 ($1,800,000,000) from America, which was spent in America, and the materials purchased were passed on to the Allies. Britain could have borne her own War expenditure, this debt to America was incurred on behalf of the Allies.

At the end of the War, it has been estimated that Britain was owed by other European Nations, £3,400,000,000 ($6,120,000,000). £588,000,000 was owed by Russia and it had to be written off as a bad debt. These figures do not include any reparations from Germany.

It was not in a spirit of pure philanthropy, but because she considered it a sane constructive policy towards world trade revival, that Britain agreed to cancel all her War Debts, except the amount she herself had to pay to U.S.A. When she gave this undertaking she sacrificed £1,000,000,000.

Britain has received from her debtors only half the amount which she has paid to U.S.A., the other half has been met by British Taxpayers and amounts to £134,000,000 and when interest is taken into account, the sum reaches £200,000,000.

You still aren't telling me why im a buffoon, you just seem to be telling me the financial aspect of war. You aren't proving me wrong or being very clear on your point. So please revise you statements.

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Zoost said:

I saw the first ten minutes and stopped it after the narrator told that "they" needed a bigger war than WWI because "they" (the UN?) wanted to put a New World Order in place, so they started WWII.

What a load of BS. But from a socio-economic-filosofy standpoint it is kinda interesting to see these kind of films. It shows:

1. Uneducated people get more paranoid than educated.
2. Bad film makers use this US/Paranoia thing to get famous.

I based all these facts on official sources.

The author of this post listend to: Sugarcubes - Birthday while typing.

Now you have the right idea. I think im in love.

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