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Ashun Ashun Ashun Ashun Doom!

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Incredible. I love this wad. Wad of the year! /me continues playing

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I never thought I'd see so much Action ever in my life. Bravo, Scuba!

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I've been contracted to develop the sequel. Get ready for a major ReAction in coming weeks!

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Linguica said:


It rocks! From reading the textfile I was looking forward to it especially after seeing the other "moving vehicles". It rules!

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wtf doom racer is sweet woh awesome

Ok played up to first boss but couldn't beat it so I turned on iddqd and played through the rest. Really fun! Great wad!

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Just played action doom. Really fun and creative, but VERY hard. The new sprites are beautiful adn the levels are very fun.

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The only thing missing is an over-enthusiastic voice telling you what item you picked up. "HEAVY MACHINE GUN!"

Other than that, awesome, AND stupidly hard (Is it even POSSIBLE to destroy that tank?)

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Wow, I must be the only one who thought it was pretty easy, lol.

Still, I enjoyed it for the most part. I didn't like going through 70%-80% of the game with a pistol, and I personally didn't think it was that action packed (call me crazy), but it was fun. The archetecture in the 3nd part of the 2nd level was really nice!

Three things I noticed, though. I found two slime trails, an impassable area (needed idclip once), and the first level tank can be killed by standing still in a certain area. It's a cheap, easy way to kill it. I won't describe how or where, though.

But yeah, good, enjoyable wad.

Favorite part is still the tentacle hentai pic on the wall of the 1st level, though...

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Scuba Steve said:

What are Slime trails?


It's basically a rendering bug which appears only under certain circumstances and are often only viewable from one angle. It's rare to see them these days. Rendering advances in ports and better node builders have all but elimated them. Lee explained to me what causes them but I don't remember the specifics.

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scuba steve, i am going to give you my firstborn son. i haven't had this much fun with doom since darkening episode 2.

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I ony intended to look at Action Doom for a few minutes...that was about three hours ago after I downloaded all 14 megs with a 56k connection. All I can say is that it's damn addictive and very professionally done - it does everything Scuba Steve & co set out to do. I also wanted to add that, aesthetically, I really liked the interpretation of Hell in AD.

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Huzzar! I wish more doom projects were like this. Look at all that artwork just waiting for me to steal admire!

though it sure dose choke on my PC.

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Too much action, I keep dying heh.

I have a real issue with those sudden melees

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